View Full Version : American sells half of Vancouver Canucks

der kleine Doktor
11-22-2004, 08:27 PM
American sells half of Vancouver Canucks

November 17, 2004

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- Local businessman Francesco Aquilini bought half of the Vancouver Canucks from American John McCaw.

The purchase price was not immediately disclosed. The surprise sale came during the NHL lockout, which has wiped out the season so far.

``We got a fair deal. We're very happy,'' Aquilini said Wednesday. ``Local ownership adds value, it puts deeper roots in the community. I think it's a good thing. People have been wanting that for a long time.''

McCaw has said for years that he would like to sell all or part of the team to local owners.

After many years of losses since the U.S. billionaire bought the club in 1995, the Canucks turned healthy profits the past two seasons.

The Aquilini Group has developed as many as 4,000 residential units in British Columbia and hotel projects in Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal.


11-24-2004, 06:33 AM
Francesco Aquilini would have done just as well to buy some beach front property on the moon.

Johnny Reb
11-24-2004, 09:34 PM
Francesco Aquilini would have done just as well to buy some beach front property on the moon.

Why? The Canucks sell out every game, and real estate in Vancouver and Calgary is hot hot hot! :p

11-25-2004, 02:31 AM
Why? The Canucks sell out every game, and real estate in Vancouver and Calgary is hot hot hot! :p

Because they haven't had a single sell out this hockey season. :222

Johnny Reb
11-25-2004, 05:47 AM
Because they haven't had a single sell out this hockey season. :222

har har har. You don't get rich when you buy something at its peak. ;)