View Full Version : Of 'Jill', white women, and the 'parasiticus'

10-28-2004, 03:03 PM
White women. Count it. I was told some years back that white women with ten joined ribs each side, and two pokey-outeys each side were actually quite common, something very few would notice, or care about. What does this mean, and what use is this? What I am aware of is that white women are generally fairer than white males, and that genes usually serve multiple/cross-linked functions, and white women being fairer might well be a result of this.

The main point I want to make is that the gene or genes responsible might well be exclusively white-and that the normal 'model' is quite likely due to genes shared with the rest of the world, and africans, und to mention the jews.

Tinkering with this might well be a first step to speciation. Who knows.

And if this were made widely known in the mainstream, it might make people look at the whites in a different light.

Maybe you can pick 'Jill' from pointy fangs, rather than the african flat-type.