View Full Version : Who Are You?

07-02-2004, 06:55 PM
How can a superpower go about transforming a theocratic society into a democratic society whilst ignoring a key principle of democracy itself: multilateral decision making? This basically states that the opinions of others hamper the goals of the neoconservative secret societies that pursue such imperialistic ends in vulnerable and oil-rich regions.

Half of these so-called threats are greatly exaggerated and/or fabricated. Indeed it was unsettling to hear that yet another Middle Eastern despot had got his hands on some very destructive weaponry, but where did it come from? By now it is well known by all, and where the hell is that weaponry?!

It was an interesting article, and I am interested, but its nothing I didn't know already.

Who are you?

07-02-2004, 07:46 PM
Well sir, I am a mythical Irish hero birthed from Lugh.

Actually my name's Ben. Back to the topic at hand if you will.

07-02-2004, 07:56 PM
No I don't will. Where do you come from? Why do you support the Union, yet call yourself after an Irish hero?

07-02-2004, 08:13 PM
Why Cú Chuláin over anyone else?
How does the Union protect you as a worker?
Did I say there was a rule like that?