View Full Version : Ichthyophagoi or "fish eaters"
12-29-2004, 07:32 PM
I have read about them in some of my books on Alexander. They seem almost Neanderthalic. Does anyone have any idea who/what they are/were?
12-29-2004, 10:08 PM
From information provided by the classical writers Icthyophagoi were found on the shores of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. It was noted of the latter
that they ate dugong and other large sea mammals, and even made crude
living shelters from the bones. A similar group was also reported by the
Nearchus? Alexander? expedition to India along the Baluchistan coast.
Note that dugong bones are prominent among the sea mammal bones which are found on the Ubaid sites in Eastern Arabia and Oman, even inland.
The names Ma'dan and Berbera among the N. Arabian Fish-eaters
suggest the Fish-Eaters of Lower Nubia, the Madjai and W3w3, who
Hommel long ago suggested were actually the Werwer/Berber, ancestors
of today's Nubians (who call themselves Barabir). The classical writers had noted Ethiopian Fisheaters in Lower Nubia, between the Egyptians and the Macrobian or Long-lived Ethiopians, both of whose ruling castes scorned or tabooed fish eating; for the classic example see Herodotus' story of Cambyses sending the Fisheaters to the Ethiopian king,
because they could understand the Macrobian language.
"bla bla bla some shit about negroes staues or something along time ago in oman."
--- Copied from some universities website. Google and you shall find.
I'll paste the whole thing if someone wants too.
My guess that they are negroids of some sort.
If anyone find out something else tell me.
"Now Alexander moved on to Gedrosia, keeping as close to the shore as possible. His first encounter was with a grisly Stone Age tribe whom the Greeks nicknamed Ichthyophagi, or Fish-Eaters. They were hairy all over, with long matted locks and uncut nails like wild beasts' claws. Diodorus (17.105.3-4) calls them "unfriendly and utterly brutish". They wore animal pelts or shark-skins, and built their houses from the skeletons of stranded whales. Even their cattle lived off fish-meal, and had a fishy taste when eaten. To obtain provisions from them was virtually impossible. Nothing grew here except thorn and tamarisk and the occasional palm tree."
Peter Green, Alexander of Macedon 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography (University of California Press, 1991) p. 433
12-30-2004, 01:06 AM
Arrian Indica 26-32 on Ichthyophagoi: `For these Fish-Eaters, fish is the staple, hence their name. Few of them, however, actually go fishing, for few of them have any fishing-boats or have discovered the art of hunting them. For the most part it is the ebbing sea that keeps them supplied.... At low tide the land is exposed again. There are virtually no fish to be found where the land is dry, but where there are hollows and some water has been left behind the fish are abundant... The most tender of them they eat raw, pulled straight from the water; larger and tougher specimens are laid out to dry in the sun until they are quite desiccated, then ground into flour to make loaves and, in some cases, cakes. Even their herds are fed on this dried fish, for the country has no pasture not even any grass.... In fact there are some who live in desert regions without trees or crops; their entire diet consists of fish. A few, however, manage to cultivate a little land which provides them with corn they can add to the fish as a relish. For fish is their staple.'
Neanderthals wouldn't last in a warm climate due to thier noses.(so I've heard)
12-30-2004, 07:22 PM
I've read the Peter Green book on Alexander and the Mary Renault biography, but i was hoping for more detail. thanks for the information. I yahoo'd it and came up with little.
The description of a hairry almost apelike being makes me doubt it could be some berber tribe.
12-30-2004, 09:05 PM
I've read the Peter Green book on Alexander and the Mary Renault biography, but i was hoping for more detail. thanks for the information. I yahoo'd it and came up with little.
The description of a hairry almost apelike being makes me doubt it could be some berber tribe.
Negroids or Osama bin ladin like arabs( :p )
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