View Full Version : Schröder the Swine, Putin the Jerk

Dr. Brandt
07-10-2004, 01:48 AM
President Vladimir Putin had the nerv to invite a "german" chanclor to the 60th victory celebrations next year in Moscow. The greater scandal is, that Schröder, that treacherous piece of **** "glady accepted the invitation".
Not only that, he will also take part in the ceremony on 1st August this Year in Warsaw commemorating the "Uprising" of the polak scum!
Germany has realy reached the lowest point of its history. One always thinks it cant get any worse and then these assclowns pull stunts like these.
Let the Pig slurp champagne with the bolshevik ex-KGB Officer Putin, munch some Kaviar and have a laugh on our raped Grandmothers.

That filth!

07-10-2004, 02:44 AM
Not even Henry IV was sincere when he made his trip to Canossa to beg forgiveness from Pope Gregory VII. You are right. This really is the lowest moment in all of German history. :(

07-10-2004, 03:21 AM
Let us drink to what was once the greatest nation on Earth and hope some small part of its spirit still remains.

07-10-2004, 03:48 AM
President Vladimir Putin had the nerv to invite a "german" chanclor to the 60th victory celebrations next year in Moscow. The greater scandal is, that Schröder, that treacherous piece of **** "glady accepted the invitation".
Not only that, he will also take part in the ceremony on 1st August this Year in Warsaw commemorating the "Uprising" of the polak scum!
Germany has realy reached the lowest point of its history. One always thinks it cant get any worse and then these assclowns pull stunts like these.
Let the Pig slurp champagne with the bolshevik ex-KGB Officer Putin, munch some Kaviar and have a laugh on our raped Grandmothers.

That filth!


or uh, Wir haben euch gePwn3d!!!

Although that is pretty weird/sad that shroeder would be such a pussy... Putin is not really a bolshevik, more of a nationalist-segregationist. Despite having said "Its a shame the soviet union collapsed" he is anti-communist; he merely likes the idea of a powerful empire...

The book "In August of 1944" comes to mind, talking about the situation behind the front lines after operation Bagration pushed to Warsaw. In one part it describes with pity a young russian kid who lost his arm, building sympathy by writing several sentences about his dazzling blue eyes and blond hair, etc...

no one on the eastern front was pro-communist but the jews...

Dr. Brandt
07-10-2004, 08:26 AM
"celebrations" bolshevik style:



