View Full Version : Introduction Thread
06-27-2004, 04:01 AM
Introduce yourself here.
06-27-2004, 04:46 AM
Hi, I'm YellowDischarge and this is the 57474643th The Phora version I've posted on. :D
I started off on the dayofdefeat boards where Fade and the rest of the Sticky Caps Brigade trolled up the history forum until their bannings. I came here as well and the rest is history.
06-27-2004, 04:48 AM
you all know me
06-27-2004, 05:08 AM
*mumbles something about jews*
06-27-2004, 05:25 AM
I am Ymir, and the internet is my extremist channel of choice.
der kleine Doktor
06-27-2004, 05:38 AM
I am der kleine Doktor, hope to anger more with some banners. AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Goodtimes :D
06-27-2004, 05:41 AM
I am Marlaud, I am Basque and I am trying put my posts that disappeared again in the forum.
06-27-2004, 05:48 AM
I'm jonny, and I don't normally have too much to say for myself.
06-30-2004, 08:29 PM
See what happens when you don't respond to my request for a name change? ;)
a/k/a background noise
a/k/a Ironweed
a/k/a Relevant Range
06-30-2004, 10:44 PM
Name: Fred
Age: Mid-twenties
Location: Ireland
Occupation: Professional Muslim
Religion: Athiest
Political ideology: Socialist
People you admire: Black people and Jews, also degenarates of all races
Some favourite books of yours: 1984, Catch 22, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Diary of Adrian Mole, Roy Keane - My Life as an Asshole
Interests: Posting on the Phora, celebrating my birthday, filling out questionaires, making spelling mistakes, being accused of being CanikickIt, watching TV, looking at the news, changing the station, shooting hoops, crossing the road, crossing the line, posting pictures of Frederich Braun and Perun, posting pictures of the old moderator's lounge, trying on my grandfather's uniform, etc., etc., etc., etc.
06-30-2004, 11:48 PM
Hello I am Geist, vehement anti-nazi/anti Stalinist mid-twenties group/anti-pretty much everything except the above poster.
07-01-2004, 12:08 AM
No one is against me. How could they be?
My favourite member of the forum is the mentally ill Der Kliene Doktor.
He's the only nazi who is honest about his mental stability.
07-01-2004, 01:15 AM
Might as well point out that I'm still here.
Sam Spade
07-01-2004, 01:26 AM
I'm still here too. I think I'll continue to be here.
ok, posting.
Previously posted as 2600/Universal Truth Machine.
07-01-2004, 06:01 AM
I have also registered!
07-01-2004, 09:00 AM
No one is against me. How could they be?
I still hate you. There's no reason for you to feel left out.
07-01-2004, 01:26 PM
Name: Ken
Age: 18
Location: Australia
Occupation: Student
Religion: Chaos
Political ideology:
Maximum self extension
People I admire:
FadeTheButcher, Oswald Spengler, Friedrich Nietzsche
Favourite books:
The Brothers Karamazov (Fyodor Dostoyevsky), Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk), Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand), Revolt Against the Modern World (Julius Evola), The Will to Power (Friedrich Nietzsche), Red Storm Rising (Tom Clancy), Invasion (Eric L. Harry), Selections from the Prison Notebooks (Antonio Gramsci), Decline of the West (Oswald Spengler)
Philosophy, Metapolitics, writing fiction, reading fiction, music, my girlfriend.
Favourite bands:
London After Midnight, Tristania, Slipknot, Orgy, El Niño, Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, System of a Down.
Most influential books I've ever read: The Will to Power (Nietzsche), Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche), Concept of the Political (Carl Schmitt), Revolt Against the Modern World (Evola), Doctrine of Awakening (Evola), Decline of the West (Oswald Spengler), The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins).
Favourite Movies:
American Psycho, American History X, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, Requiem for a Dream, The Usual Suspects, The Boondock Saints.
Metapolitical systems I've been through:
Pro-Monarchial Austarlian Conservatism, Anarcho-Syndicalism, National Socialism/White Nationalism, National Bolshevism, Objectivism, Yockeyite European Nationalism, Power Nihilism, Evolian Traditionalism.
Religions/spiritual outlooks I've adopted then perhaps rejected: Episcopalian Christianity (Anglicanism - born into it), Agnosticism, Atheism, Islam, Militant Atheism, Buddhism, Nihilism, Roman Catholicism, Evolian Traditionalism.
07-01-2004, 03:04 PM
How many incarnations now of the Phora? It should be called the Phoenix, rising yet again from the ashes!
So a new incarnation for me too, now I shall just be me under my name. I remain 65 and retired; and still an old incorrigible Nazi.
El Cid
07-01-2004, 08:27 PM
I am Cid, the non-caring. Of the past.
07-03-2004, 10:35 PM
Luh_Windan, I've been lurking the phora for about a year and a bit, and talked to a few of you on msnchat some time ago. 18 years old, live in Ottawa, Canada, finishing up highschool then planning to study history and economics in university. I listen to classical, neofolk, synthpop, and experimental electronic music.
AKA: bricksanoval, eelwellwl23
07-05-2004, 03:05 AM
Valentine Smith
In Ireland
Like to listen to music
07-05-2004, 08:08 PM
I am unknowable.
07-05-2004, 09:19 PM
I am unknowable.
I am glad to hear that. I wouldn't want to know you.
Apollonian Baroques
07-19-2004, 06:53 PM
G'day, longtime lurker, firstime poster. To avoid future misunderstandings, i figured a considerable introduction is probably in order. Here's a list of positions i hold on some fundamental issues.
Liberalism: Opposed to it. Though I tend to view classical liberalism more favorably than the modern leftist interpretation.
Modern Leftism: Pyschological derangement that is caused by an overproductive, hypersocialized society.
Marxism: Doesn't work in theory or practice.
Nazim: Aesthetically redeemable. Ideologically bankrupt.
Capitalism: The law of supply and demand is pretty self evident. But when Adam Smith identified the division of labor and specialization I don't think American McCulture was what he had in mind.
Human Races: They exist.
Gender (differences): They exist.
Human bio diversity/IQ: Nature over nurture.
Natural Hierarchy: Inevitable
Racism: I'm generally antagonistic towards "bigotry" (i'll leave the definition of that one to homo semanticus :)). But the preservation of my race has always been an obvious desire; if not for abstract biological reasons, then for general sentiments grounded in aesthetics and intuition.
I don't give much credence to the mainstream political pendulum, the left would call me a fascist, the (american) right a socialist. I guess overall i believe in progressivism - the nietzschean overman, aristocratic ideal, the world justified as an aesthetic phenomenon. Unrealistic, i know, but worth aiming for (atleast it's ethos!). I'm a nihilist; it's all about perspective. We are perennialy confined to a subjective existence, though I don't see why this should entail relativity. To sum up - power, privilege and exploitation makes more sense to me than liberty, fraternity and equality. In rl i'm actually a pretty polite, reserved, young individual. My conscience, however, has always subverted me to the more sordid aspects of existence. Most would consider this a shortcoming, I view it as simply an intractable will to truth - or atleast, my truth. :P
Hi, I am GebirgsJager. Ive been posting with some of you since HellFireForums and the one before that. Lots of new faces here now though. I used to be known as IZVN or Adolf Hitler on the board.
Darth Murph
07-28-2004, 11:33 PM
Been lurking around for a while - figured I might as well sign up. My main aim here is just to learn more, so I usually only post when I think I have something original to add to a thread. I have posted at some other forums. Lately I have spent time at OD as Llenlleawc; a reference to my Irish roots and my interest in Aurthurian myth.
I'm intersted in conspiracy theories but with two distinctions from the average conspiracy nut: first I do not believe in one overarching conspiracy that explains everything, rather I believe that when the power elite degenerate they will incline towards a conspiratal mindset- illegitimate power corrupts as De Tocqueville noted. Conspiracies are thus a feature of history but all history is not the product of conspiracy. Secondly I don't believe that any human is capable of acting outside of good intentions. Even the new world order is built with good intentions not by some wild eyed group of James Bond style villians purposely bent on destruction.
I see Marxism and Calvinism as two sides of the same coin. Marxism would have been impossible without the pessimistic foundation of Calvinism. Marxism is an extension of Calvinsim just as American feminism is an extension of puritanism. Ultimately the conspirators always use guilt to control the masses. I am outside the culture of guilt in all its forms, marxist or calvinist. Thus I am not interested in insulting other races, merely defending my own from the culture of guilt.
Anyhow, I'm sure I'll have fun here :)
Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:13 AM
My cat's name is mittens :)
Hello, I'm also known as Awar on Skadi and Dodona...
if someone gets around to it, change my nickname into AWAR.
Thank ye.
08-04-2004, 02:37 AM
...tired of waiting for the Skadi situation to resolve itself :confused: - figured I'd better try out the waters here...
08-09-2004, 04:57 AM
Hi, im MausTakner (Kirstof if you prefer) and i am probably the most humane Fascist you will ever meet :).
I feel no ill-feelings towards any ethnic groups, races, religions, etc. etc...
with the exception of a grudge against russia, and the russians for their crimes against Germany in ww2... STEALING half of it, turning it into a commie breeding ground complete with puppet government...
am against the current russian, austrian, etc. governments whom are PUPPET governments of the "freed world" and have turned those countries peoples from proud, Germans into a un-free country full of walking america wannabe blue-haired mindless flesh bags that descended from TRUE Germans thanks to the "free world" the commies and the puppet government...
I am a partial-supporter of the NPD (i am against it in some small ways...) and a supporter of the Austrian FPO.
I am NOT against the Jews, whether it be the Jews defined by RELIGION or the Jews defined by ethnicity... but i AM against some of the fanatical Jewish organizations in Germany that are STEALING from Germans by not paying taxes not working vandalising graves of WW2 veterans and basically MILKING germany for all it's worth living in luxury while many germans are struggling to make ends meat and many mroe germans living in poverty... But i am not against the Jews as a people, as I myself have some distant jewish backgrounds... ie i am part, small part, Jewish...
I am not for torture, any inhumane acts or unjustly violent acts even against those who i consider my enemies...
I anticipate the Fourth Reich, I anticipate the German puppet government will get overthrown... hopefully soon.
Well i am open to any questions you might have, please ask away if you are not sure about something about me... ask.
and again... I feel no ill-feelings towards any ethnic groups, races, religions, etc. etc...
And thats your classic MausTanker :).
08-09-2004, 06:28 AM
Did you have Rommel in your avatar on the old phora?
08-10-2004, 08:03 AM
yes. i admire rommel :).
08-10-2004, 08:10 AM
Why are you a fascist? What does fascism mean to you?
08-11-2004, 01:12 AM
Why are you a fascist? What does fascism mean to you?
hmmm toughy, i just find it the most attractive thing out there really... i do not agree with all parts of it and i think the guy who thought it up (mussolini) was a doof... but i enjoy the severe sense of nationalism and community it inflicts, and how it brings people together for one common cause (basically nationalism) and with it... crime and violence is way down (i am assuming this) and love for the country, your fellow citizens, and the establishment (and of course the 'leader' assuming it isn't a oof like mussolini... but more like hitler minus the bad parts).
sorry i think i am being incredibly vauge, but ya it's hard to explain... i also agree with national socialism to a extent.
08-15-2004, 02:36 PM
Hello, my name is George and I'm from England. I'm 22. I left Skadi because of excessive and corrupt moderation there. I work on a farm and in a supermarket and hope to join the Army soon. My political Weltanschung (sp?) is an updated version of National Socialism. nice to meet you :)
08-16-2004, 04:41 AM
What do you mean, 'updated?'
08-16-2004, 05:16 AM
hmmm toughy, i just find it the most attractive thing out there really... i do not agree with all parts of it and i think the guy who thought it up (mussolini) was a doof... but i enjoy the severe sense of nationalism and community it inflicts, and how it brings people together for one common cause (basically nationalism) and with it... crime and violence is way down (i am assuming this) and love for the country, your fellow citizens, and the establishment (and of course the 'leader' assuming it isn't a oof like mussolini... but more like hitler minus the bad parts).
sorry i think i am being incredibly vauge, but ya it's hard to explain... i also agree with national socialism to a extent.
What about fascism in general do you not find attractive/agreeable?
08-16-2004, 02:03 PM
What do you mean, 'updated?'
It needs to be changed a little to adapt it to the conditions in 2004 England, which are different to those in 1928 Germany.
Hans-Ulrich Rudel
09-07-2004, 08:19 PM
Hail all,
I am new here, and I will make myself known. I am an American-born National Socialist, and I'm not afriad to admitt it. It's good to see pro-europeanism forums. I hope to get to know all of you soon.
Es lebe Nationalsozialismus!
09-07-2004, 09:03 PM
luh_windin, I will be adding our friend here to the list of Yankee nazi's, wannabe Europeans...:)
Hans-Ulrich Rudel
09-07-2004, 09:28 PM
luh_windin, I will be adding our friend here to the list of Yankee nazi's, wannabe Europeans...:)
Are you talking about me?
09-07-2004, 09:59 PM
Check the "Yankee Racialists" thread in the lounge.
Hans-Ulrich Rudel
09-07-2004, 10:11 PM
If he is indeed speaking of me, he should know that I am not a "yankee". I was born and raised in the South, heart of the Confederacy. I am American, and wont hide that. Yes, I am a national socialist; agian I wont hide that. I am of European blood, and heritage and my relatives (great-grandparents) are from Europe. Does this make me a "wanna-be european?" I suggest he knows me before he makes such ridiculous comments.
09-08-2004, 12:58 AM
Oh be quiet, keep the posturing for the next WP convention. I also state in the thread I meant Yankee to mean American and then made the distinction in reply, if you had bothered to look at the thread you would have realised that.
I am not overly serious here, it was a fleeting comment and you arrived just at the right time that it was almost comic for me.
Hans-Ulrich Rudel
09-08-2004, 01:05 AM
Oh be quiet, keep the posturing for the next WP convention.
I don't go to White Power conventions. Other wise you don't know a thing about me yet and yet you make such a comment. I could've been born in Europe for all you could've known. So unless you are a part of psychic friends network shut up, mick.
09-08-2004, 01:18 AM
All I wanna do is zeig a zeig heil.
09-08-2004, 02:57 AM
In diesem Scheißhaus sitzt ein Geist. :222
09-08-2004, 02:55 PM
In this ****ting house a spirit sits? Very poetic.
09-10-2004, 12:24 AM
In this ****ting house a spirit sits? Very poetic.
Babelfish sucks.
09-10-2004, 03:23 PM
True, so what did it say? I actually enrolled in German classes for the coming year, generally just to read Husserl, Nietzsche, Hegel etc. They are the long, long term goals but I have to start somewhere.
09-10-2004, 04:00 PM
True, so what did it say?
It was the first line of a classic toilet poem, but Geist, which has several meaning, means here "ghost", not "spirit".
I actually enrolled in German classes for the coming year, generally just to read Husserl, Nietzsche, Hegel etc. They are the long, long term goals [...]
LOL, indeed.
I wonder how long it takes to get from drilling sentences like "Wo - ist - der - Bahnhof?" to the lecture of Nietzsche and Hegel. ^^
09-10-2004, 04:10 PM
I wonder how long it takes to get from drilling sentences like "Wo - ist - der - Bahnhof?" to the lecture of Nietzsche and Hegel. ^^
A very long time. Even getting to the level of popular fiction is slow going.
09-10-2004, 04:59 PM
I wonder how long it takes to get from drilling sentences like "Wo - ist - der - Bahnhof?" to the lecture of Nietzsche and Hegel.
If anyone is curious, most Germans read Hegel in English translation.
Very frightening.
10-08-2004, 11:37 PM
If anyone is curious, most Germans read Hegel in English translation.
Really? How do you know this?
10-09-2004, 06:59 AM
Some of you know me, some of you don't.
10-10-2004, 09:11 PM
Hello, I'm whitedevil from StormFront. I also post on Skadi as tricknologist.
10-13-2004, 07:20 PM
Easiest to follow Ken's example!
Name: Scáthach/An Dearg Doom
Age: ;)
Location: Dublin
Occupation: Student
Religion: -
Political ideology: Irish Nationalist
People I admire: Forumwise? Milesian and INS, damn them ;)
Otherwise...there are a few, somewhere, i'm sure.
Favourite books: Knulp - Hermann Hesse, Diary of a Drugfiend - Crowley, Nausea - Sartre, The Outsider - Camus, The Rum diary - Hunter S Thompson, Compulsion - Levin, The Redneck Manifesto - Jim Goad
Interests: Politics, history, gaeilge, animals, militaria, people, psychology, criminology, art etc
Favourite bands: Nick Cave, Landser, Joy Division, The cure, Type o Negative, BFG...and on. and on..
Most influential book I've ever read: Collins - The path to freedom
Favourite Movies: A Clockwork Orange, Up the Junction, Kes, Rope, Compulsion, Fight Club...
Religions/spiritual outlooks I've adopted then perhaps rejected: Catholicism
10-19-2004, 08:22 AM
Heilsa all :)
I was Ak at the "other" forums, took umbrage at the moderator ignorance at stormfront and the treating of a simple-minded alcoholic race-mixing snitch as a hero at VNN.
Judging from all the posts preceeding mine by posters who are now banned is not encouraging, but I will try not to be too annoying so as to be here long enough to at least unpack :rolleyes:
Hi, I'm Leichenlinie / Cepo / Dyne and this is the 57474644th The Phora version I've posted on. :D
I originally came here with a small group of friends to insult everyone involved. That was when I was young, and stupid. I am still stupid, just not young. Now I guess is the part where I tell you about myself, and you skip over this entry because it looks too long to read. That's what I do, anyways.
The Phora can be a very influential place and because of it I have gone through many political and philosophical cycles in the past couple of years. This led me to the realization that I needed to cut myself off from external influences for a bit and figure out what I really thought about the world, an epiphany so to speak. Everyone reaches a point in their life where they realize "hey, I don't really know what's going on around me and I don't ever put much thought into it, maybe I should start." some of us do this later than others, thankfully I got an early start.
Yeah I'll admit it, I was a national socialist, a socialist, an anarchist, a capitalist, none of these ever seemed 100% correct to me though and when I took my hiatus from everyones shrapnel-thoughts, I found that the best thing that works for ME is to just take things as they come. Some people are bastards, some are great. Culture is the biggest vice anyone can have... subscribing to a thought just because others like you believe it.
I am heavily versed in occult and if I had to state a religion I would of course have to go with Gnostic Hermetecism though my real spiritual path is through Chaos Magick. Don't bother asking me much about magick because I won't talk to you about it unless you show genuine interest.
I guess that's it. Anything else, just ask.
10-29-2004, 01:59 AM
I used to visit skadi; but, after being labelled as a retarded Yankee, by a certain crypto- :jew: over there, I've decided to go elsewere.
And, since I'd heard good things about the Phora, I figured I'd check it out.
10-29-2004, 08:01 AM
Welcome aboard.
Nuclear Thoughts
11-06-2004, 05:23 AM
Good evening.
My screen-name is Photon Torpedo, and that's also my screen-name on other forums as well.
Previously, I used to fire off regular salvos of photon torpedoes over at VNN, doing great structural damage to the evil ass-klingons over there. But cowards being what they are, VNN banned me rather than deal with my withering fussilade of rapier wit, cogent logic, and unmatchable word dueling. (Hey, if I had to go up against myself, I'd've chickened out too)
This forum is new to me, but I like what I see. Hey, even the color scheme is tasteful. I'm a WN, but unlike the ass-licking drones over at VNN, I'm a free-thinker as well. Thus, I welcome any and all who wish to engage in intelligent, civilized debate.
Photon Torpedo
11-06-2004, 07:48 AM
I am k0nsl. I have no idea why I am here, but there seems to be many intelligent people assembled at this place so I will probably stick around for a while.
11-11-2004, 09:53 PM
If you don't know who I am, please read the Grímnismál.
I am the Oak-encircler, he who eats from the limbs of the Lærad, i.e. Yggdrasil.
11-11-2004, 09:56 PM
Welcome aboard woodeater.
Jack Napier
11-15-2004, 06:20 AM
This is really a test post, but I figured I’d say hello to everyone. I became aware of this place through Fade’s postings on other boards. I’ve been lurking for a month or so, and have decided to contribute some thoughts once in a while.
11-15-2004, 12:26 PM
Thank you for taking my call.
Zionist Neo-cons are hiding under my sofa,
while New World Orderlies are quietly taking over
my country. I'm glad I've got wacko White Nationalist
websites to go to and reinforce my group delusions.
11-15-2004, 12:35 PM
Hello new guys.
11-16-2004, 01:37 PM
Welcome aboard woodeater.
No, I nibble from the branches. I don't nibble the branches. I eat the leaves. :mad: What kind of hart eats wood?
11-16-2004, 05:49 PM
No, I nibble from the branches. I don't nibble the branches. I eat the leaves. :mad: What kind of hart eats wood?
The kind of hart originating in a mythology with copper boars and sixlegged horses? ;)
Jim Hardage
11-17-2004, 04:55 AM
I am looking for sane racialism, free from the conspiracy theory, paranoia, empty threats and uneducated jabbering that dominates Stormfront and makes VNN seem like the home for the criminally insane. Millions of Whites share most of our views but are ashamed of their beliefs and afraid to speak their minds - let us discuss how we can reach them.
11-17-2004, 11:24 AM
Welcome aboard Jimbo. You'll be happy to learn that we have the fewest conspiracy-nutters of all pro-white sites that actually matter.
11-17-2004, 12:49 PM
The kind of hart originating in a mythology with copper boars and sixlegged horses? ;)
Better than a mythology of a single god, angles, a talking snake, and wierd semetic giants (offspring of Lot's drunken affair with his daughters). Of course I talk of Judaism and Old Testament Christian Beliefs. :eek: :jew:
:p ;)
But hey, whatever suits you best.
11-25-2004, 05:07 PM
I am looking for sane racialism, free from the conspiracy theory, paranoia, empty threats and uneducated jabbering that dominates Stormfront and makes VNN seem like the home for the criminally insane. Millions of Whites share most of our views but are ashamed of their beliefs and afraid to speak their minds - let us discuss how we can reach them.
I couldn't agree with this more.
The kind of racialism I want is America, minus the 14th ammendment, and affirmative action. If that happened, everything else would sort itself out.
The Constituent
11-26-2004, 04:24 PM
minimalist.. one race in any one place is the aesthetic ideal.
11-30-2004, 08:21 AM
Hi all.
Found this forum via VNN.
This one looks better.
12-13-2004, 05:43 AM
I am looking for sane racialism, free from the conspiracy theory, paranoia, empty threats and uneducated jabbering that dominates Stormfront and makes VNN seem like the home for the criminally insane. Millions of Whites share most of our views but are ashamed of their beliefs and afraid to speak their minds - let us discuss how we can reach them.
Ditto:) I am here from Stormfront for that exact same reason I couldn't agree with you more, I believe there are a lot of white people out there who are afraid to speak their minds for fear of looking like the uneducated hicks and criminally insane that give us a bad name..maybe not the best way to put it but I think you know what I mean:)
12-14-2004, 10:49 PM
Hey yall, I'm Jay, 24, and extremely handsome.
If anyone is interested, American Renaissance has a Yahoo! Group. I agree that Stormfront blows. AR does a good job of keeping out the nutjobs. I've been in the group for about two years now. They stopped advertising it on their site and since they changed the format of their site to allow comments, I haven't seen much new blood in the group. Don't get me wrong, it is VERY active. Averages around 1,000 posts a month.
12-20-2004, 06:00 AM
Sorry I did'nt see this forum first. I am Robert a Redneck in Texas. I found this site while searching European people.
12-20-2004, 12:10 PM
I came here to get away from the socially inept, judeo-feminists, social outcasts and other assorted freaks that make up the majority of people on Stormfront, VNNF, and just about every other pro-White web forum I've seen out there. Of course, I realize that posting on a forum won't do dick for White people, I do believe it will take a group of elite individuals to do what needs to be done in order to turn this country around. And I think this website might produce those people.
This place seems interesting. I think I shall stick around for a while.
12-20-2004, 12:21 PM
Welcome aboard wolf.
Niccolo and Donkey
12-20-2004, 12:24 PM
I came here to get away from the socially inept, judeo-feminists, social outcasts and other assorted freaks that make up the majority of people on Stormfront, VNNF, and just about every other pro-White web forum I've seen out there. Of course, I realize that posting on a forum won't do dick for White people, I do believe it will take a group of elite individuals to do what needs to be done in order to turn this country around. And I think this website might produce those people.
This place seems interesting. I think I shall stick around for a while.
I am a part of that future elite.
My mom said so.
12-20-2004, 02:45 PM
Welcome aboard wolf.
I am a part of that future elite.
My mom said so.
That's good to know, son.
12-20-2004, 09:45 PM
I came here to get away from the socially inept, judeo-feminists, social outcasts and other assorted freaks that make up the majority of people on Stormfront, VNNF, and just about every other pro-White web forum I've seen out there. Of course, I realize that posting on a forum won't do dick for White people, I do believe it will take a group of elite individuals to do what needs to be done in order to turn this country around. And I think this website might produce those people.
This place seems interesting. I think I shall stick around for a while.We do need an alternative to all that. Welcome to The Phora, Wolf. :)
12-21-2004, 01:37 PM
Greetings, all. I was a poster at Stormfront for a couple of months, but became dismayed with the Nazi worship and the hyper-censorship. This is an excellent forum, and the debates here seem of a higher breed. I’ve been dropping in from time to time to read them, and now I hope to partake.
As for my own beliefs, I hesitate to call myself a "White nationalist." I'm not exactly proud of any sort of association with the individuals who normally bear that label. I'm more of a White "leave-me-the-hell-alone"; as in, I don't really demand a White nation--I'd be more than satisfied with a White county, or a White town, or even a White street. But, of course, the equalitarian machine will not allow us that. You have several thousand people asking for their own homeland and several million who won't even give them a damned acre. It's the definition of absurdity.
Thus, I sit on the fence for now, having long ago outgrown equalitarianism, and I won’t title myself a “White nationalist” until the “movement” grows up a bit.
Anyway, I look forward to reading and posting further. :)
12-21-2004, 03:05 PM
You're in the right place. :)
The Future King
01-04-2005, 07:51 PM
Hello, i am the chosen one.
One day i will reach the throne of Great Britain and wreak my vengeance on the world. Until then i will continue to post my views on here.
Niccolo and Donkey
01-04-2005, 07:54 PM
I just signed up today.
01-13-2005, 10:34 PM
I just signed up today.
Hey TC i am just behind you dude..(Shez here)
Mr Graviton
01-16-2005, 02:29 AM
I'm currently a physics student living in the UK. But, i like to read outside of science; where most topics are presented drier than the desert on a hot day. After perusing here for a couple months (referred to here by the one often known as prozak), I finally decided to take part.
Part of the reason for joining is the wide range of topics. Looks like a good forum. *Applauds admin*
01-18-2005, 12:21 AM
Hello. I post as Stanley at Liberty Forum and Original Dissent.
01-19-2005, 01:03 AM
Hello, I am a 21 year old Conservative student. It would probably be fair to say that compared to most of you I am a moderate. I am here to interact with, and learn from, all of you who take attitudes which have become taboo. People who value the fact that they are White (if that is the case) and reject this idea that we, as rich nations, have some obligation to promote equality or give aid to third world nations.
01-19-2005, 08:46 PM
Hey, I'm George. I post as Gloryroad over at LibertyForum and a few other places round about the net. How goes it?
01-24-2005, 12:40 AM
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