View Full Version : The ultimate asian (ridiculing rushtonism)

11-25-2004, 11:50 PM

K-selected in the extreme, the ultimate asian, the eskimo, lives and has evolved in the coldest and harshest environment known to man, even colder than china, in fact, let alone Russia. The eskimo are predicted to have the smallest willies, and largest brains of all humans, and are in fact so K-selected (quality over reproduction), that the only reproduce one child per lifetime. Eskimos are predicted to have cranial capacities in excess of 2600, and IQ scores even higher than asians, an astounding 128.

11-26-2004, 12:57 AM
Tell me more, Hiel. Why do you find "rushtonism" ridiculous?


11-26-2004, 01:32 AM
Rushton has argued that asians moved eastward into colder and harsher climates than caucasians, and became selected for quality rather than reproduction, as though the two dimensions are mutally exclusive. There are asians that live in very cold places, such as the eskimos and the siberians, though most of china isn't much colder than europe, consider the russians, Kiev for instance.

Gorillas reproduce extremely slowly, slower than humans, and have tiny genitals. Rushtons' primary thesis, The R/K dimensions, don't really seem to exist anywhere, and there is no real reasons why they should, let alone be mutally exclusive.