View Full Version : Our Rank on the Food Chain
11-21-2004, 08:00 PM
The human "food chain", from the top down.
note; IQ not to be confused with intelligence, although they correspond closely. IQ figures are averages. Actual IQ differences within each race greater than difference between all races.
1) The Khazars, also known as Ashnenazi Jews.
Average IQ: 117 Achieved intellect through eugenics.
2) Whites, descendents of the Germanic tribes and related subtribes across the European continent.
Average IQ: 102
3) East Asians; Chinese, Koreans and Japanese.
Average IQ: 104 (IQ figures do not reflect their inferiority at original thinking/invention)
4) Mexicans, Native Americans, Southeast Asians and misc. dark races.
Average IQ:85-90
5) Negroes. Average IQ in North America: 85 in Africa: 70
(continental differences probably due to admixture with Whites)
Look at these figures from a strategic angle and from a Jewish perspective. Doesn't it make perfect sense for them to engineer the assimilation of #2 with #5?
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
Jim Hardage
11-21-2004, 08:24 PM
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
Tell me, was "Israel Cohen" twirling his moustache as he detailed his diabolical scheme to make you sleep with a black women?
"This is a famous forgery. It was read into the Congessional Record by Mississippi Congessman T.G. Abernathy in June 1957 which was supposedly published by Englishman Israel Cohen in 1912. In August 1958 New York Congressman A.J. Multer questioned the quotation's authenticity. He pointed out that there was NO communist party in Britain in 1912 and that the expression "Communist Party" did not come into use until AFTER WWI and that no such book was ever written or could be found in the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books or the Library of Congress. Also, there was no record of a person called Israel Cohen who was a communist that lived in Britain.
Multer read into the Congressional Record an articled called "Story of a Phony Quotation - A Futile Effort to Pin it Down..." and an article about it appeared in the Washington Star, Feb 18, 1958. The Star traced the phony quote to, guess who?...Eustace Mullins, Jr who claimed to have copied it from a Zionist publication in the Library of Congress in 1952. However, Multer noted that "He was discharged years ago from his probationary job as a photographic aid in the Library of Congress because of his authorship and circulation of violently anti-Semitic articles."
Source "They Never Said It", P.F. Boller and J. George, Oxford University Press, 1989, isbn 0-19-505541-1
Also see "The Hoaxers, Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars", Morris Kominsky, Branden Press, 1970, SBN 8283-1288-5
Nuclear Thoughts
11-21-2004, 08:29 PM
1) The Khazars, also known as Ashnenazi Jews. Average IQ: 117 Achieved intellect through eugenics.
Ashkenazi Jews have lived in Europe for centuries, first settling in the Rhineland Valley of Germany. In fact, the Hebrew word "Ashkenaz" means Germany. Anyway, many of these Ashkenazi Jews have interbred with Germans and other white gentiles down through the centuries, so many of them are mostly "white" anyway. Even some German Nazis were Ashkenazi Jews - and were accepted by Hitler himself - because they looked "Aryan" enough. Then again, maybe it was the name AshkenNAZI that appealed to Hitler...
11-21-2004, 09:17 PM
"This is a famous forgery. It was read into the Congessional Record by Mississippi Congessman T.G. Abernathy in June 1957 which was supposedly published by Englishman Israel Cohen in 1912. In August 1958 New York Congressman A.J. Multer questioned the quotation's authenticity. He pointed out that there was NO communist party in Britain in 1912 and that the expression "Communist Party" did not come into use until AFTER WWI and that no such book was ever written or could be found in the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books or the Library of Congress. Also, there was no record of a person called Israel Cohen who was a communist that lived in Britain.
Multer read into the Congressional Record an articled called "Story of a Phony Quotation - A Futile Effort to Pin it Down..." and an article about it appeared in the Washington Star, Feb 18, 1958. The Star traced the phony quote to, guess who?...Eustace Mullins, Jr who claimed to have copied it from a Zionist publication in the Library of Congress in 1952. However, Multer noted that "He was discharged years ago from his probationary job as a photographic aid in the Library of Congress because of his authorship and circulation of violently anti-Semitic articles."
"Communist Party" is Jew party. It was only a front for Jewish supremacy and like Jews it had no geographic boundaries.
How does Eustace Mullins getting fired for scrutinizing TPTB discredit him as a source or prove he was the author? Everything I've seen of Mullins writings showed he went out of the way never to use the dreaded "J" word.
Modus operandi and modus agendi show that Jews have been there every step of the way. They have been working to miscegenate the White race as long as history can tell. They are the ones aggressively using their mass media/Hollywood/advertising influence to promote race mixing. It does not take a keen sense of the obvious to verify this.
Who do you think promoted the 1965 immigration act? Who started the NAACP? Who chiseled the words "Give me your wretched refuse in the statue of liberty? Who has promoted integration and multiculturalism? Who played a dominant role in bringing Black slaves to America? Isn't the media supposed to be the watchdog in a healthy society? Who authored the hate crime laws? The Fox has been guarding the henhouse, whether he is "twirling his mustache" or not.
Jim, I really don't think you are arguing your position in honesty. You repetitively look for the least provable elements of my arguments for scrutiny and then you refuse to acknowledge that which is easily provable and sufficient to make the case by itself.
11-21-2004, 09:43 PM
Ashkenazi Jews have lived in Europe for centuries, first settling in the Rhineland Valley of Germany. In fact, the Hebrew word "Ashkenaz" means Germany. Anyway, many of these Ashkenazi Jews have interbred with Germans and other white gentiles down through the centuries, so many of them are mostly "white" anyway. Even some German Nazis were Ashkenazi Jews - and were accepted by Hitler himself - because they looked "Aryan" enough. Then again, maybe it was the name AshkenNAZI that appealed to Hitler...
No, the Ashkenazis are descendents of the Khazars, originally from an area in the Volga river valley and Caucasus mountains. Their features are similar enough to ours for some of them to pass as Whites. What matters the most about race is identity. Jews DO NOT identify as Whites and want Whites out of their way.
They have been dispersed for about 1500 years(?) in the diaspora and resisted assimilation with extreme prejudice. Read about the inquisition and Marranos to verify this. Only in the last few decades have they assimilated with other races to any noticable degree, perhaps due to the Rabbis telling their people to promote it (talking out of both sides of their mouthes). Jewish race mixing is up about 75%, can't remember the time frame given. This is nothing compared to the increase in race mixing among Whites which appears to be up over a thousand % here in Texas.
I'll let someone else comment on the Nazi issue as I have not studied it enough.
Jim Hardage
11-21-2004, 10:00 PM
"Communist Party" is Jew party. It was only a front for Jewish supremacy and like Jews it had no geographic boundaries.
No, Jews fled communism and pushed through legislation to punish the Soviet Union:
"In 1973, the USA passed the Jackson-Vanick amendment, forcing the USSR to let Jews emigrate as a condition for economic partnership. Jews began to leave Russia in droves — for Israel and the US, mostly. Over the 20th century, Russian Jewry diminished to 10% of what it had been."
Who do you think promoted the 1965 immigration act?
White Gentiles - At the time of the bill's passage, there were no more than 5 Jews in Congress, while over 400 Congressman supported the bill.
"The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 76 to 18. The House voted was 326 to 69. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the bill."
"Who started the NAACP?
Some blacks, some White Gentiles and some Jews.
"The NAACP was founded as the National Negro Committee on February 12, 1909, by a multiracial group of political activists including W.E.B. DuBois, Ida B. Wells, Henry Moscowitz, Mary White Ovington, Oswald Garrison Villiard, and William English Walling."
Who chiseled the words "Give me your wretched refuse in the statue of liberty?
Who cares? The White-controlled government of the US set immigration policies, not a poet.
Who has promoted integration and multiculturalism?
White Gentiles.
Who played a dominant role in bringing Black slaves to America?
White Gentiles from England.
"1562 saw the first English slave trader, John Hawkins, leave England with 100 men and 3 ships. He captured 300 slaves in Sierra Leone and sold them in Hispaniola. He was a resident of Deptford, South-East London and on his return with his ships filled with goods such as hides, ginger and sugar, he found a new business partner in Queen Elizabeth I.
By 1567, Hawkins was onto his 3rd slaving expedition and this time he took along Sir Francis Drake. He was yet another pioneer of the slave trade and also a Deptford resident. His family were well connected with slave trading as was Sir Walter Raleigh.
The English Royal family had a great connection with slavery starting from Elizabeth I. The Duke of York used to get his initials, 'DY', branded onto the left buttock or breast of each of the 3000 slaves who were his. He shipped them out to the Caribbean.
In 1624 the English colonised Barbados and St. Kitts and approximately 23 years later, the first sugar from Barbados was sent to England. England captured Jamaica from the Spanish and the slave trade had yet another place in which to thrive.
An estimate of the population of slaves in the British Caribbean during the period of 1776 to 1848 is approximately 428,000 out of a population of 500,000."
Who authored the hate crime laws?
Whites Gentiles.
A bill introduced by Canadian parliament member Svend Robinson that would make free speech against homosexuals a crime passed in the House of Commons.
The "Chill Bill," or C-250, passed by a vote of 140-110 on Wednesday despite objections from the religious community that religious speech would be limited by the law if they speak out against homosexuality.
. . . This is similar to the anti-hate speech law in Sweden where a Pentecostal minister is now facing charges for using the Bible to point out that homosexuality is a sin.
Jim, I really don't think you are arguing your position in honesty. You repetitively look for the least provable elements of my arguments for scrutiny and then you refuse to acknowledge that which is easily provable and sufficient to make the case by itself.
Why make arguments that are not provable? Why lie? The White racialist movement is full of liar and losers. That's why no White racialist can be elected dogcatcher and no sane person would want to be publicly associated with the movement.
Nuclear Thoughts
11-21-2004, 10:10 PM
Travis: "No, the Ashkenazis are descendents of the Khazars, originally from an area in the Volga river valley and Caucasus mountains." I've checked multiple sources in regard to this, and "Ashkenazi" refers specifically to German/European Jews. As Encyclopedia Brittanica says:
"Any of the historically Yiddish-speaking European Jews who settled in central and northern Europe, or their descendants.They lived originally in the Rhineland valley, and their name is derived from the Hebrew word Ashkenaz (“Germany”). After the start of the Crusades in the late 11th century, many migrated east to Poland, Lithuania, and Russia to escape persecution."
I'm not disputing that Ashkenazi Jews are, as you say, "descendents of the Khazars". I'm merely pointing out that "Ashkenazi" refers to Germany/European Jews.
11-21-2004, 11:08 PM
No, Jews fled communism and pushed through legislation to punish the Soviet Union:
You disregard the evidence. Marx was a Jew. Jewish publications helped spread the ideals. Jewish bankers from Jew York financed the Bolshevik revolution. There was an exterme disproportion of Jews among the Bolsheviks, Lenin was a Jew.
Remember Senator Joe McCarthy and the "Hollywood Ten"? Nine of those ten were Jews.
White Gentiles - At the time of the bill's passage, there were no more than 5 Jews in Congress, while over 400 Congressman supported the bill. Written by Jew Emmanual Cellar, obediently passed by gentile puppet Congresscattle in exchange for favorable media coverage.
"The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 76 to 18. The House voted was 326 to 69. President Lyndon Johnson Lyndon B. Johnson signed the bill."
LBJ did everything the Jews wanted. No surprize after Jack Ruby (Jew) covered up the JFK assasination.
Some blacks, some White Gentiles and some Jews. Ahhhh.....yes. in what proportion? Read the links
Who cares? The White-controlled government of the US set immigration policies, not a poet. I care, because it's a war of ideas and my people are getting exterminated.
White Gentiles. Whites did not have the means to promote ideas. Ideas proliferated during the era of Jewish influence were proliferated because Jews wanted to promote them. Out of millions of Whites it was easy to select ones who were dumb and wanted social position and give them the support to promote Jewish ideas. Same as the way they financed and promoted Sarah Brady to promote their agenda.
White Gentiles from England. No doubt many whites engaged in the slave trade, but Jews played a disproportionately large role in it only to promote miscegenation later.
This is how politicians get favorable political support:
"On April 20-22, the ADL helped sponsor a conference at New York’s prestigious Hofstra University entitled “Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech: The Relationship Between Language and Violence.” Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich), also a pioneer of the hate crimes legislation now before Congress, was the keynote speaker. "
Why make arguments that are not provable? Why lie? The White racialist movement is full of liar and losers. That's why no White racialist can be elected dogcatcher and no sane person would want to be publicly associated with the movement. Are you calling me a liar?
What is your definition of proof? Is it reasonable to have to make a case against those who have most of the "sources" by sources alone?
What ever happened to making a case based on means motive etc.:
MOTIVE: Religious mandate, the Talmud outlines their manifest destiny. The power struggles between the races have been going on for thousands of years. Greed and lust for power. The natural desire to make the world a better place for their offspring.
MEANS : Mass media and most other means of influence. Jews excel in the field of psychology and have the means to use it against us. Media gives them the power of suggestion, the power of scrutiny, the power of censorship and the power of smear.
EVIDENCE: Possession of monopoly of influence. Existence of taboo. Dispersion of population with retention of cohesiveness. Secrecy of religion. History of genocide. Implementation of fiat monetary systems, Originators of Marxism, Promotion of gun control, Promotion of and participation in subversive groups. Talmud and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
OPPORTUNITY: Mass media control gives them the opportunity to use the power of suggestion, the power of censorship, the power of scrutiny and the power of smear.
MODUS OPERANDI: Hide behind gentiles and fight a war of ideas and deception. Any organization with >10% Jewish names is Jewish controlled. Play both sides politically (all sides). Distract and misinform. Reliance on cohesiveness. Suppress scrutiny and dissent. Manipulate politicians with media. TV brainwashing. Financial manipulations.
MODUS AGENDI: Implementation of centralized world government. Gun control. Race mixing of gentiles. Ferment wars. Promotion of vehicles of distraction and division; materialism, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, games, sports and entertainment, undermine religions .
It's like death of a thousand pin pricks. Subtlety flies under the radar screen of the masses. They pick up on it but don't understand that it's being put in their heads by someone who wishes them harm.
Now Jim can you make the case that these actions have no strategic value?
11-21-2004, 11:16 PM
The figures for zhids have been inflated. They can't possibly be 15 IQ points smarter than whites.
- "They can't possibly be 15 IQ points smarter than whites."
And why not? Your argument would seem to be: "it can't be true, because I don't like that idea!"
11-21-2004, 11:36 PM
I've checked multiple sources in regard to this, and "Ashkenazi" refers specifically to German/European Jews. As Encyclopedia Brittanica says: Well, definitions of words change over time, that may be the current definition. But I'm referring to Khazar Jews of the diaspora who did not assimilate. BTW, it's my understanding that Encyclopedia Brittanica is owned by TPTB.
Interestingly, since we are discussing our language, I purchased a 1933 copy of "The Oxford Universal Dictionary" to guage the changes in our language over time. It's 4 inches thick and has about 2500 pages.
The word "racism" is not in it! This word was created in the last 80 an era when Jews had extremely disproportionate control over printed words.
The definition of bigot is nothing near what it is today.
Of course words like "xeophobia" were non-existent back in those days.
11-21-2004, 11:36 PM
Whites, descendents of the Germanic tribes and related subtribes across the European continent.
Average IQ: 102
That should say "indo-european"; atleast half of Europeans are not "Germanic".
"Communist Party" is Jew party. It was only a front for Jewish supremacy and like Jews it had no geographic boundaries.
If Communism was a front for Judaic supremacy, then why did so many try to emigrate from the Soviet Union? According to you, they ran the place!
Marx was a Jew. Jewish publications helped spread the ideals. Jewish bankers from Jew York financed the Bolshevik revolution. There was an exterme disproportion of Jews among the Bolsheviks, Lenin was a Jew.
Both of those men were atheists. And even by ancestry, Lenin was only 1/4 Jewish. Two Jews do not prove the entire movement was Jewish. I'd like to see proof, nay, evidence, that Jewish bankers financed the revolution. Photographs of implicating documents would be nice.
11-21-2004, 11:46 PM
The figures for zhids have been inflated. They can't possibly be 15 IQ points smarter than whites.
Howdy, Madrussian! How are things down there in Aztlan? (you probably live in my neighborhood).
The key things to remember are motives and strategic value. I know you already understand what the clever tribe is up to.
Is it of strategic value for Jews to let gentiles know of their higher intellect..achieved through eugenics? In certain circles they are open about it but there is no motive for them to brag about it because it is strategically counter-productive. Jews are not as big on bragging as we are. The lower the intellect, the more people brag.
What would the stupid goyim think after watching all those Hollywood Hitler movies about the nazis creating a master race if they found out who the master race really is? What would they think about the Jews admonishing anyone who speaks of eugenics if they found out how they became smarter?
11-21-2004, 11:52 PM
One reason for artificially inflating tribe's scores is to give an excuse WHY there are so many of them occupying positions of relevance. You know the old schtick, zhids getting places because they are smarter blah blah blah. And never underestimate their preening and desire to be worshiped. In short, the point they are trying to make is this: know your proper place, goyische pig. The funny thing is, some do willingly adopt that view and take the desert swindlers as some real talents.
The_Skunk with his "carnie skit" is needed to put it down in more entertaining terms :D
11-21-2004, 11:54 PM
Howdy, Madrussian! How are things down there in Aztlan? (you probably live in my neighborhood).
No, I live in California Norte.
11-22-2004, 12:25 AM
That should say "indo-european"; atleast half of Europeans are not "Germanic".I don't want to argue that but I think the Germanic tribes dispersed and some intermarried with neighboring tribes to a small degree creating different sub races, we can call them indo-europeans if you wish.
If Communism was a front for Judaic supremacy, then why did so many try to emigrate from the Soviet Union? According to you, they ran the place! Jews are an international entity and they disperse as suits their strategies. USSR, once under centralized control no longer justified as much manpower. The Whites proved to be the most resistant to their manipulations and thus justified more manpower. "Emigrating to escape persecution" was just a smokescreen. Like Blacks, they understand the value of playing the victim.
Both of those men were atheists. HA HA. Jewish atheists are another story. You will find plenty of them on:
(James Randi is a Jew)
They are all run by Jewish "atheists". Please join them and talk about the Talmud and Talmudists and you will be surprised at how many "atheists" will come to their defense with extreme prejudice! Have fun!
I once went on a Jewish singles on-line dating board (no, not looking for my Jewish princess) and found out that atheist Jews are accepted. They identify racially.
And even by ancestry, Lenin was only 1/4 Jewish. Two Jews do not prove the entire movement was Jewish. I'd like to see proof, nay, evidence, that Jewish bankers financed the revolution. Photographs of implicating documents would be nice.It's rather easy for the Jews to play the victim and act outraged at any book that would convey that information, but here are some quotes:
"There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists. The ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with many of the highest ideals of Judaism." - Jewish Chronicle London, April 4, 1919
"The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world." - The American Hebrew September 10, 1920
Don't forget Trotsky was a Jew as well.
The following jewwatch links have many of their sources listed:
11-22-2004, 12:50 AM
One reason for artificially inflating tribe's scores is to give an excuse WHY there are so many of them occupying positions of relevance. You know the old schtick, zhids getting places because they are smarter blah blah blah. Occasionally they will cite the high number of Jews who won the Nobel prize, but any talk about the genetics of how they became so smart they quickly tell you that it isn't genetic and that it's because they have less children and spend more time with them, send them to college, parental investment etc.etc. But you and I know White people with little education and marginal parenting usually are smarter than the highest of Blacks.
Deal with it. They are the Master Race. They would not have gotten to the dominant position they are in if they were dumb.
And never underestimate their preening and desire to be worshiped.
They like covert domination, not to be recognized as Jews. It's safer that way.
That's why they prefer to be low key about their intellect.
BTW, several dozen countries have a chapter of Mensa, but Israel doesn't. That tells me they want to keep quiet about it.
Jim Hardage
11-22-2004, 01:06 AM
. . . obediently passed by gentile puppet Congresscattle in exchange for favorable media coverage. . . . Whites did not have the means to promote ideas. . . . Any organization with >10% Jewish names is Jewish controlled.
No one hates the White race so much as the White racialist. In the real world Whites run the largest businesses, occupying the highest positions and own the lion's share of the assets of the country. In the mind of the racialist, the White man is garbage, a worthless tool of the jew, or perhaps secretly a jew himself. Why is this? Perhaps, as I wrote before, the racialist imputes his own personal failings to the White race as a whole. Or maybe the racialist is such an outcast he has little idea how the economy operates and can only fantasize about what happens in those offices and conference rooms where he is unwelcome.
Jim Hardage
11-22-2004, 01:11 AM
Deal with it. They are the Master Race.
To you, perhaps.
BTW, several dozen countries have a chapter of Mensa, but Israel doesn't. That tells me they want to keep quiet about it.
It doesn't take a mensa member to Google the two words "israel" and "mensa".
11-22-2004, 01:11 AM
"In a corrupt society, the truth can be found in what is forbidden to say."
----Travis' sig.
You Nazis are such drama queens. You can post any drivel you want on countless internet forums. You have the Web, libraries, printed media to quote from, and you still think the jews are hounding your very step.
You apparently have a roof over your head, enough to eat and enough free time including a personal computer and internet access to rail on about the jews keeping us down. Your distant European ancestors lived in abject poverty with one change of clothes stitched on them at Eastertime.
I would shudder to think what you would do if faced with some real hardship and adversity. Probably curl up in a ball and die.
14/88 !
11-22-2004, 01:20 AM
No one hates the White race so much as the White racialist. In the real world Whites run the largest businesses, occupying the highest positions and own the lion's share of the assets of the country. In the mind of the racialist, the White man is garbage, a worthless tool of the jew, or perhaps secretly a jew himself. Why is this? Perhaps, as I wrote before, the racialist imputes his own personal failings to the White race as a whole. Or maybe the racialist is such an outcast he has little idea how the economy operates and can only fantasize about what happens in those offices and conference rooms where he is unwelcome.
Reality exists independently of what suits our self-esteem.
Jews dominate almost all major corporations. This is easy for them to do because they are publicly traded and the Jews have the financial media cornered, as well as dominate the "Federal" Reserve. They have the power to know the changes in values of stocks before they occur because they have the means to make them occur. They have the power to suppress negative scrutiny of corporations until they can all short that stock, then release the information with extreme prejudice. They can choose to release bad news about corporations immediately and gently if it suits them, or even suppress them entirely. They can use subtlety and repetition of negatives to destroy good companies if they want. Jews are by far more wealthy than Whites, on average. The ones who aren't are usually not part of organized Jewry.
No, Whites aren't the master race. We do have our strengths compared to other races; we invent like no others. we're industrious. we can function in an atmosphere of little government regulation with minimum problems because we are capable of voluntary cooperation. We have compassion (maybe that's not a strength).
- "No one hates the White race so much as the White racialist."
I tend to somewhat agree with some of your conclusions, but don't generalize here - even about White racialists!
Certain White racialists seem to suffer from a certain manic-depressive syndrome: in their manic phase, they are agitating for Rahowa, violent might-is-right nihilism and anarchism and push megalomaniacal ideas about wiping out all non-Whites.
Whereas, in their depressive phase, these Nazis become convinced that Whites are, generally speaking, worthless lemmings who deserve to be annihilated for failing to live up to their expectations. They become convinced that their race is doomed and concentrate on snarling at more moderate WN activists for entertaining optimistic delusions.
11-22-2004, 01:24 AM
----Travis' sig.
You Nazis are such drama queens. You can post any drivel you want on countless internet forums. You have the Web, libraries, printed media to quote from, and you still think the jews are hounding your very step.
You apparently have a roof over your head, enough to eat and enough free time including a personal computer and internet access to rail on about the jews keeping us down. Your distant European ancestors lived in abject poverty with one change of clothes stitched on them at Eastertime.
I would shudder to think what you would do if faced with some real hardship and adversity. Probably curl up in a ball and die.
14/88 !If your position had any merit you wouldn't need to rely on ad hominem to support it. I'm not a "nazi".
The internet is about the only place anyone can criticize TPTB without consequence. Pay attention. The Jews will soon figure out a way to censor it.
- "Jews dominate almost all major corporations. This is easy for them to do because they are publicly traded and the Jews have the financial media cornered, as well as dominate the "Federal" Reserve. They have the power to know the changes in values of stocks before they occur because they have the means to make them occur. They have the power to suppress negative scrutiny of corporations until they can all short that stock, then release the information with extreme prejudice. They can choose to release bad news about corporations immediately and gently if it suits them, or even suppress them entirely. They can use subtlety and repetition of negatives to destroy good companies if they want."
- "The Jews will soon figure out a way to censor it."
Yeah, I know. Jews are gods, possessing supernatural powers. It is vain to try to struggle against them.
11-22-2004, 01:29 AM
The average IQ of Israel is, if memory serves, below 100. This is because Oriental Jews pull it down. I suppose if one took Episcopalians or Unitarians and averaged their IQ's they would be competitive with Ashkenazi Jews.
11-22-2004, 01:33 AM
- "No one hates the White race so much as the White racialist."
I tend to somewhat agree with some of your conclusions, but don't generalize here - even about White racialists!
Certain White racialists seem to suffer from a certain manic-depressive syndrome: in their manic phase, they are agitating for Rahowa, violent might-is-right nihilism and anarchism and push megalomaniacal ideas about wiping out all non-Whites.
Whereas, in their depressive phase, these Nazis become convinced that Whites are, generally speaking, worthless lemmings who deserve to be annihilated for failing to live up to their expectations. They become convinced that their race is doomed and concentrate on snarling at more moderate WN activists for entertaining optimistic delusions.
Playing the psychoanalyt game is just a form of ad hominem. There are more mature ways to support your position.
11-22-2004, 01:36 AM
- "Jews dominate almost all major corporations. This is easy for them to do because they are publicly traded and the Jews have the financial media cornered, as well as dominate the "Federal" Reserve. They have the power to know the changes in values of stocks before they occur because they have the means to make them occur. They have the power to suppress negative scrutiny of corporations until they can all short that stock, then release the information with extreme prejudice. They can choose to release bad news about corporations immediately and gently if it suits them, or even suppress them entirely. They can use subtlety and repetition of negatives to destroy good companies if they want."
- "The Jews will soon figure out a way to censor it."
Yeah, I know. Jews are gods, possessing supernatural powers. It is vain to try to struggle against them.
No need to put words in my mouth or use sarcasm. Jews are just smarter, that's all. I suppose some Blacks think we are supernatural just because some things that are difficult for them are easy for us.
11-22-2004, 01:39 AM
The average IQ of Israel is, if memory serves, below 100. This is because Oriental Jews pull it down. I suppose if one took Episcopalians or Unitarians and averaged their IQ's they would be competitive with Ashkenazi Jews.What in the world would make you think Israeli Jews would publish accurate information about themselves? There is no way of knowing for sure. I have heard that the least intelligent Jews live in Israel. Perhaps because it's a welfare state at our expense. Or perhaps because it's the only way they can escape eugenics.....the practice where they encourage their duller bretheren to defect.
11-22-2004, 01:45 AM
What in the world would make you think Israeli Jews would publish accurate information about themselves?
I doubt if they would lie to their own detriment. Do you think they are depressing the scores, and if so what would be their motive?
- "Jews are by far more wealthy than Whites, on average. The ones who aren't are usually not part of organized Jewry."
This sounds like a "true Scotsman" fallacy - "if they're not wealthy, they're not real Jews."
"Survey Finds Poverty Rate Among Jews Soars in N.Y. "
"The study reports that fully 21% of Jewish households in New York City are poor, defined as earning less than 150% of the official federal poverty threshold. The figure in 1991 was 10%.
In the entire eight-county region, 15.9% of Jewish households were found to be poor, up from 8.6% in 1991. The survey found a total of 103,000 poor Jewish households in the region containing 244,000 people, including some non-Jews."
"Jewish poverty in Greater New York has doubled in the past decade to 21 percent of the community, while the number of Jews in the city fell 5 percent to 972,000, the lowest level in a century, a new study shows.
The figures -- which show one in six Jewish households in the New York area living in poverty -- are "shocking," said Alisa Rubin Kurshan, vice president of the UJA-Federation of New York, which funded the Jewish Community Study of New York."
11-22-2004, 01:52 AM
I doubt if they would lie to their own detriment. Do you think they are depressing the scores, and if so what would be their motive?
How would it be detrimental for them to claim less intellect?
The motive for claiming less intellect is to offset rumors started by "paranoid conspiracy theorists" that they are in command.
11-22-2004, 01:55 AM
"The study reports that fully 21% of Jewish households in New York City are poor, defined as earning less than 150% of the official federal poverty threshold. The figure in 1991 was 10%.
I guess that recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union don't hit the country making $100.000 a year.
11-22-2004, 01:56 AM
- "Jews are by far more wealthy than Whites, on average. The ones who aren't are usually not part of organized Jewry."
This sounds like a "true Scotsman" fallacy - "if they're not wealthy, they're not real Jews."
"Jewish poverty in Greater New York has doubled in the past decade to 21 percent of the community, while the number of Jews in the city fell 5 percent to 972,000, the lowest level in a century, a new study shows.
The figures -- which show one in six Jewish households in the New York area living in poverty -- are "shocking," said Alisa Rubin Kurshan, vice president of the UJA-Federation of New York, which funded the Jewish Community Study of New York."
There are a lot of Jews who show up broke from their other colonies. Jews don't usually give handouts to poor Jews, but poor Jews usually become rich Jews before long. Their average wealth exceeds ours.
"their other colonies..."
You really do have a serious inferiority complex with Jews.
11-22-2004, 01:58 AM
How would it be detrimental for them to claim less intellect?
The motive for claiming less intellect is to offset rumors started by "paranoid conspiracy theorists" that they are in command.
This runs contrary to a human characteristic called pride. The Jews are not underreporting their accomplishments.
11-22-2004, 02:00 AM
If your position had any merit you wouldn't need to rely on ad hominem to support it. I'm not a "nazi".
The internet is about the only place anyone can criticize TPTB without consequence. Pay attention. The Jews will soon figure out a way to censor it.
Indeed, I do pay attention. American Nazis and White Nationalists wallow around in the most afluent society ever on the face of the Earth and bitch between mouthfuls that the jews are killing the white race. No mention of whites killing themselves. Very rarely.
No mention that whites have become godless and worship money, sex and power and have developed an overwhelming craving to be entertained.
Couldn't be us! We're the pinnacle of evolution. It must be the jews. Yep. Let's exterminate the jews (again) and our problems will be solved (again).
We won't be corrupted anymore.
The "muds" will be out from under the jew's spell and they will all leave or submit to slavery. I can see it now. Yep.
Cue Everly Brother's "Dream".....................
11-22-2004, 02:02 AM
"their other colonies..."
You really do have a serious inferiority complex with Jews.
No need to use ad hominem if there is merit to your position.
Once a country's media has been conquered it's just like a colony. It's covert domination.
11-22-2004, 02:04 AM
This runs contrary to a human characteristic called pride. The Jews are not underreporting their accomplishments.
Pride. As I explained before, the less intelligent are the ones who brag the most.
11-22-2004, 02:06 AM
Indeed, I do pay attention. American Nazis and White Nationalists wallow around in the most afluent society ever on the face of the Earth and bitch between mouthfuls that the jews are killing the white race. No mention of whites killing themselves. Very rarely.
No mention that whites have become godless and worship money, sex and power and have developed an overwhelming craving to be entertained.
Couldn't be us! We're the pinnacle of evolution. It must be the jews. Yep. Let's exterminate the jews (again) and our problems will be solved (again).
We won't be corrupted anymore.
The "muds" will be out from under the jew's spell and they will all leave or submit to slavery. I can see it now. Yep.
Cue Everly Brother's "Dream".....................
Your argument style....."anybody who believes such and such is a so and so" ad hominem. I suggest you study epistemology and learn the construct better arguments. If there is any merit to your position you should be able to debate it logically.
11-22-2004, 02:18 AM
Your argument style....."anybody who believes such and such is a so and so" ad hominem. I suggest you study epistemology and learn the construct better arguments. If there is any merit to your position you should be able to debate it logically.
Psshht. It's called common sense, Travis.
It's called crying with a loaf under your arm.
You worry your head about IQ scores and there's Americans dying for our Zionist and petroleum policies in the desert. There's where your anger should be placed for effect.
11-22-2004, 02:27 AM
No mention that whites have become godless and worship money, sex and power and have developed an overwhelming craving to be entertained.
Ever wonder where we got these values? The cathode ray tube is the White man's gas chamber. Read the Protocols and you will see that these ideas were to be promoted to the goyim.
What makes you think that the Protocols is a reliable document?
And the moral decay of the White race had begun well before the supposed writing of that shady piece (1897).
11-22-2004, 02:33 AM
What makes you think that the Protocols is a reliable document?
And the moral decay of the White race had begun well before the supposed writing of that shady piece (1897).
Well if it isn't reliable, why is it so prophetic? They have done most of what the Protocols said they would. Read them. Even if you don't believe the Jews wrote them, it's fascinating reading and only about 40 pages.
Why would you assume they would wait until the Protocols were written before promoting degeneracy?
11-22-2004, 02:46 AM
Ever wonder where we got these values? The cathode ray tube is the White man's gas chamber. Read the Protocols and you will see that these ideas were to be promoted to the goyim.
The cathode ray tube is the White man's gas chamber.
That's an Alex Linder quote.
He doesn't much like white folk either, just his Aryan man- squad, good and true. That's just another allusion to gas chambers that supposedly never existed.
Like the nym of the poster "Auschwitz II". Whaaaaaaaat?
Jim Hardage
11-22-2004, 03:16 AM
Well if it isn't reliable, why is it so prophetic? They have done most of what the Protocols said they would. Read them.
In fact, the Protocols, which were supposedly written in 1897, did not say a single word about the most important Jewish movement of the 20th century - Zionism. The decision to form a separate homeland is contrary to much of the Protocols, which details how Jews will endeavor to obtain power and control in Christian nations.
11-22-2004, 03:35 AM
In fact, the Protocols, which were supposedly written in 1897, did not say a single word about the most important Jewish movement of the 20th century - Zionism. The decision to form a separate homeland is contrary to much of the Protocols, which details how Jews will endeavor to obtain power and control in Christian nations.
So what. The Protocols were just strategy. They may not have had Israel planned at that time, or those who did chose not to disclose it to their people.
In any case, all the things in the Protocols that they have actually done since then negate any possibility it was a coincidence they were so well described.
If someone who did not like Jews wrote it to smear them, he must have known exactly what their plans were.
Great reading anyway, just for insight on how the Machiavellian mind works.
11-22-2004, 03:38 AM
One reason for artificially inflating tribe's scores is to give an excuse WHY there are so many of them occupying positions of relevance. You know the old schtick, zhids getting places because they are smarter blah blah blah. And never underestimate their preening and desire to be worshiped. In short, the point they are trying to make is this: know your proper place, goyische pig. The funny thing is, some do willingly adopt that view and take the desert swindlers as some real talents.
The_Skunk with his "carnie skit" is needed to put it down in more entertaining terms :DSo you are claiming the Bell Curve and other racial IQ studies are wrong?
11-22-2004, 03:39 AM
In any case, all the things in the Protocols that they have actually done since then negate any possibility it was a coincidence they were so well described.
Go to libertyforum kook half the people there blame jews for bad weather.
11-22-2004, 03:45 AM
Go to libertyforum kook half the people there blame jews for bad weather.My My. Don't you have a nasty disposition.
11-22-2004, 03:50 AM
This has been a classy place lately if I don't "regulate" you'll bring in your fellow rense cranks and we'll have to spend our time continiously debunking your conspiracy theories( again and again because you people don't accept evidence oh no, all evidence was planted by the conspiracy and those people debunking your theories they be jews, or masons, or reptiles) no thanks.
11-22-2004, 04:17 AM
This has been a classy place lately if I don't "regulate" you'll bring in your fellow rense cranks and we'll have to spend our time continiously debunking your conspiracy theories( again and again because you people don't accept evidence oh no, all evidence was planted by the conspiracy and those people debunking your theories they be jews, or masons, or reptiles) no thanks. I guess I can assume you "debunk" the same way you "regulate". LOL.
11-22-2004, 02:02 PM
1) The Khazars, also known as Ashnenazi Jews.
Average IQ: 117 Achieved intellect through eugenics.
I hate to rain on your parade, but modern Ashkenazic Jews are not Khazars. The Khazars are a Turko-Mongolic tribe that happens to be extinct. The average Ashkenazi may have a bit of Khazar blood, but to refer to them as a whole as 'Khazars' is incorrect.
If you're still in doubt, compare these two:
A Turko-Mongolian:
An Ashkenazic Jew:
11-23-2004, 02:40 AM
I did not see any evidence in your links, only unconfirmed assertations. Until i see documents (photographed, not re-typed) of banks funding the Russian Revolution, I will have to doubt the claims veracity. If Trotsky and Lenin were buddies with the rich bankers New York, I am sure there are photographs of them together. If sources claimed in the links do have such evidence, please tell me which, so that I may investigate it.
11-23-2004, 03:22 AM
Until i see documents (photographed, not re-typed) of banks funding the Russian Revolution, I will have to doubt the claims veracity. Golly, do you have that high standards of proof when the talking heads on Talmudvision tell you something?
Here is a sugar-coated version from a Jewish source:
Schiff was prominently involved in floating loans to the government at home and to foreign nations, the most spectacular being a bond issue of $200,000,000 for Japan at the time of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904–05. Deeply angered by the anti-Semitic policies of the czarist regime in Russia, he was delighted to support the Japanese war effort. He consistently refused to participate in loans on behalf of Russia and used his influence to prevent other firms from underwriting Russian loans, while providing financial support for Russian Jewish self-defense groups.
A quote of a Jewish version:
Quote from "Jewish Communal Register", 1918:
Title: Schiff Finances Enemies Of Czar
Kehillah (Jewish Community) of New York City 356 SECOND AVENUE New York City
"Schiff, Jacob Henry, was born In 1847, at Frankfort on-the- Maine, Germany. He received his education in the schools of Frankfort. In 1866 he came to America, where he settled in New York City. Here, he joined the staff of a banking house. In 11173, he returned to Europe where he made connections with some of the chief German banking horses. Upon returning to the United States, he entered the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, New York of which he later became the head. His firm became the financial reconstructors of the Union Pacific Railroad, and since then is strongly interested in American railroad"
Mr. Schiff's principle of "community of interests among the chief railway combinations led to the formation of the Northern Securities Company, thus suppressing ruinous competition. The firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.. floated the large Japanese War Loans of 1904-5, thus making possible the Japanese victory over Russia Mr. Schiff is director of numerous financial companies, among them the Central Trust company. Western Union Telegraph Company, the Wells Fargo Express Company. He has been severer time vice-president of the New York Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and his influence in the best interests of his people. He financed the enemies of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia from the money market of the United States.
When last year, Mr. Schiff celebrated his seventieth birthday, all the factions of Jewry in the United States and elsewhere united in paying tribute to him.
[end quote]
Leon Trotsky was exiled from Russia and came to New York City on January 13, 1917. The Russian Jews who owned Vitagraph Movie Studies in Brooklyn gave Trotsky a job. He appeared in three films including "My Official Wife" starring Clara Kimball Young. Ironically, Trotsky played the part of a Russian revolutionary.
While in New York, Trotsky met with Schiff who saw in him the perfect revolutionary. Schiff had his "Friends of Russian freedom" locate 267 other Yiddish speaking Russian Jew exiles. He arranged for President Woodrow Wilson to give them U.S. passports so they could not be refused entry into Russia. Also, Schiff gave Trotsky $10 million (that is in 1917 dollars, which today would be worth hundreds of millions). Later Schiff would transfer another $15 million to Lenin.
[quote from "The Jewish Communist Register" of New York's Kehillah (community government), 1918. Edition.]
The U.S. Foreign Relations Committee of 1918 released a report on the international Jewish banks which were financing Communism. In each case they were banks owned by Jews. The Jew Olof Aschberg of Sweden's "Nya Banken" is referred to as "The Bolshevik Bank". Note that this bank "is financed in America by the Guarantee Trust Co." This bank was controlled by Jacob Schiff.
11-23-2004, 05:11 AM
Golly, do you have that high standards of proof when the talking heads on Talmudvision tell you something?
Always. :cool:
Here is a sugar-coated version from a Jewish source:
The rest of that paragraph greatly undermines your theory:
...while providing financial support for Russian Jewish self-defense groups. Schiff carried this policy into World War I, relenting only after the fall of czarism in 1917. At that time, he undertook to support the Kerensky government with a substantial loan.
The above would seem to show that Schiff was not financing Communists, but as it describes, "jewish self-defense groups", of which Communists could be considered. His possible funding of communists can be reasoned by his anti-Czarist beliefs; not necessarily pro-communist ones. This would explain his contradictory funding of Communists at one point, and another the Provisional Government of Kerensky. This is assuming, without empirical evidence, that he did indeed fund these organizations.
The U.S. Foreign Relations Committee of 1918 released a report on the international Jewish banks which were financing Communism. In each case they were banks owned by Jews. The Jew Olof Aschberg of Sweden's "Nya Banken" is referred to as "The Bolshevik Bank". Note that this bank "is financed in America by the Guarantee Trust Co." This bank was controlled by Jacob Schiff.
I'd like to see such a report.
If Jewish Bankers financed Bolsheviks, it would not necessarily implicate that Bolsheviks were under the bankers' control. (As the Irish were not under German control, even though Germany sent weapons to Ireland in 1917.)
11-23-2004, 01:13 PM
His possible funding of communists can be reasoned by his anti-Czarist beliefs; not necessarily pro-communist ones. Considering that the power struggle at the time was Czar vs Communist, and that so many of his people were in strategic places on the latter side, and his later association with Trotsky, it's quite a stretch to claim one does not imply the other.
This is assuming, without empirical evidence, that he did indeed fund these organizations. Well it came from a Jewish source.
I applaud you for demanding empirical evidence, but if we go over all the history we think we know and see how much can be supported by emiprical evidence, I think it would be less than 5%. That should give you an idea how easy it is to publish lies about history (the key thing being motive).
This is why you need to fit things together on the basis of motive, means, (physical) evidence, opportunity, modus operandi and modus agendi. That way, when you have two stories, you have valid criteria to compare them instead of "sources" and "documentation", and will be able to see how little of history is uncertain.
There's an old saying "History is agreed upon lies".....well only those who own the printing presses have to agree on it and you can bet they know what limits they can stretch it to without attracting too much scrutiny. Once they get it into textbooks and get it repeated over and over a few times, it "solid fact" and anyone who disputes it is a "paranoid conspiracy theorist".
He who determines the past (in the minds of the masses) determines the future.
Strategic value again.
11-24-2004, 12:01 AM
Considering that the power struggle at the time was Czar vs Communist, and that so many of his people were in strategic places on the latter side, and his later association with Trotsky, it's quite a stretch to claim one does not imply the other.
Who were "his people"? The claim that Bolsheviks recieved a bank's funding does not mean they were under its control. A similar situation was when the Germans sent weapons to the Irish in 1917 to aid their rebellion. The Irish were surely not under German control when they fought their revolution.
This is why you need to fit things together on the basis of motive, means, (physical) evidence, opportunity, modus operandi and modus agendi. That way, when you have two stories, you have valid criteria to compare them instead of "sources" and "documentation", and will be able to see how little of history is uncertain.
Correct, but I do not see these connections fitting your theory.
11-24-2004, 12:19 AM
Who were "his people"? Schiff's people.....his fellow Jews, his bretheren.The claim that Bolsheviks recieved a bank's funding does not mean they were under its control. A similar situation was when the Germans sent weapons to the Irish in 1917 to aid their rebellion. The Irish were surely not under German control when they fought their revolution. Apples to oranges....Germans funding Irish is not the same as Jews funding Jews. Besides it makes no difference if Schiff had control of the Bolsheviks actions. He funded a movement designed to place more power in the hands of his people....and marginalize the competition for supremacy. Kind of like if I sent money to National Alliance.
Correct, but I do not see these connections fitting your theory.
MOTIVE: Religious mandate, the Talmud outlines their manifest destiny. The power struggles between the races have been going on for thousands of years. Greed and lust for power. The natural desire to make the world a better place for their offspring.
MEANS : Mass media and most other means of influence. Jews excel in the field of psychology and have the means to use it against us. Media gives them the power of suggestion, the power of scrutiny, the power of repetition, the power of censorship and the power of smear. This is the strongest element of the case against them. It's almost a smoking gun.
EVIDENCE: Possession of monopoly of influence. Existence of taboo. Dispersion of population with retention of cohesiveness. Secrecy of religion. History of genocide. Implementation of fiat monetary systems, Originators of Marxism, Promotion of gun control, Promotion of and participation in subversive groups. Talmud and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
OPPORTUNITY: Mass media control gives them the opportunity to use the power of suggestion, the power of censorship, the power of scrutiny and the power of smear.
MODUS OPERANDI: Hide behind gentiles and fight a war of ideas and deception. Any organization with >10% Jewish names is Jewish controlled. Play both sides politically (all sides). Distract and misinform. Reliance on cohesiveness. Suppress scrutiny and dissent. Manipulate politicians with media. TV brainwashing. Financial manipulations.
MODUS AGENDI: Implementation of centralized world government. Gun control. Race mixing of gentiles. Ferment wars. Promotion of vehicles of distraction and division; materialism, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, games, sports and entertainment, undermine religions (doesn't matter if they are good or bad, but whether it serves their goals).
11-24-2004, 01:40 AM
Schiff's people.....his fellow Jews, his bretheren.
Why would this matter if the Jews he supposedly funded were Communists?
Apples to oranges....Germans funding Irish is not the same as Jews funding Jews. Besides it makes no difference if Schiff had control of the Bolsheviks actions. He funded a movement designed to place more power in the hands of his people....and marginalize the competition for supremacy. Kind of like if I sent money to National Alliance.
Jews supposedly funding Bolsheviks that happen to include Jews. Communists and bankers do not have the same goals, whereas you and the National Alliance do. (?)
MOTIVE: Religious mandate, the Talmud outlines their manifest destiny. The power struggles between the races have been going on for thousands of years. Greed and lust for power. The natural desire to make the world a better place for their offspring.
Motives are the most difficult facts to argue due to lack of evidence for an immaterial thing such as a motive. I will move on to the other points as I do not and probably will never know what any certain person or group "wants".
MEANS : Mass media and most other means of influence. Jews excel in the field of psychology and have the means to use it against us. Media gives them the power of suggestion, the power of scrutiny, the power of repetition, the power of censorship and the power of smear. This is the strongest element of the case against them. It's almost a smoking gun.
But did the Jews have a monopoly on mass media in 1917?
EVIDENCE: Possession of monopoly of influence. Existence of taboo. Dispersion of population with retention of cohesiveness. Secrecy of religion. History of genocide. Implementation of fiat monetary systems, Originators of Marxism, Promotion of gun control, Promotion of and participation in subversive groups. Talmud and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Some of these things could be an entire discussion on their own. Is there any specific evidence linking the banks with the Bolsheviks? That's what this discussion needs.
OPPORTUNITY: Mass media control gives them the opportunity to use the power of suggestion, the power of censorship, the power of scrutiny and the power of smear.
Again, did the Jews have a monopoly on mass media in 1917?
MODUS OPERANDI: Hide behind gentiles and fight a war of ideas and deception. Any organization with >10% Jewish names is Jewish controlled. Play both sides politically (all sides). Distract and misinform. Reliance on cohesiveness. Suppress scrutiny and dissent. Manipulate politicians with media. TV brainwashing. Financial manipulations.
Yes, yes...
MODUS AGENDI: Implementation of centralized world government. Gun control. Race mixing of gentiles. Ferment wars. Promotion of vehicles of distraction and division; materialism, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, games, sports and entertainment, undermine religions (doesn't matter if they are good or bad, but whether it serves their goals).
There are conservative Jews and Jews that support gun-rights. There are mystical Jews, anti-pornographic Jews, etc etc. Jews are all over the spectrum, it makes me doubt their ability to remain cohesive in order to further their goal of talmudic domination.
Until I see some hard evidence, not merely conjecture and motive analysis, I will not believe that bankers funded the Russian revolution.
I'm going to start a thread about "Jewish cohesiveness".
11-24-2004, 02:13 AM
I did not see any evidence in your links, only unconfirmed assertations.
The same could be said of his original post.
3) East Asians; Chinese, Koreans and Japanese.
Average IQ: 104 (IQ figures do not reflect their inferiority at original thinking/invention)
I love how he assumes this is determined genetically by race.
Here he is just grasping for ways to pigeonhole people:
4) Mexicans, Native Americans, Southeast Asians and misc. dark races.
Average IQ:85-90
It's quite obvious he hates it when individuals and groups do not fit into his narrow, arbitrary categories.
11-24-2004, 02:42 AM
Why would this matter if the Jews he supposedly funded were Communists? I'm not sure I'm following you. Why would which matter?
Jews supposedly funding Bolsheviks that happen to include Jews. Communists and bankers do not have the same goals, whereas you and the National Alliance do. (?)Overtly communists and bankers don't have the same goals but covertly they do. You would think that leftist/Marxist/socialist ideologies would be completely devoid of capitalists, but this has historically not been the case. On the surface the motives clash, but below the surface lies Jewish supremacy and the motives mesh. The left has advanced here in the USA over the last 50 years..but why? You would think they would not have the money to spread their ideas. Look for the Jewish connection.
Motives are the most difficult facts to argue due to lack of evidence for an immaterial thing such as a motive. I will move on to the other points as I do not and probably will never know what any certain person or group "wants". It's not so hard to figure out. People want to better their lives, usually at the expense of others. They want to make things better for their children and grandchildren. They want wealth and power. But with the Talmudists, their religion mandates advancement of their race and excludes others from joining except under certain rare circumstances. To sum up the science of guaging motives...qui bono...who benefits?
But did the Jews have a monopoly on mass media in 1917?They have snatched up the printing presses at every opportunity since their inception...or around the late 1800's. It may not have been a monopoly but they played a dominant role.
Some of these things could be an entire discussion on their own. Is there any specific evidence linking the banks with the Bolsheviks? That's what this discussion needs. They had the means (wealth), motive (get ahead..fulfill Tamudic doctrines), opportunity (who could stop them from funding communism?), modus operandi (cohesively use their wealth and influence to promote subversive ideas to undermine gentiles...homosexuality, feminism, race-mixing, gun control etc..), modus agendi (History of formenting wars, trying to implement world government like current day globalization and UN)
There are conservative Jews and Jews that support gun-rights. Supporting gun rights and saying you do is a different thing. The JPFO is a decoy that accomplishes nothing other than to take attention away from the fact that Schumer, Feinstein, Waxman, Boxer, Lautenberg and Cellar are Jews...and that Hollywood and mass media promote gun control and smear private gun owners and hunters. There are mystical Jews, anti-pornographic Jews, etc etc. Jews are all over the spectrum, it makes me doubt their ability to remain cohesive in order to further their goal of talmudic domination. How do you categorize people? The media encourages us to sort them out according to left and right so that we will assume that ideology trumps everything else. But with them, race trumps everything else, as it should.
I categorize people according to race first and ideology second, meaning I assume that members of a race are more likely to be loyal to each other regardless of ideology than people of like ideology will be loyal to each other regardless of race. Unfortunately Whites have been confused on this.
I'm going to start a thread about "Jewish cohesiveness".Good topic. Looking forward to it.
11-24-2004, 02:46 AM
I love how he assumes this is determined genetically by race.Well can you deny that Asians have copied everything we have invented?
Here he is just grasping for ways to pigeonhole people:
It's quite obvious he hates it when individuals and groups do not fit into his narrow, arbitrary categories.
11-24-2004, 02:53 PM
This runs contrary to a human characteristic called pride. The Jews are not underreporting their accomplishments.
No, they aren't, but they are underreporting the fact that those making these accomplishments are Jewish. There are loads of famous, respected influential people who are Jewish and the masses don't know it.
Well can you deny that Asians have copied everything we have invented?
I personally would never deny that Asian nations have copied everything the White race ever invented that was worth anything, technology, systems of government, etc. All other nonwhites have tried to do the same. The Asians were different though many NE Asian nations i.e. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore have made these thinks work and have created standards of living for themselves comparable to those of White nations. The other non-Whites were unable to do this.
I’m not going to try to claim that Asians have achieved as much as the White race socially and technologically. However you cannot deny that they do produce exceptional individuals from time to time who have done truly innovative things. They just seem to be doing it less often than white nations. And of course the presence of small minorities of these super intelligent Jews in our nations is not a sufficient explanation for this.
Being as the bell curve for White women has a tighter distribution than the one for men causing them to produce less retarded individuals and less geniuses. Many people believe this lack of super brilliant Asian Edison types may be due to the Asian bell curve having a tighter distribution than the White one does. Women have different hormones than men and Asians have lower hormone levels. Maybe it would have something to do with hormone levels in the womb or something of that nature.
The again, there are experts who say that there is no evidence to support the idea that the Asian bell curve actually has a tighter distribution. These people would say it is a combination Asians collectivist culture and their more passive nature or something of that nature that simply prevents many of their geniuses from going out there and innovating the way so many of ours do.
I personally believe they can and will overcome this. And that eventually there will be prosperous White nation states and prosperous Asian nation stats producing the same amount of Edison types per capita.
12-19-2004, 05:05 PM
The Chinese actually invented a lot of stuff before whites did, they never applied it fully though( exhibit A:gunpowder).
12-19-2004, 08:33 PM
The Chinese actually invented a lot of stuff before whites did, they never applied it fully though( exhibit A:gunpowder).No doubt they have invented a few things, but the issue here is that we have invented things in extreme disproportion to them, and developed them at our own expense. Put a list of things these very numerous Asians have invented alongside our accomplishments and you cannot deny the extreme disparity. They are the beneficiaries of our intellect and hard work. If the Jews had not done such a good job of opening the borders most Asians with the exception of their highest class would still be squatting naked behind a bush, holding a stick with a rock tied to the end of it.....wondering where their next meal is coming from.
If the Jews had not done such a good job of opening the borders most Asians with the exception of their highest class would still be squatting naked behind a bush, holding a stick with a rock tied to the end of it.....wondering where their next meal is coming from.
What are you saying? Do you really think majority Chinese Singapore with the highest median income of any country in the world would be some pre-modern third world country were it not for New Zealand accepting tons of immigrants from there?
While I would agree with you that accepting massive amounts of immigrants from an Asian country to the point where previously white towns and suburbs are turning Chinese is not something any white nation should be doing; I do not see how this would make a third world people capable. And I sincerely doubt that if the stupidly lax immigration policies of white nations were to be reformed that every prosperous NE Asian nation would collapse.
12-19-2004, 10:29 PM
No doubt they have invented a few things, but the issue here is that we have invented things in extreme disproportion to them, and developed them at our own expense.
Up until the time of the Renaisance Europe was behind China technologically in most fields.
12-19-2004, 11:18 PM
Up until the time of the Renaisance Europe was behind China technologically in most fields.Up until the time of the Renaisance both Europeans and Asians were not far ahead of Cro-Magnons technologically so that's a rather moot point.
12-19-2004, 11:32 PM
What are you saying? Do you really think majority Chinese Singapore with the highest median income of any country in the world would be some pre-modern third world country were it not for New Zealand accepting tons of immigrants from there? The only thing Westerners accepting immigrants did for Asians is it helped give them access to our technologies, then with the advent of international trade, promoted by you know who gave them the ability to compete in our makets selling our own inventions. Add to this all the internal restrictions our own manufacturers had imposed by the government during the Jewish watch, which made it difficult for us to compete.
If the Jews had not opened up immigration, world travel and trade, the Asians would not have been able to advance themselves to the levels they now have. They became the capable people they now are almost solely at our expense.
And I sincerely doubt that if the stupidly lax immigration policies of white nations were to be reformed that every prosperous NE Asian nation would collapse.I agree, beyond their weakness in original thinking I have a high enough opinion of Asians to concede they could at least maintain their current levels of civilization if isolated from us........more than I would say for the darker races. Asians at least have some sense of discipline.
Up until the time of the Renaisance both Europeans and Asians were not far ahead of Cro-Magnons technologically so that's a rather moot point.
Well actually it’s not a moot point. The renaissance came about in middle ages in Europe due to the massive depopulations caused by repeated waves of plague. The workers who were left could demand higher wages, and the dearth of labor inspired technological innovation. Had we seen this sort of thing happen in ancient Rome we might have had a renaissance 1,000 years earlier, or if it had happened in ancient China we may have seen some sort of Asian renaissance.
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