View Full Version : Moderators

06-30-2004, 11:40 PM



Super Moderators

friedrich braun

Highbrow Discussion

Economics - SteamshipTime
Political Science - Marlaud
Philosophy - Carl Rylander
Science & Technology - Dr. Mengele

Lowbrow Discussion

The Lounge - Johnson
Graphics - Dr. Brandt
Sports - constantinus

Private Discussion

The Fatherland - Chris2
The Socialist Paradise - Ymir
The Fedayeen Tent - Dr. Brandt


the Phora Nederlandstalig - constantinus
The Canuck's Lodge - luh_windan

MIA: madrussian (Current Events & Slavic Lands), Bone_Vulture (Popular Culture), Timo (Germanic Forum), Maidchin (Celtic Forum), Antonious Block (Islamic Studies), Prodigal Son (Physical Anthropology), Noddy (The Phora Downunder), Frank (The Phora UK)

06-30-2004, 11:47 PM

Highbrow Discussion

Political Science - Marlaud

Thanks you :).

07-01-2004, 12:21 AM
I have to edit the php for admins and supermods will have all their powers. I also have to sort out the usergroups later on. I don't see Perun yet. I will add him as a supermod whenever he gets back. I haven't decided yet who to put in charge of several important forums: Jewish Studies, Historiography, and Religion & Mythology. I will probably add some more mods to the other forums that already have mods as well. Also, I am not sure yet who is going to be returning. Franco would be good for Jewish Studies. Bardamu or Angler might be good for history. wintermute could co-mod philosophy with Carl or takeover Religion and Mythology. There is also the Antiquity forum. He could do that. I will probably put Edana somewhere as well. I don't know either whether AntiYuppie will be staying or leaving. NeoNietzsche is not back yet. Jack should be a supermod.

07-01-2004, 12:55 AM
Im here, why is MR mod for Slavic lands? I was mod for that section.

07-01-2004, 01:07 AM
You were promoted. :p

07-01-2004, 01:09 AM
You were promoted. :p

Oh yeah, I saw I was promoted to super-mod. I'm ok today! :p

I just finished my final exam in criminology.

07-01-2004, 01:11 AM
I need a description for The Slavic Lands.

07-01-2004, 01:12 AM
I need a description for The Slavic Lands.

How about be like Skadi and rename it the Temple of Perun. ;)

07-01-2004, 03:00 AM
Availiable for a less-intensive job.

07-01-2004, 02:51 PM
Maidchin (Celtic Forum) will be back soon I am sure, he was doing his school final exams which take a while and is most likely on holiday or celebrating. Give it a week or so and he will be back Im sure.

P.S. I should be modding this forum: Neo-Con Watch

By the way good idea making that forum, finally a forum like the Jewish Question I can post in.

07-01-2004, 04:19 PM
Jack should be a supermod.

Sounds good :D

07-01-2004, 10:09 PM
Fade, why the racialist tilt to the staff? I realize that "He who pays the piper gets to call the tune" and all that, but in prior versions of this place you had people who were all over the map as mods, supermods and even admins. Just wondering if this is a change in philosophy on your part, or if it is something like they're the only ones volunteering.

I guess it probably doesn't matter, but it did strike me when I read the list. Perhaps a noob might get the feeling that the place is Stormfront, Jr. and move on, but perhaps not.

Also, you should probably hide the Moderator's Lounge if you're going to discuss banning people. Right now it is out there for anyone to see, even if you're not logged in. It's probably on your to-do list, but if not here's a heads up.

07-01-2004, 10:33 PM
Maidchin (Celtic Forum)

I accept this position with great honour Fade. Just fill me in with what has to be done exactly(once the Celtic Forum is up of course).

07-01-2004, 10:37 PM
1.) Yeah, the moderator's lounge does need to be made invisible. I still have to figure out how to do that. Keep in mind, we are on a different version of vB so the control panel is different.

2.) I wouldn't say there has be a racialist tilt in the selection of mods/supermods. The racialists are simply still around. Xenodamus, for example, simply went inactive. So did KONAN. Potyondi is no longer here. Hannibal resigned as moderator (no idea why). I select moderators on the basis of whether they are A.) competant people B.) devoted to this website, or some combination of the two. I also try to bring new people into this website by giving them responsibilities and some control over their areas of interest. I asked you if you wanted to be a moderator one time but you said you didn't (you were studying to be an accountant, or something, if I recall).

07-01-2004, 10:39 PM
I accept this position with great honour Fade. Just fill me in with what has to be done exactly(once the Celtic Forum is up of course).
What was the name of the forum again? I will need a description too. Give me that and I will add the forum back. :)

07-01-2004, 10:54 PM
What was the name of the forum again? I will need a description too. Give me that and I will add the forum back. :)

Tír na Ceiltigh
Desscusion on the peoples known as the Celts from their early beginings until the final eclipse of Celtic culture and its attempted revival in the 19th and 20th century.

(^seems a bit boaring:( )

Luckly I used to type out my posts in Word Documents on my computer before posting them on the Phora(because I didn't always have much time on the Internet) so I still have alot of them. I'll post them when the Forum is up and runing.

07-01-2004, 11:27 PM
Done. You should be set up.

07-02-2004, 06:43 AM
You're halfway there on the mod lounge. I can't see it now, but as a non-logged in guest, it is still visible.

07-02-2004, 05:01 PM
2.) I wouldn't say there has be a racialist tilt in the selection of mods/supermods. The racialists are simply still around. Xenodamus, for example, simply went inactive. So did KONAN. Potyondi is no longer here. Hannibal resigned as moderator I select moderators on the basis of whether they are A.) competant people B.) devoted to this website, or some combination of the two. (no idea why).

That's kind of what I figured, but thanks for explaining. Makes sense when you think about it. If someone holds an unpopular view there really aren't THAT many Discussion boards you can go to, especially if there's some sort of racial tinge to their "unpopular view." There's lots of places a Konan, Xeno, Potyondi, etc., can go without fear of banning.

I think Hannibal and Xeno have also quit DA. Xeno in particular was a very active poster there at one time.

07-02-2004, 07:04 PM
Done. You should be set up.

I’ll probably PM you as to the nitty-gritty of being a Mod.

07-02-2004, 07:28 PM
I set up a Irish forum instead.

07-03-2004, 10:47 PM
oh, thx for the mod position fade