View Full Version : Footie Fascists

01-09-2005, 04:32 PM
More Football Antics (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4158591.stm)

01-09-2005, 07:12 PM
Lazio, best team in the Serie A. :D

01-11-2005, 06:53 AM
I don't get it. Isn't soccer a pinko commie queer sport?

01-11-2005, 11:16 AM
I don't get it. Isn't soccer a pink commie queer sport?
You wouldn't last 5 minutes either on the field or between the fans.

01-11-2005, 06:02 PM
You wouldn't last 5 minutes either on the field or between the fans.

You're right. I'd prolly fall asleep within the first minute. I really don't enjoy watching men in stockings frolicking across open fields. And what's the goalie's job? Keeping balls from getting in the hole? Yeah, real heterosexual sport yall got there. :rolleyes:

01-11-2005, 06:13 PM
Of course you can always put on full body armour like a pansy who's afraid to fall and get dirty, like you do in your American football. Heck, that'd be easy enough to follow, even with an American attentionrange, they pause the game every 30 seconds or so. ;)

01-11-2005, 06:59 PM
Of course you can always put on full body armour like a pansy who's afraid to fall and get dirty, like you do in your American football. Heck, that'd be easy enough to follow, even with an American attentionrange, they pause the game every 30 seconds or so. ;)

At least they hit each other. And don't gimme that crapola about rugby being tougher than football.
A. 90% of the time rugby players are jogging back and forth, not doing anything. Football players are knocking each other around every damn down.
B. When rugby produces guys this big and mean (see below), who can also run a 40 in under 5 seconds, then we'll talk...

Ray Nitschke

Gene "Big Daddy" Lipscomb
"I just wrap my arms around the whole backfield and peel 'em one by one until I get to the ball carrier. Him I keep."

Jack Lambert

Chris Spielman

Dick Butkus

01-11-2005, 07:08 PM
Not what I'm talking about, rugby. I'm talking about football (the real one, not what you guys have), a man's game where none of the players are armored pansies and where injuries are real (ever seen an open leg fracture in one of your games? Quite common here, has ended many a great carreer).

01-11-2005, 11:37 PM
Not what I'm talking about, rugby. I'm talking about football (the real one, not what you guys have), a man's game where none of the players are armored pansies and where injuries are real (ever seen an open leg fracture in one of your games? Quite common here, has ended many a great carreer).

Oooooooooo, open leg fractures!!! Wow that's incredible.

Fractures account for one quarter of all serious football injuries (i.e. injuries that require hospital care). Commonly fractured bones include the finger, wrist, and leg. Source (http://orthopedics.about.com/cs/sportsmedicine/a/football.htm)

Not to mention that it is not that uncommon for a football player to get paralyzed. Just google "football paralyzed". Most of the stories were about high school kids.

Soccer, still queer.

Dan Dare
01-12-2005, 12:49 AM
Oo-er football's dead butch. And the outfits are sooo cute.


01-12-2005, 06:59 AM
Oo-er football's dead butch. And the outfits are sooo cute.

Huh? Speak English dammit.

Yeah, she's a place kicker. Soccer, a Manly Man's sport:

01-12-2005, 07:22 AM

01-12-2005, 08:15 AM
Football at a decent level requires having great reflexes, excellent stamina, explosive speed and a technique unseen in most other sports. American football at any level requires armoring yourself like a pansy, some brute strength and little more.

01-12-2005, 09:18 AM
Football at a decent level requires having great reflexes, excellent stamina, explosive speed and a technique unseen in most other sports. American football at any level requires armoring yourself like a pansy, some brute strength and little more.I think both of them are stupid. Bring back town militias and have wargames every couple of months and this retarded sports enthusiasm will go away.

People would also be encouraged to keep themselves in shape rather then watching others who are.

01-12-2005, 11:05 AM
I think both of them are stupid. Bring back town militias and have wargames every couple of months and this retarded sports enthusiasm will go away.

People would also be encouraged to keep themselves in shape rather then watching others who are.
As a lazy slob I wholeheartedly disagree. :p

01-12-2005, 12:40 PM
In football the thugs, mostly, aren't on the pitch, but in the stands.

There are always exceptions, however ...


Vinne Jones introducing himself to Paul Gascoigne (Gazza): ouch. :|

01-12-2005, 06:48 PM
SOCCER at a decent level requires having great reflexes, excellent stamina, explosive speed and a technique unseen in most other sports.
So does this "sport":

Dan Dare
01-12-2005, 06:48 PM
Huh? Speak English dammit.

Yeah, she's a place kicker. Soccer, a Manly Man's sport:

It's an interesting social phenomenon that females in the United States appear to have a penchant for pastimes that are shunned by normally-adjusted females elsewhere.

There is even a female rugby league in the SF Bay area.

Any views on why this strange state of affairs might have arisen?

01-12-2005, 07:03 PM
Great Picture Hexen, hahaha!

I seriously doubt any of the Nazi/Skinhead/Soccer Hooligans, used to beating up little old ladies and smashing innocent storeowners' windows, would have the balls to take on football fans.

01-12-2005, 09:30 PM
This thread used to be about political affiliations of footballfans, until mr jay here decided a pissing contest would be better. He even sent me PMs about it. Sorry my good friend, but that won't do. Stick to the original topic please, or else open a new thread.

01-12-2005, 10:15 PM
I think both of them are stupid. Bring back town militias and have wargames every couple of months and this retarded sports enthusiasm will go away.

People would also be encouraged to keep themselves in shape rather then watching others who are.

Wargames would be people running around in the woods with paintball guns or lasers and vests that go "beep!" when you're hit. It would not require much in the way of athleticism.

01-12-2005, 10:30 PM
American football at any level requires armoring yourself like a pansy, some brute strength and little more.

The game evolved from rugby football with the introduction of downs. Originally there was little to no padding. Colleges where the game was played were concerned about the injuries so they introduced helmets and shoulder pads. Players found they could play with greater abandon w/o being hurt in a tackle or block and could hit other players harder. This led to a sort of arms race: players hit each other harder, equipment was reinforced for protection from these harder hits, and thus the sport evolved (or devolved) from a contact sport like rugby to a collision sport.

One aspect of this "arms race" was elbow and forearm pads. When I played HS football, linemen and linebackers all wore these pads. What developed was players whacking each other in the helmet or torso, causing concussions and internal injuries. So these pads were banned.

They should take the next logical step and ban all but a minimal level of padding so football could return to being a contact sport instead of a collision sport. The players would be more athletic and it would also cut down on the awful rate of injury.

01-13-2005, 12:47 AM
Isn't soccer a pinko commie queer sport?


True pinkos do not play sports, because they encourage a "winner" to feel superior to a "loser," which is inequitable to say the least.

Pinkos jog ;)

01-13-2005, 02:36 AM
They should take the next logical step and ban all but a minimal level of padding so football could return to being a contact sport instead of a collision sport. The players would be more athletic and it would also cut down on the awful rate of injury.

This is happening at the professional level, at least. Players shed padding to get faster, more agile and look better.

01-13-2005, 05:03 AM
So football as we know it evolved from a better sport( the one European sport I'd like to see catch on here rugby)... grrrrr.

01-13-2005, 08:13 AM
So football as we know it evolved from a better sport( the one European sport I'd like to see catch on here rugby)... grrrrr.
Rugby is a man's game, seems what the english do best is inventing cool sports. Now if I could just figure out cricket...

01-13-2005, 01:04 PM
So football as we know it evolved from a better sport( the one European sport I'd like to see catch on here rugby)... grrrrr.

The only problem w/ rugby is it wears you down so quick. It truly is a game for men ages 19 - 29. Even then, a lot of players get two separated shoulders and decide they've had enough. You can play fullback into your early 30's but it's a pretty boring position. There's less deep kicking in the game now and the better offensive strategy is to have a very fast fullback who can complement the other backs. I've seen a few effective hookers and scrum halfs in their early 30's.

Interestingly, there is more of a push for head padding and (very light) shoulder padding in rugby.

Golf is really the only game for a lifetime.

01-13-2005, 06:51 PM
Ive never been able to stand golf( minigolf is a diffrent matter)... I hate to agree with commies but the game almost seems like its designed to be a waste of everything. Land, money, time and effort...

01-13-2005, 07:03 PM
Golf is the dumbest 'sport' ever, even sillier than curling.

01-13-2005, 07:05 PM
the game almost seems like its designed to be a waste of everything. Land, money, time and effort...

That's because you don't believe in free markets. You believe in the Prussian anthill. All the central planners can decide what is a worthwhile expenditure of land, money, time and effort. Not surprisingly, you've chosen the author of social insurance schemes, Otto von Bismarck, as your handle.

It takes a lot of practice and lessons to get a good, repeating swing. Once you've developed that it really makes the game come alive for you.

01-13-2005, 07:09 PM
the game almost seems like its designed to be a waste of everything. Land, money, time and effort...

That's because you don't believe in free markets. You believe in the Prussian anthill. All the central planners can decide what is a worthwhile expenditure of land, money, time and effort. Not surprisingly, you've chosen the author of social insurance schemes, Otto von Bismarck, as your handle.

It takes a lot of practice and lessons to get a good, repeating swing. Once you've developed that it really makes the game come alive for you.
Oh I don't believe the guvmint should be banning golf... it just seems to me the most boring and at the same time the most decadent and wasteful of games. What I really don't get is watching golf...

Cool rich people waterski and tube off the back of the boats they own.

01-13-2005, 07:10 PM
Golf is the dumbest 'sport' ever, even sillier than curling.

Mentally and sensorally (if that's a word), it's a similar skill set to target shooting. Physically, it requires flexibility, hand-eye coordination, rhythm, balance, and timing.

Probably its greatest contribution is it teaches minorities how to act white.

01-13-2005, 07:15 PM
Oh I don't believe the guvmint should be banning golf... it just seems to me the most boring and at the same time the most decadent and wasteful of games. What I really don't get is watching golf...

Cool rich people waterski and tube off the back of the boats they own.

It's not wasteful. For the people willing to spend money on it, it meets their demand quite efficiently. Like I said, you don't really believe in or understand free markets.

Aesthetically, golf courses provide green space and animal habitat, and add value to abutting property.

Waterskiing and tubing are fun, but they are recreational activities, not sporting competition.

01-13-2005, 07:19 PM
It's not wasteful. For the people willing to spend money on it, it meets their demand quite efficiently. Like I said, you don't really believe in or understand free markets.

I understand that there is no such thing as intrinsic value if that is the point you are trying to make.

Aesthetically, golf courses provide green space and animal habitat, and add value to abutting property.

Yes, but I do think part of the appeal of golf( at least in the days where it was much more exclusively a game of the very rich alone) is its very wastefulness...

Waterskiing and tubing are fun, but they are recreational activities, not sporting competition.

You gotta be in better shape then you have to be in golf to do them well... ever tubed out of the back of a motorboat.

01-13-2005, 07:23 PM
This thread used to be about political affiliations of footballfans, until mr jay here decided a pissing contest would be better. He even sent me PMs about it. Sorry my good friend, but that won't do. Stick to the original topic please, or else open a new thread.

No I sent you a PM on how Jan Koller is gay and Ray Nitschke would pound him into the dirt. ;)

01-13-2005, 07:27 PM
Sure pal, stick to the topic and don't spam me with PMs.

01-13-2005, 07:27 PM
You have to be in better shape to lift beer kegs too. Tubing is a recreational activity, not a sporting competition.

Golf isn't wasteful. If the resources can be put to better use, market pressures will eventually force the change. They haven't for four centuries. If anything, the market for the game continues to increase.

01-13-2005, 07:29 PM
I've never gotten to play a full round of golf, but I am going to have to disagree. Along with bowling and beer league softball, golf is one of the few sports where you can drink and play at the same time. (See, Limeys might invent so-called "cool" games, but it takes Americans to incorporate beer)
Going to the driving range with a 12er is always fun and golf spawned the greatest arcade game of all time: "Golden Tee". Favorite game of barflys everywhere.
I'm looking forward to my first round this summer.
(On t.v., golf does suck. Unless you're watching John Daily and his $2 million RV)

Yeah Nappy, one PM is now considered "spamming"

01-14-2005, 10:16 AM

Of course I'm disappointed in Di Canio, but I attribute this to emotion getting the better of him, and the context that we are talking about fuckin' Lazio, the team of Mussolini.

I think positively of Di Canio in general, because he provided possibly the greatest example of sportsmanship I've ever seen, despite his reputation for being temperamental.

My memory is foggy, so ignore my inaccuracies....I believe he was playing with West Ham at home against Everton. West Ham needed points as they were facing relegation. But they were losing 1-0 and the game was only a minute or so from ending. The ball was bouncing towards the end line for a corner kick when the goalie decided to run full speed for the ball and kick it out for a throw in. A West Ham player also ran towards the ball to contest the netminder. Before the goalkeeper could get there, he pulled up, grabbing his hamstring and collapsing on the pitch in utter pain. You could actually hear his agonizing screams over the television mics. The West Ham player easily got to the ball and threw in a cross. Di Canio was there, alone, with an empty net, ready to tie the game up and help West Ham from being relegated. Instead of tapping in the easy ball, he actually grabbed the ball and walked towards the goalie, waving his finger in protest and signalling that it was unsporting to score on a team while the goalie was injured. While the West Ham supporters understood that their team stood to suffer greatly from the generous act, Di Canio received a standing ovation for his sportsmanship. The referee did not penalize him for a handball and, instead, acted as if he blew the whistle in favor of the injured player.

I've never seen anything like it before. Amazing sportsmanship.

01-14-2005, 11:13 AM
I remember that. It's called chivalry. And stop bashing Lazio, Lazio pwns Roma.

01-14-2005, 11:50 AM
Lazio got schooled by Cagliaria in Copa Italia... :222

I have no preference in Italian football, it's all exciting just the same. I suppose I lightly have a preferance for Roma and Inter, but I'm not a supporter of either.

I'm a fuckin' Liverpool fan, anyways. The only side that matters.


01-14-2005, 11:51 AM
Liverpool arewho I support in england. Can't stand the fucking cockney scum nor Man U.

01-14-2005, 11:58 AM
I must say "fuck Chelsea", and their short term buying spree will only get them one league trophy. I'm pretty confident in Benitez. I think the Spanish revolution will yield next year's league title and at least two more after that. I swear by it. He just needs a season to acclimate himself to England. :)

Von Apfelstrudel
01-14-2005, 04:41 PM
Lazio pwns Roma.

who doesn't nowadays ...

01-14-2005, 06:01 PM
who doesn't nowadays ...
hehe, true enough, damn worthless commie bastards