View Full Version : If Racists Made Movies . . .
07-15-2004, 02:18 AM
fadethebutcher: lol
fadethebutcher: imagine if people like me made movies lol
chicksdigbundy: that would be great
fadethebutcher: and all the values of the major movies
fadethebutcher: were reversed
fadethebutcher: the heroic struggle of the Nazis against Jewry
fadethebutcher: LOL we could make a movie about 'The Holocaust' like JFK
fadethebutcher: where it is all one big lie
chicksdigbundy: lol
fadethebutcher: we could make a movie about how backward people were in the past
fadethebutcher: when they beleived in things like antiracism
07-15-2004, 02:21 AM
Lol, you could make a movie about heroic SS concentrationcampguards, and hire Steven Spielberg to bring the crew their coffee, and Adam Sandler to clean out the lavatories. I'd go see such a film.
07-15-2004, 02:21 AM
It needs to be when rather than if. The motion picture is an incredibly powerful medium, one which has proven priceless for the Jews. We desperately need an Aryan counterpart to Hollywood.
07-15-2004, 02:21 AM
chicksdigbundy: someone needs to be crucified again
chicksdigbundy: lol
chicksdigbundy: its been too long since jewsus supposedly walked and talked
fadethebutcher: hitler could take the place of jesus
fadethebutcher: and heroically give his own life
fadethebutcher: fighting the jews
chicksdigbundy: you should write an allegorical novel
fadethebutcher: we can show how the jews slaughter the palestinians
chicksdigbundy: with that in mind
fadethebutcher: and how hypocritical they are
fadethebutcher: how their 'morality' is just one big lie, a poison they don't ingest themselves
07-15-2004, 02:24 AM
chicksdigbundy: speaking of poison, someone should poison a kosher food factory
chicksdigbundy: lol
fadethebutcher: lol oh yeah
fadethebutcher: we could do a documentary about that
fadethebutcher: about the kosher tax
fadethebutcher: sort of like Michael Moore's new movie
07-15-2004, 02:25 AM
fadethebutcher: how their 'morality' is just one big lie, a poison they don't ingest themselves
Some Jews still refrain from ingesting it, but many do partake. That's why sectors of the Jewish community are in terminal decline. One is reminded of the drug peddler who samples his own wares and ends up just as addicted, dependent, and eventually desolate as the crackhead bums that he once looked down upon and exploited.
07-15-2004, 02:25 AM
chicksdigbundy: have you seen that?
fadethebutcher: no
fadethebutcher: lol or take the Jewtrix for instance
fadethebutcher: all the badguys in the Jewtrix are white males
fadethebutcher: all the good guys are mongrels, nonwhites, and Jews
fadethebutcher: and they live in Zion
fadethebutcher: which the white gentiles are trying to destroy
fadethebutcher: in my movies, the bad guys would always be Jews
chicksdigbundy: most obvious movie ever, and still the majority of people didnt catch on
07-15-2004, 02:32 AM
chicksdigbundy: "Zion" --hello!!
chicksdigbundy: lol
chicksdigbundy: and yes,villains in movies should wear something resembling a yamakha
fadethebutcher: lol
chicksdigbundy: and have hooked noses
fadethebutcher: yes
chicksdigbundy: a slightly modified star of david their symbol
fadethebutcher: the documentary could have them on the one hand opposing racism in the 'civil rights movement' and on the other hand demanding that we give money to israel for it can enforce segregation
fadethebutcher: i would make a movie about how 'racism' was invented
chicksdigbundy: it doesnt require a lot to make a documentary really
chicksdigbundy: hell, look at michael moore
chicksdigbundy: lol
chicksdigbundy: all you really need is a video camera, people to interview, video clips, etc
fadethebutcher: yeah
chicksdigbundy: you could make one
chicksdigbundy: then go to jail
fadethebutcher: LOL i have an idea
chicksdigbundy: ?
fadethebutcher: we could go to one of the holocaust museums
fadethebutcher: with a camera
fadethebutcher: and ask for the names of the six million jews who died in the holocaust
chicksdigbundy: LMAO
chicksdigbundy: we would have to be straight faced
fadethebutcher: lol we could say
fadethebutcher: yeah
chicksdigbundy: pretend we are serious
fadethebutcher: we came here to see what happened in Rwanda
fadethebutcher: and then they would say
fadethebutcher: that the Holocaust didn't happen to Negroes
fadethebutcher: and we could ask them why
chicksdigbundy: and then accuse them "its because they're BLACK, isnt it?! BLACK!!!"
fadethebutcher: brb going to get some more wine
fadethebutcher: what else
fadethebutcher: hmm
fadethebutcher: no wait
fadethebutcher: i got it
fadethebutcher: lol we could make a documentary
fadethebutcher: about racial equality
fadethebutcher: for example
fadethebutcher: we could go to a white neighbourhood and interview typical white people
fadethebutcher: then go to the ghetto or something
fadethebutcher: and film it
fadethebutcher: who you is
fadethebutcher: why you wuz
fadethebutcher: lol
chicksdigbundy: we could go to an indian rez on welfare day
fadethebutcher: lol
chicksdigbundy: film it devoid of people
chicksdigbundy: go to the bar
fadethebutcher: and they would have trash in all their yards
chicksdigbundy: bingo chips
chicksdigbundy: empty 40s of malt liquor
fadethebutcher: i could ask them like Bateman
fadethebutcher: you drinking?
fadethebutcher: you reek of ****!
07-15-2004, 02:40 AM
We must produce our own motion pictures, sitcoms, and advertisements. Only an "Aryan Hollywood" will give us the power to deconstruct the Jewish discourse and replace it with one of our own design. It will allow us to rewrite the rules and adjust the odds of the game so that we can win. We need to develop an Aryan subculture that will eventually blossom into the new popular culture for America (and by extension the West). We need to borrow the Jewish tactic of "shock value" and appropriate it for our own purposes. We need to seize upon the Jewish value system and dissect it, ridicule it, in an entertaining manner. We must make it cool to be White. We must make it hip to hate Jews. :D
07-15-2004, 02:42 AM
fadethebutcher: lol
fadethebutcher: i got it
fadethebutcher: wait
fadethebutcher: i can do this!
fadethebutcher: once I kidnap you
fadethebutcher: and bring you back here
chicksdigbundy: haha
fadethebutcher: we can go to the Southern Poverty Law Center
fadethebutcher: and tell them
fadethebutcher: we came here to discover what is so bad about hate
fadethebutcher: or better yet
fadethebutcher: we could interview them about racial equality
fadethebutcher: and ask them to show us the proof lol
07-15-2004, 02:46 AM
chicksdigbundy: hahahaha
chicksdigbundy: suckers wouldnt know where to start
fadethebutcher: better yet
fadethebutcher: i have the perfect idea
fadethebutcher: we can go to the West Side of Montgomery
fadethebutcher: and film all the poverty and ugliness
fadethebutcher: of the black part of town
fadethebutcher: then we can go to East Montgomery
fadethebutcher: and film all the suburban houses that whites live in
chicksdigbundy: hehehehe
fadethebutcher: lol
chicksdigbundy: i, robot =ghey
fadethebutcher: then we could go to the Southern Poverty Law Center
chicksdigbundy has unloaded the IMVironment.
fadethebutcher: and ask them to explain to us
fadethebutcher: where the equality is
chicksdigbundy: "the white man's hogging it all!"
fadethebutcher: lol yeah
fadethebutcher: we could film bums on the street selling newspapers
fadethebutcher: and ask them if 'the man' is hold them down
fadethebutcher: or better yet
fadethebutcher: we could knock on the doors of white people who live in the suburbs
fadethebutcher: and ask them if they are part of the New World Order, part of a conspiracy to hold blacks down
07-15-2004, 03:13 AM
fadethebutcher: the heroic struggle of the Nazis against Jewry
It would work as a newgrounds un pc web comedy, if anyone made something like that as a serious picture Im starting a betting pool on when a cap gets busted in the producer/directors ass?
The problem with an Aryan Hollywood is you have to sell movies( good luck finding a distributor), nazis are a very great selling theme( in fact I heard somewhere the most successful in the US) as the bad guys.
07-15-2004, 03:50 AM
It needs to be when rather than if. The motion picture is an incredibly powerful medium, one which has proven priceless for the Jews. We desperately need an Aryan counterpart to Hollywood.
I see in your profile, you say you are a cinematographer. Are you a member of IATSE?
07-15-2004, 04:51 AM
We can start out with something like 'Reality TV'. We could go around making documentaries with video cameras and uploading parts of it to the net in Window's Media Player files, for example. I might just actually do this.
07-15-2004, 04:58 AM
We can start out with something like 'Reality TV'.
Not my idea of high culture...
07-15-2004, 05:00 AM
One must first destroy before one can build.
07-15-2004, 06:36 PM
Are you a member of IATSE?
No, I'm not.
07-15-2004, 08:48 PM
If you want to do something that's sorta semi-legal, take episodes of COPS and do a "MST3K" thing with an audience at the bottom making comments about all the blacks, mexicans, and white trash the cops pull over.
Probably legally OK if you don't sell them for money.
08-20-2004, 01:01 PM
Those who want to see a documentary in the vein of some of the above suggestions might want to download The Eternal Jew, (the linked file is only small and of low quality).
Jud Suess is supposed to be another good film, though I have not watched it yet. Available here:
08-20-2004, 03:31 PM
Counter counter-culture movies (movies with themes I can't believe made it out of Hollywood intact):
Gangs of New York (anti-democracy, anti-Union, anti-immigration)
Gladiator (republican government; greatest line by a film politician: "For the people, senator. Not of them.")
A Bug's Life (anti-tax, monarchist)
Trouble In Mind (the U.S. in the near future: gangsterism; faux pro-government rallies; black markets, i.e., free markets, with barter rather than funny-money; urban decay; rampant unemployment)
I'll try to think of some more.
08-20-2004, 03:37 PM
What is interesting about the films Steam names is that half of them play in the past, one of them plays in the future and the fourth one I actually have no idea of because I never even heard of it. Still, his list shows that it is slightly easier to critisize the way of the world today if the cineast puts some distance between the present day world and his film. As if this is enough to somehow blind the censoring jew.
08-20-2004, 03:54 PM
Consistent with your thesis, A Bug's Life is a Disney/Pixar Studios film, a digital cartoon/fantasy.
It's a twist on the Aesop fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper. In the film, the grasshoppers exact tribute from the ants by force. In the climactic scene, the chief grasshopper lectures the ants that they were put on earth to serve grasshoppers. The rebellious ant-hero points out that every year the ants (like US citizens) produce enough to feed themselves and the grasshoppers (government).
It appears then, the ant continues, that it's not ants (citizens) who need grasshoppers (government) but grasshoppers that need ants. "So who's the weaker species?" asks the rebel ant.
A question too few of us bother to ask.
08-20-2004, 03:59 PM
How does the movie end? The grasshoppers die of hunger and cold, or does the film have a war?
08-20-2004, 04:04 PM
War. Hopper, the chief grasshopper thug, gets grabbed by a bird and fed to a nest of baby birds. :D
It is an excellent, hilarious film.
Another good Disney cartoon is The Emperor's New Groove, inspired by the story of Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel.
08-20-2004, 06:28 PM
Me and another comrade have been working on our own little reality show called "Surviving Uncle Iosif's Paradise". Basically you take a bunch of whiggers and other MTV social degenerates and place them in a recreation of a Soviet gulag in Siberia and they get to live the lives of prisoners. ROTFL!
Check out some episodes we've planned. :D
"Surviving uncle Iosifs paradise"
"Is a reailty show where the contestants is forced to live like prisoners in Iosif Stalins infamous Gulag camps.The contestants are normal young people from Western Europe and the US. You will se them fighting, starving, crying, getting tortured, die, getting exectued, everything! The winner will win 1 000 000 $ in cash and got to go to Moscow for a month!. The contestans are totally normal Westernes who don't know anything about the USSR, but they are soon about to! Stay tuned!"
"The guards in the camp have been given the full right to kill and torture, just to make this drama even more dramatic!"
"After Camillas sex act with James in the barrack numer 12, the whole group is yelled at by Commisar Voronov. He is not mercyfull. "This is not ****ing "Big Brother" or "Paradise Hotel" you stupid Westerners! You are in Gulag, our beloved leader generalissimus Iosif Stalin's camp for stupid and ignorant people like you to learn manners! So stop ****ing around you damn Western rabbits! Respect the USSR now." Then Camilla starts to scream att the Commisar. "You are a ****ing Soviet chauvinist pig you ****ing Voronov! You manly pig! People like you is destroying for the females! You Russian bastard!" The Commisar stared at her and walked away. The next day Camilla finds out that she is going to put barbed wire around the whole camp in the middle of the winter without any clothes."
"Commisar Voronov sat in his study and was toughtfull. "We got to get rid of these Feminists, they're creating uprisings. But WTF, they are Westerners. They'll remain stupid. The only thing I can do is to torture them. Then the Western TV-audience is going to have their little fun and I have mine!
The Speaker: It seems like the Commisar is living his part for real! Let's se what he does next in "Surviving uncle Iosif's paradise!"
The next day he rounded them all upp. "You ****ing Feminists! You retarded Westerners! Do as I say and I won't make you dig your own mass graves!" Then Johnny protested. Commisar Voronov screams at him: "You little ****! You don't want to work, haa? Well why the **** did you want to go here anyway?! You Westerners are SO stupid! All you trendy little pathetic ****s, you searched to get into the "Surviving uncle Iosif's paradise", why? To get famous and to get money? That is all you damn people think about! You stand there in your trendy ****ty clothes and think your'e so good. Well, that doesn't help you does it? You think your are all better than me, the Commisar. You hate this place, that's because your are all ****ing Westerners. We Russians are used to this and don't protest like you little wossies.
But listen up, now you are here in nothern Siberia, and there's nothing you can do about it. As I said, this is not "Big Brother" or "Paradise holtel" or some crap like that. This is reality and serious. So start work!"
Mary Poppins
08-20-2004, 09:45 PM
I have tons of my grammatically-incorrect IM conversations with Joe and a couple of others saved, if anyone's interested. :)
Edit: Perun, that is the best idea...ever. I apologize for being so ineloquent today! Anyway, one of the contestants should be a brainwashed moron who's always quoting the Book of Mormon, and the rest should be typical 50 Cent-listening, baggy pants and/ or too tight tacky clothes-wearing 'young adults'.
08-21-2004, 09:38 AM
Even better than regular wiggers and white kids would be to put trendy suburban pseudo-Commie Che-shirt Rage Against the Machine fan types in a gulag. :222
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