View Full Version : the OLYMPICS

08-19-2004, 11:31 AM
Whatever you feel like saying about the Games, put it here. Let's see where this will lead.

08-19-2004, 12:49 PM

As it is wide known, in ancient times, Olympics were games among Hellenes only! It was not allowed to join any foreigners because Olympics were the highest ceremony to compensate the military capacity of Hellenes participants. Olympics, after Romans, starting to become a simply imitation of its original Hellenic predecessor accepting the participation of Roman foreigners. Finally, the Christian Emperor Theodosius the (so called…) ‘Great’, forbidden the Olympics (394) destroying all Pagan Temples and Sanctuaries and killing Pagans.
In modern times first Olympics consider to be organized on 1896 in Athens. This is not true. Those Olympics were not among Hellenes, so they were not original.
First real Olympic Games organized in the Stadium of ancient Olympia on 6-7th September 1997 by the Authorities of the Hellenic Academy of Gymnastics.
During those two days boys and girls, students of our Academy, revive the Games according the ancient rules.
Many spectators were present on these Olympics (mostly foreigners) but not the local Christian Bishop who refused even invited. These Olympics were organized with the official support of the (nearest) International Olympic Academy, an International Organization which is a donation to Hellas and Humanity made by Adolph Hitler and Carl Diem, the head of the German Olympic Committee in Berlin’s Olympics (1936).


Dr. Brandt
08-19-2004, 02:11 PM
I am sadend that these Games have become a forum for "multiculturalism". In old Greece only Aryans and Free Men were allowed to attend. It was a white event. Today whites are forced to compete with half-apes.

I'm very disapointed that Germany is on place 22 in Gymnastics today and the leaders are asian countrys. Gymnastics are an original german sport and today even "Israel" is ahead of us. (at the Olympics).
Could you imagine a Jew taking part in the ancient olympics?
Of course I could - as sacrefice for the fire!! :222

08-19-2004, 02:39 PM
Over-hyped, jingoistic, maudlin, and filled with extraneous sports and non-sports that are completely removed from the Olympic tradition.

Giordano Bruno
08-19-2004, 03:07 PM
I'm not surprised that Germany is doing so poorly. I've noticed that most German men are shaped like over-ripe pears with breasts, and that most German women are shaped like muscular little boys. Sans the infamous steroids the Germans are poor athletes.

And yet Herr Doktor Brandt thinks that he is going to steal Western Poland again with an army of such lame miscreants! He, he, he...

The Russkis would fire a few salvos from their mighty East Prussian fleet, and it would be over in an hour. But at least there would be no more love parades in Berlin!

08-19-2004, 03:37 PM
I wonder if the famous Palestinian shootingteam is participating. They took no less than 8 prizes in 1972. :D

08-19-2004, 05:38 PM
Greetings Giordano, I see that you are from Poland, welcome to this board although you might notice a certain "hostility" of sorts here we are trying to reign in.

Dr. Brandt
08-19-2004, 05:40 PM
I wonder if the famous Palestinian shootingteam is participating. They took no less than 8 prizes in 1972. :D

You know, I always wondered why Polaks never won any Gold in Riding? But it kind of figures, if you look at the achievements of their cavalry! :D
*Ratata ta ta* :222

08-19-2004, 06:04 PM
Germany already has 6 more medals than Poland...

Giordano Bruno
08-19-2004, 06:20 PM
Greetings Giordano, I see that you are from Poland, welcome to this board although you might notice a certain "hostility" of sorts here we are trying to reign in.
"I see that you are from Poland"

Yes, I live in Poland. I really have nothing against Germans, but I do like to have fun with Herr Doktor, aka Lealand Gaunt. Unfortunately, the rules do not allow personal attacks. Otherwise, I would make him my cannon fodder, rather than the Germans.

If Germany ever becomes strong again, Doktor Brandt should become its foreign minister, as it would have more friends than ever. He, he, he..

Germany already has 6 more medals than Poland...

But Germany's population is 80 million; Poland's is 39 million. So it doesn't mean much. How many good German boxers are there today? That's right:0. Golota fights for the WBA Heavy Weight title in November.


08-19-2004, 06:32 PM
But Germany's population is 80 million; Poland's is 39 million. So it doesn't mean much. How many good German boxers are there today? That's right:0. Golota fights for the title in November.
By that rationality, Germany should only be twice as succesful as Poland right? German foorballteams won the European Champion's cup 6 times, and the German national team was worldchampion 3 times, and European champion 3 times too. Poland has zero trophies in those 3 categories combined. I am willing to bet good money that throughout history, Germany won more than twice the amount of medals in the Olympics than Poland has.
All I want to say here is this: Poland is hardly the greatest sportsnation.

Giordano Bruno
08-19-2004, 06:50 PM
By that rationality, Germany should only be twice as succesful as Poland right? German foorballteams won the European Champion's cup 6 times, and the German national team was worldchampion 3 times, and European champion 3 times too. Poland has zero trophies in those 3 categories combined. I am willing to bet good money that throughout history, Germany won more than twice the amount of medals in the Olympics than Poland has.
All I want to say here is this: Poland is hardly the greatest sportsnation.Well first, deduct all the medals that the communist East Germans won while on steroids, and then count from there.

Yes, no doubt about it, the Germans used to be great footballers, but now... Even the Czechs and Greeks are better.

Today the Germans are candy-asses, as they were long ago. No Polish man fears a German physically, as the superior Pole could beat him easily with one hand tied behind his back. The best boxers today come from Poland, Ukraine and Russia. The German must have a machine in order to fight well, but in hand to hand combat, or cavalry against cavalry he will always lose with the superior Slav. This is why the Germans had no real success against the Poles and Russians until the 20th century. 100 years earlier they were only able to grab Western Poland because the Russians allowed them to during the partitions.

08-19-2004, 06:57 PM
You're steering away from the topic at hand: the olympics and the quality of athletes. I fail to see why the DDR athletes should be discounted, they're ethnically German too, and don't forget Poland was communist too, and like all of those countries had a similar attitude towards doping up athletes.

On another note, I'm not comparing the Germans with Czechs or Greeks, but with Poles. Germany played the final on the last World Championships, how well did Poland do?

Giordano Bruno
08-19-2004, 07:23 PM
You're steering away from the topic at hand: the olympics and the quality of athletes. I fail to see why the DDR athletes should be discounted, they're ethnically German too, and don't forget Poland was communist too, and like all of those countries had a similar attitude towards doping up athletes.

On another note, I'm not comparing the Germans with Czechs or Greeks, but with Poles. Germany played the final on the last World Championships, how well did Poland do?

Poland's athletes never used steroids like the East Germans. I don't care about football, only about manly sports. Football is a weak man's sport.

I don't care about figure skating and ice-skating either. He, he, he.

My point is that German men today are physical weaklings who rarely win manly sports like Boxing, Judo, Wrestling, and Weightlifting. They can't compete with the Negro like a Pole or Ukrainian or Russian because they are physically inept, weak and inferior from years of poor breeding.

As to other Slavs, they are my brothers. They share the same superior blood, the same superior will to survive. And in the end, that is what counts.

08-19-2004, 07:50 PM
This is great LOL, a Polish Dr. Brandt...action ---> Reaction :D

Giordano Bruno
08-19-2004, 08:08 PM
This is great LOL, a Polish Dr. Brandt...action ---> Reaction :D

You know: I do it mostly for laughs. :D :222

Dr. Brandt
08-19-2004, 09:11 PM
Greetings Giordano, I see that you are from Poland, welcome to this board although you might notice a certain "hostility" of sorts here we are trying to reign in.

Du solltest die Goldmedaile für "Einschleimen" bekommen. Machst du richtig prima. Vielleicht bekommst du auch das große Bundesverdienstkreuz oder gar den Orden des Bnai B'rith für "völkerverständigung".

Dr. Brandt
08-19-2004, 09:14 PM
All I want to say here is this: Poland is hardly the greatest sportsnation.

They have been hardly great in anything except car-theft, excessive drinking and murder.....oh yes, and providing western europe with a lot of cheap prostitutes.

08-19-2004, 10:12 PM
You both had your fun. I'll delete any further flaming on this topic. Play nice.

Dr. Brandt
08-19-2004, 10:51 PM
You both had your fun. I'll delete any further flaming on this topic. Play nice.

I am playing nice. You should see me, when I realy talk bad about Polaks! :222

08-21-2004, 03:49 PM
Dear Fellows,
is significant that todays' Hellas honors Adolf Hitler's Olympics!
Even those vitrines in centre of Athens are decorated with Hellenic Flag, the only example of foreign Olympics which decorates many points in Athens is Bradenburg Tor and Berlin's torch.
In attached picture is shown one central vitrine (Parliament's Square) decorated with the Berlin's torch.
Hellenes never forget the Adolf Hitler's contribution to Olympic Spirit!
Kindest Regards!

08-21-2004, 10:12 PM
Chile is playing the Tennis (Doubles) Finals with Germany...
1st set: Chile 6 - Germany 2
2nd set: (not over yet) Chile 4 - Germany 5

08-21-2004, 10:13 PM
Chile is playing the Tennis (Doubles) Finals with Germany...
1st set: Chile 6 - Germany 2
2nd set: (not over yet) Chile 4 - Germany 5

08-21-2004, 10:59 PM
First (and probably last) gold for Belgium today: Justine Henin won women's tennis.

08-22-2004, 12:45 AM
Chile won.
An incredible match. Almost 4 hours....

08-23-2004, 11:43 PM
All black USA basketball team was beaten by white Lithuanian team. Now why aren't their more whites in the NBA? Can someone say reverse descrimination?

08-24-2004, 12:05 AM
Whats funny Timo is that they're trying to blame the fact no NBA players are on the team on its dismal performance. :rolleyes:

08-24-2004, 12:35 AM
I am sadend that these Games have become a forum for "multiculturalism". In old Greece only Aryans and Free Men were allowed to attend. It was a white event. Today whites are forced to compete with half-apes.

I'm very disapointed that Germany is on place 22 in Gymnastics today and the leaders are asian countrys. Gymnastics are an original german sport and today even "Israel" is ahead of us. (at the Olympics).
Could you imagine a Jew taking part in the ancient olympics?
Of course I could - as sacrefice for the fire!! :222

Jews were actually there, Hellenistic Israel under the Ptolemy and Selucid dynasties sent Jews to compete. On a humourous note,they were embarassed by their circumcisions and took to wearing artifical foreskins.

il ragno
08-28-2004, 12:20 PM
The Eric Moussambani reminiscences are hilarious. Hey, I wonder why y'never see footage of Moussambani on those Sports Blooper Reels so prominent on video-store shelves?


Today’s Letter: A VDARE.COM Olympian Reports PC Has Reached Rowing; Steve Sailer And Peter Brimelow Comment
From: Jack Frackleton, U.S. quadruple sculls team, 1988

As a former Olympic oarsman, the first time I came across Steve Sailer’s writing was when I read "Track & Battlefield," which he co-wrote a number of years ago with Professor Steve Seiler. Since then, I've become somewhat of a VDARE.COM junkie, and all kissing-up aside, he is my favorite VDARE.COM contributor.

I retired from competition after the 1988 Olympics. But I was vaguely aware that they've tightened things up quite a bit since I quit racing, and that nowadays, just because you make your national team, it's no longer a guarantee that you'll be competing in the Olympics. Even back in the eighties, the International Olympic Committee was rattling its sabre, making FISA , [Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron, the international governing body of rowing]. Understand that it wasn't happy, given that rowing garnered the second highest medal count at the Olympics, right behind track and field.

I sort of counted my blessings, realizing that in today's game, my boat, the American quadruple sculls, likely would not have been given the nod to compete in the Games.

But it wasn't until just a few days ago, when I came across an article in Rowing News, that I began to see red. The behind-the-scenes deal making goes like this: FISA, in an effort to assuage the IOC, is on a PR mission to make rowing, a very European (ahem: white) sport, appear more widely embraced on the world stage than it is. Hence the Asian, African, and Latin American "Continental Qualifying Regattas," wherein sixteen out of the allotted thirty slots for the men's single scull are awarded to second—or, more often than not—third-rate scullers.

How did we ever come to this? Should we thank the Jamaican bobsledders, a ski jumper named Eddie "the Eagle" Edwards, or, more recently, Eric Moussambani of Equatorial Guinea, who, four years ago, competed (I'm being generous here) in the hundred-meter freestyle?

Remember it? Moussambani's only competitors in the opening heat had both been disqualified for false starts, leaving Moussambani to race alone, against the clock. At Sydney's sold-out natatorium, the crowd first scratched its head at the sight of a swimmer who could barely swim, next laughed out loud when a bona fide Olympian began doing the doggy-paddle, and then held its breath, wondering whether or not this newcomer would finish the race or drown.

But finish he did—more than a minute behind the heat winners—and no one seemed to mind. The crowd was on its feet, cheering wildly for a different sort of Olympic hero, a David, if you will, who had the guts to face the giants of the sport, all in front of a worldwide audience.

At that moment, I'd wager that millions upon millions of people around the world were wiping their eyes. I know—I was one of them.

But while Mr. Moussambani's personal triumph ought not to be dismissed, the question begs to be asked: What was a man who could barely swim doing at the Olympics, going up against the world's best, when literally a billion people from around the world would likely have bested him in the event?

Many a time it's been said that making it to the Olympics isn't just about winning—it's about the getting there. But in this, the twenty-eighth modern Olympiad, just exactly where is it that we've arrived? Is it okay with everyone that a Russian or American man—both of whom might have been two or three lengths back, in fifteenth or sixteenth place, say—will be sitting at home, watching TV, as a man from Tunisia flounders about in his shell, some twenty lengths behind, placing twenty-seventh out of thirty in a watered-down field?

Me, I got no problem with the whole thing, about manufacturing Kodak moments to help promote "the human element inherent in sport."

As long as, that is, they reserve lane one in the 100-meter track finals for George Costanza from Seinfeld.

And while we're at it, we probably ought to reserve lane eight for William Hung of American Idol fame. Doubt if the dude can run, but man—oh, man—he definitely bangs.

Steve Sailer comments: [I]It's worth amplifying Jack's point: the competitive threat to the current Olympic sports does not come out of the burgeoning Third World, but from suburbia.

Human beings have always made up games, but in the history of organized sports there have been two golden ages of creativity and formalization:

Victorian Britain and its North American offshoots: rowing, tennis, golf, rugby, soccer, football, basketball, modern track & field, swimming, and so forth. Victorian sports make up most of both the Olympic and the major professional sports. This is particularly true in Third World countries, where the dominant sport is typically is soccer.

The current "X Era" that began in the Southern California suburbs after WWII when surfers invented the skateboard. This process keeps mutating into endless variations like snowboarding and windsurfing that stress not the old-fashioned Olympic triad of "swifter, higher, stronger" but the new extreme sport dyad of balance and having parents with a generous health insurance policy covering unlimited emergency room visits.

It's not surprising that the older Victorian sports like rowing are trying to fend off the extreme sports with a PR offensive to make their participants look more diverse than they really are, by letting in participants from countries like Tunisia that barely have any rivers.

Of course, the Tunisian rower who gets admitted to the Olympics in place of a faster American or German isn't likely to be terribly diverse in a class sense. He probably got interested in rowing while attending Oxford.

Peter Brimelow adds: The Olympics are on? [U]Again?

08-31-2004, 12:03 PM
source: BBC website (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics_2004/medals_table/default.stm)

08-31-2004, 12:27 PM
I demand more black representation in the Olympics. The only things I saw them win were a couple of running races. A white country of 20 million came fourth. How many blacks are there? Indians?

08-31-2004, 12:43 PM
Your country should have sent more donks. That Cathy Freeman, did she participate?

08-31-2004, 12:47 PM
No. Actually, she was recruited as part of a special programme to find athletic talent among the aboriginies, like black skin conferred athletic abillity or something.