View Full Version : Name change

12-07-2004, 05:18 AM
Change my name into 'Pompey'.

Thank you.

12-07-2004, 05:22 AM
Not "Pompey the Great"... I would have more admiration for Pompey if he lost the war against Caesar for a more noble reason then he got scared and fled the field. He probably would have won the battle if he held the line as his army outnumbered Caesar's more then 2 to 1.

12-07-2004, 05:46 AM
Not "Pompey the Great"... I would have more admiration for Pompey if he lost the war against Caesar for a more noble reason then he got scared and fled the field. He probably would have won the battle if he held the line as his army outnumbered Caesar's more then 2 to 1.

Caesar was in distress when he heard his noble opponent ended up backstabbed by the cowardly Levantines.
The major reason I admire Pompey is because he killed over 12,000 Jews and entered into Jerusalem temple on the horseback. :D

12-07-2004, 05:51 AM
Caesar was in distress when he heard his noble advisory ended up backstabbed by the cowardly Levantines.

He would have been more distressed if they left him alive. Besides the Ptolemies were ancient greeks, certainly whiter then modern Croats...

The major reason I admire Pompey is because he killed over 12,000 Jews and entered into Jerusalem temple on the horseback.

Well since the jews of ancient times were kind of like the Taliban today I can't blame him either.

12-07-2004, 06:05 AM
He would have been more distressed if they left him alive.
I disagree. They deprived him of his final victory.
Besides the Ptolemies were ancient greeks, certainly whiter then modern Croats...
Egypt of late Hellenism looked much like US kindergarten, filled with Judaic Anglo-niggers, irreversibly polluted. :D
Well since the jews of ancient times were kind of like the Taliban today I can't blame him either.
Tell that to your local Rabbi or Jewish senator.

12-07-2004, 06:14 AM
I disagree. They deprived him of his final victory.

Possibly but its more like they deprived him of an annoying round the world mop up trek of Pompey's supporters in the Eastern Empire. It is true however that Caesar took Cleopatra's side( who backed Pompey before the battle of Pharsalus) over her brother( who backed Caesar before) but I think that had more to do with ah personal reasons.

Tell that to your local Rabbi or Jewish senator.

The "Taliban" phrase comes from my best friend who is jewish.

Egypt of late Hellenism looked much like US kindergarten, filled with Anglo-niggers and irreversibly polluted.

There weren't too many niggers around the Mediterrean or even the Middle East before Islam( when the Arabs brought in slave concubines and corrupted their bloodline). A lot of Christian Lebanese look prettymuch white.

Tell that to your local Rabbi or Jewish senator.

The Taliban phrase comes from a jewish friend of mine.

12-07-2004, 06:50 AM
It is true however that Caesar took Cleopatra's side( who backed Pompey before the battle of Pharsalus) over her brother( who backed Caesar before) but I think that had more to do with ah personal reasons.
Octavian finished Cleopatra for good.
The "Taliban" phrase comes from my best friend who is jewish.
'If you lie down with dogs you'll rise with fleas.' :D
There weren't too many niggers around the Mediterrean or even the Middle East before Islam( when the Arabs brought in slave concubines and corrupted their bloodline). A lot of Christian Lebanese look prettymuch white.
Ethiopian presence however is recorded. Not to forget Semitic Hyksos invasion.

12-07-2004, 11:30 AM
Caesar was in distress when he heard his noble opponent ended up backstabbed by the cowardly Levantines.
The major reason I admire Pompey is because he killed over 12,000 Jews and entered into Jerusalem temple on the horseback. :D
Did he take a piss on the altar? I prefer to think he did.

12-07-2004, 08:31 PM
Did he take a piss on the altar? I prefer to think he did.

He did it in his favorite brown toga, yelling:

Sturm, Sturm, Sturm, Sturm, Sturm Sturm !
Läutet die Glocken von Turm zu Turm! :D

12-07-2004, 08:40 PM
LOL, I just exterminated Jerusalem in my current Rome Total War game...ahhh the pleasure of pressing that button :p

12-07-2004, 09:03 PM
LOL, I just exterminated Jerusalem in my current Rome Total War game...ahhh the pleasure of pressing that button :p

I've heard the game is great, haven't ordered it yet.

Interesting links about Magnus and Roman-Jewish war:
