View Full Version : Classification request for cosmo and other Nordicists

01-16-2005, 06:48 PM
@ cosmo: On TNP, Stormfront and Skadi you have repeatedly pointed to such features as dark eyes, curly hair, full lips, prognathy, epicanthic folds, and low-rooted broad noses as signs of definite non-white ancestry, particularly in people on the infamous 'Stormfront Pictures Page.'

I want to ask whether or not you consider the following people to be white (which to you means only Nordish) or mixed based on your own racial theories.



http://img142.exs.cx/img142/4312/65879968wb.jpg & http://img142.exs.cx/img142/5137/58495433gd.jpg
[same girl]

http://img70.exs.cx/img70/893/22061228tv.jpg & http://img70.exs.cx/img70/6355/21748884pm.jpg
[same guy]


Other Nordicists please weigh in with your verdicts as well, I'm curious to know.

01-16-2005, 09:22 PM
They all look mixed with Mongoloid to me.

01-17-2005, 01:00 AM
I've seen Russians who look like that

Or possibly Finnish

01-17-2005, 05:23 AM
Or people who suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...

01-17-2005, 09:05 AM
They all look mixed with Mongoloid to me.

That's what they said about me :eek:

01-17-2005, 09:50 PM
I'm not a nordicist, but I think I can guess their opinion on this question

If these folks are Russian, they're non-white

If they're Finns, they're white

For borderline cases like this, politics and history are the deciding factors

01-19-2005, 05:58 PM
I'm not a nordicist, but I think I can guess their opinion on this question

If these folks are Russian, they're non-white

If they're Finns, they're white

For borderline cases like this, politics and history are the deciding factors

Nordicists are generally more exacting than that; they like to break out the calipers in borderline cases- though I'd say that virtually every nordicist would consider them to be racially mixed, thus probably "non white", despite their obvious depigmentation.

To resurrect the old MX Rienzi term, they're "distals"...

01-20-2005, 10:27 AM
I think the guy has Lappish admixture, so he's probably from Scandinavia. Not wholly Europid.

01-20-2005, 10:34 AM
Look white to me, then again, I'm not a nordicist.

01-20-2005, 10:36 AM
Look white to me, then again, I'm not a nordicist.

The third one is also 'White' by your standards? The eyes seem 'off' to me.

01-20-2005, 10:43 AM
A bit off yes, but I say she probably has like 10 to 15 % of asiatic blood, no more. The first ones are clean though. Either way, I don't consider people with fairly low percentages of mud blood to be real mongrels. If she had kids with a 100% white man, you wouldn't notice the asiatic blood, or only barely.

01-20-2005, 06:17 PM
They are from Finland. Probably Uralic (non-Mongoloid).

01-20-2005, 09:19 PM
Pictures that I have seen of these so called nordicists are very questionable about their own purity, they look nothing like the image they want to portray of themselves and they take it upon themselves as to who is white or not and their opinions are not valid because it is their opinions not science and is based on their own inherited ignorance and they follow an analogy that was contrived by ignorant men.

01-20-2005, 09:24 PM
Pictures that I have seen of these so called nordicists are very questionable about their own purity, they look nothing like the image they want to portray of themselves and they take it upon themselves as to who is white or not and their opinions are not valid because it is their opinions not science and is based on their own inherited ignorance and they follow an analogy that was contrived by ignorant men.
You really should have paid more attention during the grammar classes. That post should have been in at least 2 and even better, 3 sentences instead of just 1. Not saying I disagree with the contents of it though.

01-20-2005, 09:37 PM
You really should have paid more attention during the grammar classes. That post should have been in at least 2 and even better, 3 sentences instead of just 1. Not saying I disagree with the contents of it though.

Yes your right! I rushed through it, and did not put my commas and periods.

Oh well! as long as you got the message. :)

01-20-2005, 09:46 PM
BTW! who the hell in high authority gave cosomo and the rest of the mentally ill nordicist, the authority to certify in this world as to who is white or not? with rules and regulations that they decided were the qualifications to be so. :rolleyes:

01-20-2005, 10:03 PM
Pictures that I have seen of these so called nordicists are very questionable about their own purity, they look nothing like the image they want to portray of themselves and they take it upon themselves as to who is white or not and their opinions are not valid because it is their opinions not science and is based on their own inherited ignorance and they follow an analogy that was contrived by ignorant men.

Nordicists have their own reasons for being nordicist, and not necessarily because they claim to be nordic; whoever said that beliefs which regard a certain segment of humanity as "superior" has to be a total exercise in egoism?

01-20-2005, 10:06 PM
BTW! who the hell in high authority gave cosomo and the rest of the mentally ill nordicist, the authority to certify in this world as to who is white or not? with rules and regulations that they decided were the qualifications to be so. :rolleyes:

Who gives anyone, for that matter, the right to decide who is/is not white? They're just following an idea which has come, and essentially, gone.

White is an essentially subjective and local term.

01-20-2005, 11:16 PM
BTW! who the hell in high authority gave cosomo and the rest of the mentally ill nordicist, the authority to certify in this world as to who is white or not? with rules and regulations that they decided were the qualifications to be so. :rolleyes:

You bitch more than a woman.

01-20-2005, 11:57 PM
You bitch more than a woman.

The truth is not bitching, it's only bitching when you can't accept the truth, I think you guys should come down out of the clouds because no one is listening to your rantings except the mentally impaired.

01-21-2005, 12:08 AM
Who gives anyone, for that matter, the right to decide who is/is not white? They're just following an idea which has come, and essentially, gone.

White is an essentially subjective and local term.

They must hang on to their fantasys, because they can't excel in the real world, so they live in their make believe world.
So every day they look in the mirror and say"mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all" you know they do what snow white did.
Then they hear an imaginary voice from the mirror say! you my beautiful nordicist and only you, are the fairest of them all.
Then they put their hat and coat on, go out thinking that they look like mister clean. :222

01-21-2005, 12:18 AM
http://img142.exs.cx/img142/6273/29459609ut.jpg <--Mulatto

http://img70.exs.cx/img70/893/22061228tv.jpg <--Eurasian

http://img70.exs.cx/img70/1559/64908563yx.jpg <--Injun

Case closed.

01-21-2005, 07:10 AM
The truth is not bitching, it's only bitching when you can't accept the truth, I think you guys should come down out of the clouds because no one is listening to your rantings except the mentally impaired.

No one cares what you think. Deal with it. :222

01-21-2005, 03:58 PM
No one cares what you think. Deal with it. :222

No one really cares what a bunch of retarded nordicist think either, the only reason I address you retards is because your all so pathetic, and are a disgrace to the rest of the white people and prove that not all white people are superior over other races.

Your nordicist cult are doing the work for the jews, and the jews just love you degenerate "white" misfits.
You should all join the JDL, they would love to have you as members.
:jew: = nordicisim a cult financed with jew money. :eek:

01-21-2005, 05:12 PM
Quit it

01-21-2005, 08:27 PM
:jew: = nordicisim a cult financed with jew money. :eek:

Back this up with verifiable facts, or drop it. It's getting ridiculous.

01-21-2005, 09:13 PM
Back this up with verifiable facts, or drop it. It's getting ridiculous.

Their idelogy is the same as as zionisim, to divide the white race, to put one group of whites against the other, they beleive like jews, they act like jews, and as far as I'm concerned they are jews.
They very seldom criticize jews but always criticize Southern Europeans just like the jews, and their whole nordicisim is just unreal like somsbody just made it all up, they talk about nordic preservation, but most of them have all different phenotypes, a lot of them have med phenotypes, the blue eyed blond that they adore is only shared by a minority of the total Northern Euro. population, and even the so called blue eyed blonds prove nothing, because many of them have features that can be considerd non white.

01-21-2005, 09:17 PM
The ideology of Zionism is about Jews having a homeland in Palestine.

01-21-2005, 09:24 PM
The ideology of Zionism is about Jews having a homeland in Palestine.

Ideology of Zionism means that they have own country, that is true, but it also means that they think that they have right to control other nations, because they are "chosen people" ;) :mad:

01-21-2005, 09:27 PM
It looks like you are conflating Zionism with Orthodox Judaism or something.

01-21-2005, 09:34 PM
It looks like you are conflating Zionism with Orthodox Judaism or something.

Have you ever read Talmud? If you are not, you should ;)

Israel is zionist state, and there is apartheid. Atheist jew can move to israel more easily than me, although if I believe in Tora and Talmud. So, that is zionism nowadays, and you can call it also jewish supremacy

01-21-2005, 09:38 PM
I don't have any problem with Jews having a Jewish state as long as they don't have any problem with non-Jewish nationalism.

01-21-2005, 09:59 PM
I don't have any problem with Jews having a Jewish state as long as they don't have any problem with non-Jewish nationalism.

They have!

Why they did not tolerated Nationalist leader in Iraq ;)

In every Western country jews try to destroy all Nationalism :mad:

BTW: And that country not belongs to jews, it belongs to only Palestinians :)

01-21-2005, 11:57 PM
I strongly disagree with Nemo's assertion that nordicism is "Jewish", that's ridiculous. I used to have very strong nordicist leanings myself; that was, until I actually opened my mind a bit and did some investigating.

BTW I also disagree with JAT's classification of "mulatto" for the first specimen.

01-22-2005, 02:28 AM
I strongly disagree with Nemo's assertion that nordicism is "Jewish", that's ridiculous. I used to have very strong nordicist leanings myself; that was, until I actually opened my mind a bit and did some investigating.

BTW I also disagree with JAT's classification of "mulatto" for the first specimen.

When I say it is jewish engineered, I am refering to the leaders of the movement who spread this analogy, the indiduals who follow that agenda, are just caught up in the rhetoric, and they see no jewish connection.

01-22-2005, 02:53 AM
BTW I also disagree with JAT's classification of "mulatto" for the first specimen.
Look closely at her skull shape, her lips, and her nose. Her skull shape in particular reveals her to be a Nordic Negress.

01-22-2005, 03:49 AM
Look closely at her skull shape, her lips, and her nose. Her skull shape in particular reveals her to be a Nordic Negress.

I'd say that it's possible for her to have some negroid background; but not fifty percent subsaharan lineage. Perhaps one grandparent being, say, "african-american"? Probably less, if at all. It's pretty hard to tell from a single photograph.

She looks pretty prognathous, but that's not exclusively negroid, and her hair/eyebrows appear to be pretty fine and depigmented.

01-22-2005, 08:10 AM
By "Mulatto" I was inplying some Negroid admixture, but not 50%, just some amount enough to give her some ostensible Negroid. I'd say she's no more Negro than the typical Octaroon.

01-22-2005, 08:52 AM
Their idelogy is the same as as zionisim, to divide the white race, to put one group of whites against the other, they beleive like jews, they act like jews, and as far as I'm concerned they are jews.
They very seldom criticize jews but always criticize Southern Europeans just like the jews, and their whole nordicisim is just unreal like somsbody just made it all up, they talk about nordic preservation, but most of them have all different phenotypes, a lot of them have med phenotypes, the blue eyed blond that they adore is only shared by a minority of the total Northern Euro. population, and even the so called blue eyed blonds prove nothing, because many of them have features that can be considerd non white.

You whine like a Jew.

01-22-2005, 11:49 AM
Have you ever read Talmud? If you are not, you should ;)

Israel is zionist state, and there is apartheid. Atheist jew can move to israel more easily than me, although if I believe in Tora and Talmud. So, that is zionism nowadays, and you can call it also jewish supremacy
Would you have a problem with Apartheid in your own country?

01-22-2005, 03:27 PM
You whine like a Jew.

All the whining that goes on is from you so called nordicisits, doing the job for your jew masters, and if the shit ever hits the fan you wannabe "white" men will go down with your brothers the jew. :jew: your idol and masters

01-22-2005, 06:21 PM
Would you have a problem with Apartheid in your own country?

Israel is not jews OWN country ;)

bayerisches maedchen
01-22-2005, 07:24 PM
:jew: = nordicisim a cult financed with jew money. :eek:
Is it that time of the month again?

01-22-2005, 07:35 PM
Is it that time of the month again?

It's that time every day of the month, and every month of the year, and every year of the century, does that answer your question? :rolleyes:

bayerisches maedchen
01-22-2005, 11:38 PM
They have a pill for everything.

01-23-2005, 03:44 AM
lol nemo is bashing nordicists again! You love going to most racialist forum to make sure those nordicsits don't take over, right? Nemo, you're a freak like DiabloBlanco.

01-23-2005, 04:23 PM
lol nemo is bashing nordicists again! You love going to most racialist forum to make sure those nordicsits don't take over, right? Nemo, you're a freak like DiabloBlanco.

Worry about nordicists taking over LOL! those freak minded embeciles are just like a fly is, when it's on a horses ass annoying, are insecure individuals who live in their own world because they feel inferior to people in the real world.
They are losers who can't accomplish anything so they create thier own world where they make themselves something.
Most of them are a joke and don't even look the way they say nordish people look, and I have seen many pictures of their ugly mugs and most look very dubious to me.
According to their standards I am more nordish then them, fair skinned, blue eyed, light brown hair and most of these so called nordicists don't come close to my phenotype.
Thier analogy is out dated and a 150 years old that was started by a bunch of incompetent, alcholic men.
In the year 2005 thier are bigger problems in the world then their fantasy agenda.
They are the white trash of the white race and the butt of all the jokes the jews, negros make about white people.
They should all stay among themselves, and with the grace of God, self destruct.
I am for all white people, and I am not a Diablo who thinks everybody is white except negros, so don't put me in that class.
Nordicists follow the same agenda as the jews and attack other whites with a fantasy dream they live in.
Nordicists don't represent the white race, they represent the mentally ill of the white race and are jew boy tools, like the American Govt. don't represent Americans, but are zionist, Israelie tools.

01-23-2005, 07:26 PM
This thread has become pointless. Somone lock it pls.

01-30-2005, 04:36 PM


http://img142.exs.cx/img142/4312/65879968wb.jpg & http://img142.exs.cx/img142/5137/58495433gd.jpg
[same girl]

http://img70.exs.cx/img70/893/22061228tv.jpg & http://img70.exs.cx/img70/6355/21748884pm.jpg
[same guy]


The Face of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome