View Full Version : Bulgarians are not Slavic

The Psychonaut
01-01-2005, 09:41 AM
HLA polymorphism in Bulgarians defined by high-resolution typing methods in comparison with other populations.

Ivanova M, Rozemuller E, Tyufekchiev N, Michailova A, Tilanus M, Naumova E.

Central Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.

In the present study we analyzed for the first time HLA class I and class II polymorphisms defined by high-resolution typing methods in the Bulgarian population. Comparisons with other populations of common historical background were performed. Most HLA-A, -B, -DRB alleles and haplotypes observed in the Bulgarian population are also common in Europe. Alleles and haplotypes considered as Mediterranean are relatively frequent in the Bulgarian population. Observation of Oriental alleles confirms the contribution of Asians to the genetic diversity of Bulgarians. The use of high-resolution typing methods allowed to identify allele variants rare for Europeans that were correlated to specific population groups. Phylogenetic and correspondence analyses showed that Bulgarians are more closely related to Macedonians, Greeks, and Romanians than to other European populations and Middle Eastern people living near the Mediterranean. The HLA-A,-B,-DRB1 allele and haplotype diversity defined by high-resolution DNA methods confirm that the Bulgarian population is characterized by features of southern European anthropological type with some influence of additional ethnic groups. Implementation of high-resolution typing methods allows a significantly wider spectrum of HLA variation to be detected, including rare alleles and haplotypes, and further clarifies the origin of Bulgarians.


01-01-2005, 10:36 AM
Phylogenetic and correspondence analyses showed that Bulgarians are more closely related to Macedonians, Greeks, and Romanians than to other European populations and Middle Eastern people living near the Mediterranean

I thought it was said they were basically Turks...true or not?

01-01-2005, 12:52 PM
Bulgarians are from Hindukus and Pamir. They had also realm in Kazakhstan area called Balhara. 600's Khan Kubrat made realm to Volga and after him Khan Asparuh and part of Bulgarians came to Europe. Many Bulgarians still live in Volga.

01-01-2005, 10:28 PM
Its rather strange, they conquered some Slavic tribes in the 7th Century and rather than imposing their Turko-Bulgar language on the Slavs, they took Slavic speech.

They look (http://www.bhbulgaria.com/photos/demos/demos/main.htm) mostly like other South Balkan people to me.

01-01-2005, 10:44 PM
What Scythian says contradicts PSīposted info...How can they come from Hindukus and Pamir and at the same time be of the same stock than Greeks, Romanians or Macedonians? Weird

01-02-2005, 12:34 AM
What Scythian says contradicts PSīposted info...How can they come from Hindukus and Pamir and at the same time be of the same stock than Greeks, Romanians or Macedonians? Weird

Bulgarians are most Proto-Bulgarians which came Hindukus and Pamir, but those who moved to Mediterranean have also Thracic, Gothic and Celtic blood...Slavonic blood is minimal...

01-02-2005, 12:37 AM
Its rather strange, they conquered some Slavic tribes in the 7th Century and rather than imposing their Turko-Bulgar language on the Slavs, they took Slavic speech.

They look (http://www.bhbulgaria.com/photos/demos/demos/main.htm) mostly like other South Balkan people to me.

No doubt Bulgars are of mixed Slavic and Turkic ancestry. Almost nobody in the Balkans or Southeastern Europe is "pure" anything.

Since the Bulgars conquered the region in the 700's, that was well before the Turks adopted Islam. I'm not sure what their religion would have been at the time other than some primitive tribal animism, so it's natural that they would have gravitated towards the strongest organized religious influence in the region: Orthodox Christianity. No doubt their adopting a Slavic language was a consequence of their religious conversion.

01-02-2005, 12:38 AM
Almost nobody in the Balkans or Southeastern Europe is "pure" anything.


01-02-2005, 12:46 AM
Bulgarian religion before Islam and Christianity was Tangrism. Only one God, which was actually Sun. That is quite similar than Ra-cult :)

01-02-2005, 01:26 AM
All this still contradicts what Prodigal wrote a bit above...either you are or not but what can someone then make of this?

Phylogenetic and correspondence analyses showed that Bulgarians are more closely related to Macedonians, Greeks, and Romanians than to other European populations and Middle Eastern people living near the Mediterranean

01-02-2005, 01:37 AM
All this still contradicts what Prodigal wrote a bit above...either you are or not but what can someone then make of this?

According some genetical search, Swedes are nearest relatives of Bushmanns :D

01-02-2005, 01:40 AM
Ok, Thanks, I shall wait for a more inteligent answer from Prodigal.

01-02-2005, 03:26 AM
Phylogenetic and correspondence analyses showed that Bulgarians are more closely related to Macedonians, Greeks, and Romanians than to other European populations and Middle Eastern people living near the Mediterranean

Macedonians are Bulgarian.

They have genetic proximity to Greeks probably due to the Macedonian influence in Greece, and share some genetic similarity with Romanians because Romanians come from the south Balkans. It is worded a bit strangely, but says they don't have proximity to Middle Easterners. There is nothing really shocking about any of this, Bulgarians are closer genetically to neighboring countries than to other European groups.


The Psychonaut
01-02-2005, 08:52 AM
According some genetical search, Swedes are nearest relatives of Bushmanns :D

No, that's according to some retards who can't interpret genetic research.

The Psychonaut
01-02-2005, 08:54 AM
I thought it was said they were basically Turks...true or not?

They are close to Greeks genetically. Greeks and Turks are nearly indistinguishable. The point is, Bulgarians have nothing in common genetically, or racially with Slavs (Poles, Russians, Belorussians, and Eastern Ukrainians).

01-02-2005, 10:36 PM
They are close to Greeks genetically. Greeks and Turks are nearly indistinguishable. The point is, Bulgarians have nothing in common genetically, or racially with Slavs (Poles, Russians, Belorussians, and Eastern Ukrainians).

Greeks are nearly indistinguishable from Turks? Now this is a new one for me truly. Care to show some evidence for this. Do Turks have anything in common with Middle Easterners then? And Romanians are by that logic Turkic too...its getting more and more interesting.

01-02-2005, 11:06 PM
Greeks are nearly indistinguishable from Turks? Now this is a new one for me truly. Care to show some evidence for this. Do Turks have anything in common with Middle Easterners then? And Romanians are by that logic Turkic too...its getting more and more interesting.
I think Turks kind of look like Greeks but culturally Turks are miles apart from Europeans.

Bograchev Mahil
01-02-2005, 11:52 PM
You have misinterpeted the research. One must not expect more from laical cyber-anthropologists and anti-bulgarian alcoholics.
Plain and simple it says that according some determinated markers bulgarians show genetical proximity to their neighbours. This is quite natural, bearing in mind that all balkan peoples (turks included) share, common closely related ancestors -local proto-european element.

Bograchev Mahil
01-03-2005, 12:13 AM
They are close to Greeks genetically.
Somewhat, yes, there is some proximity the degree of which couldn't be determined by a single DNA test with its restricted number of explored markers.

Greeks and Turks are nearly indistinguishable.
Greeks are orthodox christians, linguisically indo-europeans and the main founders of western civilization. Turks are muslim with non-indoeuropean speech and totally oriental in cultural aspect.They share some ammount of common genes (proto-european local mediterranean) . Which doesn't make them 'nearly indistinguishable', though this depends on the cognitive abbilities of the appreciator.

The point is, Bulgarians have nothing in common genetically, or racially with Slavs (Poles, Russians, Belorussians, and Eastern Ukrainians).
The research you posted doesn't hint that preposterous conclusion of yours.

The Psychonaut
01-03-2005, 01:16 AM
The research you posted doesn't hint that preposterous conclusion of yours.

It would, if you were literate and/or bothered to read the abstract posted

01-03-2005, 01:46 AM
Greeks are same than gipsies for me :)

Bograchev Mahil
01-04-2005, 12:09 AM
It would, if you were literate and/or bothered to read the abstract posted
Nowhere (or where?) in the presented researsh words like "slavic", "poles", "russians" appear.Of course the validity of the article posted doesn't depend on whether i am literate or not (if i weren't the hereby post wouldn't exist, nontheless). Feel free to explain how a restricted research concerning the genetical relationships only between bulgarians and their neighbours, could lead some(certain) vodka addicts to such a fallasious conclusions regarding slavics...