View Full Version : Your IQ

07-11-2004, 01:13 AM
According to tests given by the The International High IQ Society (http://www.highiqsociety.org/flash/nonmembers/iqtests.htm), my verbal IQ is 141. I thought that was pretty spiffy. I haven't taken any of the other tests yet. I'm pretty sure my verbal IQ is somewhat higher than my spatial or my general. Has anyone else taken any IQ tests? Is anyone else brave enough to post their IQ?

07-11-2004, 01:28 AM
I don't have the patience to take it right now because I have to pay attention to the stove, but I usually get roughly 130 on those internet tests.

07-11-2004, 01:33 AM
I find this poll to be quite useless, because I can guarantee you noone will go below 130. Penis-size, IQ-points and driving skills: EVERYONE scores above average.

07-11-2004, 01:34 AM
No way, my driving skills are awful.

07-11-2004, 01:38 AM

07-11-2004, 01:38 AM
Women can't drive.

07-11-2004, 01:39 AM
My IQ is in its mid-twenties.

07-11-2004, 01:45 AM
I find this poll to be quite useless, because I can guarantee you noone will go below 130.
141 is the score it gave me. However, I'll admit that my spatial score must be much lower.
If I had a penis, it would be bigger than yours.
driving skills
I hate cars. I don't drive at all.

07-11-2004, 01:50 AM
I don't like cars either, I have probably driven about 5 times in my life (all illegal and unlicensed).

07-11-2004, 02:03 AM
I don't drive either, now that you mention it. My dad wanted to teach me when I was 14, but I didn't like it. That's 10 years ago now, and I can't say I feel like I'm missing out. So ignore that driving-skills thing, IQ and penis size are the two things everyone scores above average with.
Are you a female elephant miss?

Mary Poppins
07-11-2004, 02:24 AM
I took an IQ test (administered by an actual person; not an online one) a few years ago, but I want to take it again to see if my score has changed. Obviously, posting IQ scores on the Internet is pretty useless, though. When I have the time, I'll take the online one for fun.

There was an IQ poll on 'VNN'; and for reasons that should be apparent to anyone who has read a single thread there, it was pretty suspicious how the most popular choice was '141-150'.

07-11-2004, 02:39 AM
I don't know how to drive, so it would be hard to have worse driving skills than I.

07-11-2004, 04:18 AM
Did you ever drive? Just being curious.

07-11-2004, 07:12 AM
What the **** is wrong with you people? Who the hell doesn't learn how to drive? I'm disgusted.

07-11-2004, 07:48 AM
I, on the other hand, think that too many people drive. Motor vehicles should be limited. Public transportation should be made more efficient, and it should have coach, business class, and first class just like airplanes (alcohol too). Driving should be restricted to men between the ages of 16-65. Anyone else should get a ride, walk, bike, or stay the **** home.

07-11-2004, 07:59 AM
According to tests given by the The International High IQ Society (http://www.highiqsociety.org/flash/nonmembers/iqtests.htm), my verbal IQ is 141. I thought that was pretty spiffy. I haven't taken any of the other tests yet. I'm pretty sure my verbal IQ is somewhat higher than my spatial or my general. Has anyone else taken any IQ tests? Is anyone else brave enough to post their IQ?

Very rarely will anyone on the internet claim to have an IQ of less than about 130. I have ecountered individuals who have made claims as high as 163 and 185. Once, I came across one person who said 107. Of all the claims people have made, I take his as the most credible. You know that no one would make that up. I do not trust that test which you linked because it seems to take into account a considerable bit of learned knowledge, IQ ideally is not determined by learned knowledge. I have taken professionally administered IQ tests, but like Emilia, I do not see any point in giving the score.

The Psychonaut
07-11-2004, 08:37 AM
Someone taking internet IQ tests seriously precludes the possibility of the aforementioned individual's IQ being anywhere near the genius range (>135).

The Psychonaut
07-11-2004, 08:57 AM
Two things:

1. Internet IQ tests are unreliable, because they are neither designed nor administered by a certified psychologist. Furthermore, they are obviously designed to inflate the IQs of those who take them. Anyone who cannot see the validity of these points is obviously less intelligent than whatever inflated score he or she obtained on an internet IQ test.

2. IQ is not a static, immutable score but rather a range. Someone who score 130 on a certain (professionally designed and administered) IQ test can score 145 on a different one.

07-11-2004, 09:26 AM
I usually get roughly 130 on those internet tests.
So your real IQ scores are probably average. I say this because the IQ score of almost everyone I have met on the internet who used an internet IQ test was in the 130-150 range. In fact, I cannot even think of a single person who scored an 'average' IQ (100).

07-11-2004, 03:32 PM
I do not trust that test which you linked because it seems to take into account a considerable bit of learned knowledge, IQ ideally is not determined by learned knowledge.
There is no way any IQ test can fail to take into account "learned knowledge". An important factor gauged is one's capacity to learn; also, it is impossible to correctly take a test without first having learned how. One cannot even approach (let alone ace) any written test without learned knowledge of some sort: be it literacy, arithmetic, geometry, logic, language ability.

Internet IQ tests are unreliable, because they are neither designed nor administered by a certified psychologist.
This is not true. There are many Internet IQ tests that were designed by certified psychologists. The ones to which I linked certainly were. To say "Internet IQ tests are unreliable" shows that you lack even basic knowledge of how IQ tests work. By definition, IQ tests merely measure one's deviation from the intellectual mean (with the mean or average represented as '100').

Someone taking internet IQ tests seriously precludes the possibility of the aforementioned individual's IQ being anywhere near the genius range (>135).
This is also false. One of the IQ tests to which I linked (also designed by qualified, experienced psychologists) has been taken by over 200,000 people. Some of these folks are certainly in the genius range, and score in a similar fashion on non-Internet based tests. For example, I've always scored extremely high on the verbal section of the SAT and other aptitude tests (though my score on the mathematical/spatial sections is always lower). This is neatly reflected by the scores I get on any IQ test -- online or offline.
So your real IQ scores are probably average.
In my case, that would not be possible. I've always scored far above normal on the verbal side of any aptitude test, online or offline. Let me guess -- Ixabert always scores low, therefore IQ tests must be unreliable! :p

Von Apfelstrudel
07-11-2004, 03:37 PM
Verbal IQ of 142 ...
As a non-english speaker, and more importantly a non anglo saxon, there are some questions I didn't understand (who the hell are some of those people ? :x)
Doubt the test is anything near accurate however, though I have been known to score well on regular verbal IQ tests.

07-11-2004, 03:44 PM
Doubt the test is anything near accurate however, though I have been known to score well on regular verbal IQ tests.

Same here. I know it's accurate for me because I've always scored comparably on all verbal tests.

07-11-2004, 03:46 PM
Who the hell doesn't learn how to drive?
People who hate cars.

People who know they will suck at it.

Women. :D
I'm disgusted.
Why? Personally, I'd like to see fewer highways, parking lots or gas stations and more wild woodlands. I like dirigibles better than cars and trucks.

07-11-2004, 05:09 PM
In my case, that would not be possible. I've always scored far above normal on the verbal side of any aptitude test, online or offline. Let me guess -- Ixabert always scores low, therefore IQ tests must be unreliable!
No, I am saying that everyone gets an IQ score of 130-150 on the internet. Unless people on the internet are on average more intelligent than the most people, I should think that 130-150 scores are in reality the average IQ on internet IQ tests. That, or most people are lying.
Also, your verbal side can be balanced out by possible deficiencies in your logical-mathematical and spatial abilities. (I am not saying that there are any, but it is a possibility.)
-the IQ score was inflated, making your actual IQ in the average range. This agrees with my experience, because everyone on the internet seems to have an IQ within your range.
-The IQ score is totally wrong and not merely inflated (randomly generated? It would be more convincing if the scores were just inflated).
-The IQ score is accurate (does not agree with my experience, because I have not met anyone who got an average score on an internet IQ test).
-You are lying (not that 130 is particularly imperssive anyway).
Ixabert always scores low, therefore IQ tests must be unreliable!
I never took one. Why are you insulting me? I did not insult you.

07-11-2004, 05:13 PM
Who the hell doesn't learn how to drive? I'm disgusted.

People who are not interested in driving, obviously. :cool:

07-11-2004, 05:17 PM
[QUOTE=Ixabert]-You are lying (not that 130 is particularly imperssive anyway).QUOTE]

Less than two percent of the general populace scores above 130 in a STANDARDIZED IQ-test. In REAL life, a score of 130 would be impressive.
Let me emphacize (sp?) that this statement has little to do with internet-IQs, everyone is a roketscientist if you believe those.

07-11-2004, 05:34 PM
No, I am saying that everyone gets an IQ score of 130-150 on the internet.
Patently false. From what I've read on their site, most people who take the International High IQ Society tests score nowhere near 130. ~100 is the mean.
Also, your verbal side can be balanced out by possible deficiencies in your logical-mathematical and spatial abilities.
Do you even read before responding? I've already said as much! I know my spatial/mathematical abilities are lower. I'm practically retarded on that side of the aisle. You act as if this Internet-based test is the only test I've ever taken.
-You are lying (not that 130 is particularly imperssive anyway).
No, but it is impressive. It's rare to score that high. BTW that is Edana's score, not mine.
Why are you insulting me?
Because you are Ixabert.

07-11-2004, 05:46 PM
I didn't take this test. I took some other internet tests, and don't really care about any of them.

07-11-2004, 06:04 PM
I didn't say which test your score was from. I had no idea.

07-11-2004, 06:30 PM
Patently false. From what I've read on their site, most people who take the International High IQ Society tests score nowhere near 130. ~100 is the mean.
Prove it. Also, I mentioned more than one possibility.
Do you even read before responding?
You are right. I do read before responding. Correct.
I've already said as much! I know my spatial/mathematical abilities are lower. I'm practically retarded on that side of the aisle. You act as if this Internet-based test is the only test I've ever taken.
Can you substantiate this claim? How have I acted thus? try to prove everything you assert.
No, but it is impressive. It's rare to score that high.
Rare in real life, but common on the internet.
Because you are Ixabert.
And how does this justify it? Avoid circular answers.

07-11-2004, 07:27 PM
I took an IQ test in person about 14 years ago and got 128. Online ones, I get 131-133.

I started driving when I was really young, maybe about 8 or 10. :D I grew up in a rural area though.

Von Apfelstrudel
07-11-2004, 07:34 PM
I started driving when I was really young, maybe about 8 or 10. :D I grew up in a rural area though.

I've always wanted to drive one of those :

07-11-2004, 07:39 PM
I've always wanted to drive one of those :

I never drove one of those. I rode on one with my grandfather/uncles when they were harvesting oats though.

07-11-2004, 10:22 PM
I took an IQ test in person about 14 years ago and got 128. Online ones, I get 131-133.

I started driving when I was really young, maybe about 8 or 10. :D I grew up in a rural area though.
Of course you did, average IQ of this group is 130, at least.

07-11-2004, 10:28 PM
Of course you did, average IQ of this group is 130, at least.
My spatial/mathematical IQ is definitely below that. *blushes*

07-11-2004, 10:35 PM
I've never taken an IQ test, but I remember hearing that your SAT scores can be used to gauge your IQ.

That seems like it would be true...anyone have any info on this?

I know for a fact that my spatial intelligence is much higher than my verbal. :cool:

Saint Michael
07-11-2004, 10:50 PM
I usually drive 110mph on the interstate when there are no cops around and it is a long trip. I've been ticketed 3 times; the fastest I've been ticketed for is 95mph. That was the third time of being pulled over and I wasn't yet 21. I got a 40 dollar fine and the option to show up at court. I, of course, didn't go. I mailed the fine men in blue a check instead and congratulated them on their superb excellency on and off the road. :cool:

Long Live the Drug War!

07-12-2004, 04:20 AM
No, I am saying that everyone gets an IQ score of 130-150 on the internet. Unless people on the internet are on average more intelligent than the most people, I should think that 130-150 scores are in reality the average IQ on internet IQ tests. That, or most people are lying.

They are lying, for certain. Which both annoys and makes me feel a bit better, because I haven't lied. :p

The Psychonaut
07-13-2004, 01:44 AM
There is no way any IQ test can fail to take into account "learned knowledge".

Technically, yes, but the closer an IQ test approaches that ideal, the more realiable and valid it is. Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, probably the most respected and accurate measure of general mental ability requires no learned knowledge on behalf of the testee other than the ability to use a pencil.

An important factor gauged is one's capacity to learn;

That's not 'an' important factor; ideally, the capacity to learn is the only thing an IQ test should measure.

One cannot even approach (let alone ace) any written test without learned knowledge of some sort: be it literacy, arithmetic, geometry, logic, language ability.

ANd while literacy, arithmetic, geometry, etc.. may correlate highly with general mental ability, measures of these abilities do not measure g as such.

This is not true. There are many Internet IQ tests that were designed by certified psychologists.


The ones to which I linked certainly were.


To say "Internet IQ tests are unreliable" shows that you lack even basic knowledge of how IQ tests work.

ROFL, quite an indictment from someone who identifies IQ with 'literacy, arithmetic, geometry, logic, language ability'. LMAO.

By definition, IQ tests merely measure one's deviation from the intellectual mean (with the mean or average represented as '100').

No, IQ tests measure general mental ability, irrespective of the average. '100' is not a representation, but rather the average IQ of the Caucasoid population of the United States. Other populations score differently.

This is also false. One of the IQ tests to which I linked (also designed by qualified, experienced psychologists)


has been taken by over 200,000 people.


score in a similar fashion on non-Internet based tests


For example, I've always scored extremely high on the verbal section of the SAT and other aptitude tests (though my score on the mathematical/spatial sections is always lower). This is neatly reflected by the scores I get on any IQ test -- online or offline.

Yes, interesting anecdote, but worthless as evidence of any sort.

07-13-2004, 08:09 PM
People who are not interested in driving, obviously. :cool:
Pretty girls in skimpy outfits can just hitch ala Paris Hilton lol.

07-13-2004, 08:49 PM
LOL. I gave myself about five seconds to answer each question and still somehow got a verbal IQ of 138. I like that bit at the end about how I am now "qualified" to join some sort of group for the high IQ.

07-13-2004, 09:00 PM
LOL. I gave myself about five seconds to answer each question and still somehow got a verbal IQ of 138. I like that bit at the end about how I am now "qualified" to join some sort of group for the high IQ.
Intriguing. I only know it's accurate for me -- I've received similar scores on offline IQ tests and my SAT scores back it up. One time I went back and tried to answer incorrectly on every question, and it gave me an IQ of 80. Loved the message at the end: "At this time you are not qualified to join the International High IQ Society..." or something like that... :D

Von Apfelstrudel
07-14-2004, 01:52 PM
LOL. I gave myself about five seconds to answer each question
Soem people take more time than that ?
Talk about wasting your time online :D

07-14-2004, 02:37 PM
Okay, the verbal IQ one is definately inflated. I guessed each answer randomly without even looking at the questions (or typing in random letters) and I got an IQ of 95-102 two times.