View Full Version : Hey ARISTOTLE
08-14-2004, 11:43 PM
I've got a question for you, an inhabitant of Athens. With the Olympics there, I know most people there are very excited. Would you, if you have the time for it of course, care to give us some firsthand impressions of how it lives there, how the people are following it and so.
Thank you.
08-15-2004, 10:58 PM
Dear CONSTANTINUS, for modern Greeks (the term "Greek" is opposite than the term "Hellen") 'Sport" means not so many things! The population prefer to drink uzo and dancing buzukia, customs having nothing to do with the real Hellenic culture, a culture based on two feet: respect to Nature and physical way of life.
So modern Greeks understand "Olympics" ( I will explain after why in brackets) as a celebration to demonstrate to the foreigners that they are very capable (like others...) to o r g a n i z e something serious! It is another form of complex before other Nations because modern Greeks never felt equal to other European Peoples. The local People, after that, today feel very proud because of the renovate Athens, the better traffic conditions and the ...Metro (Budapest had it before 100 years!!!!) and they don't care because, having no money to do all these things, they are obliged to pay for the next 60 years a lot of money! They never thot that this money was much necessary to improve Education, Health etc, they are in a very low level in modern Greece.
Despite all these, modern Greeks enjoy "Olympics" like ...buzukia!
What about Greek Champions? Yes! We have a lot mostly from Albania and Eastern Countries! Native Greeks have no discipline to train themselves so Championism is something far from Greeks. But, when Athletism became a weapon for politicians then Championism is another form of mockery of Athletism. Then, there is the bitter factor of doping. The recent scandal of Kenteris-Thanou is a typical case of this.So 'works' Democracy. Democracy is always against natural way of life prefering to build up fake symbols and falsificating even the briliant targets of Humanity like Athlets.
The modern Greeks celebrate many things in the streets of Greece. They are a little bit xenophobic and they don't enjoy so much the presence of so many foreigners. You can see separate foreigners and Greeks in the central Omonoia place and this is something against the real hellenic tradition where Xenios Zeus (Zeus for the protection and hospitality of any foreigner in Hellas) dictates the best reception of foreigners in our Country. Almost from the first day of "Olympics" the majority of foreign journalists seems to be negative and the Minister of Public Security Mr. Vulgarakis (his name seems everything) told ( Sky Radio, two days before )that the foreign journalists must show whatever the Government likes to and is ...unfair to show to their Countries whatever they prefer!!!!
Over all these "Olympics" are against Olympism. They are a game to test the superiority of american security systems in order to controll the masses. It is aginst Olympism to ask violence using weapons, missiles, rockets, bio-chemical war's units, helicopters. air-carriers, Zeppelin before to make ...Games! It is ridiculous to believe that all this staging has something to do with Olympics. Olympics was the celebration of human bravery, the human courage, and after finish the cities use to ruin a part of their walls in order to enable to the winners to pass through it. The symbolism was that having these winners we don't need any other defence (walls)! this is also the main reason that we Hellenes dissagree to these para-military mockery of "Olympics".
I send you in attach a picture with a Zeppelimn over Parthenon. It is a blasphemy against Olympism. German respect Athens and Acropolis, modern Greeks don't!
I think that final countdawn will be not so fair for Greece.
Now, for us Hellenes ( fortunately not a few ) Olympics means the spirit of ancient Olympia, means fair play, hospitality, acceptance. We enjoy the entire Organization and the games. We reject the way to oppose Athlets like merchant of multinational (or any) Companies! So we don't care about Championism, we are not surprised for incidents like Kenteris and Thanou and we see only the efforts not to brake any record than to participate in a fair play.
Actually, we Hellenes don't recognize to any coca-cola to use the name OLYMPICS-OLYMPISM because these names are spiritual symbols for us. For this reason we are using brackets in term modern "Olympics".
Otherwise, Olympics of Berlin (1936) according us, were real Olympics because Fuhrer had positively connected them to the real Olympic Spirit. He was also first asking the Flame from ancient Olympia in order to give to this World Celebration the right of origins. Furthermore, with his Policy, Adolf Hitler promote Hellas during those games as the born-Country of Olympism something never did before and after Berlin's Olympics.
Modern Athens, finally, is an ugly city. Very, very ugly! A city based on cement, made from a people having less to do with Hellenic Aesthetic. It was a city planned for 200.000 inhabitants but today there are more 5.200.000! You understand that this number in addition that most of them (more than 3.000.000) are from Albania, Iraq, India, Pacistan etc. make the all situation extremely difficult. The only aesthetic buildings are those made by the first King of Hellas (1831) the Bavarian Otto, who was a real Hellen in depth, after a culture given from his Father the well educated King of Bayern Ludwig. After Otto nothing serious was add to this poor city.
Now, the only we want is to finish these "Olympics" with the less cost for poor Greece.
Kindest Regards!
I've got a question for you, an inhabitant of Athens. With the Olympics there, I know most people there are very excited. Would you, if you have the time for it of course, care to give us some firsthand impressions of how it lives there, how the people are following it and so.
Thank you.
08-15-2004, 11:00 PM
Thank you.
08-15-2004, 11:06 PM
I heard the cost is skyhigh yes for the city. The extra tourism will bring some extra income though, one should think.
08-16-2004, 03:17 PM
Dear CONSTANTINUS, because my Family stays in this city for more than 150 years and i remember for many decades the Tourism here I have to mention that tourism during this period is very low.
According what Government oficially declares, Tourism now is around 8% less than last year, and last year was the lowest in modern times. I have to say that in the middle of July was 15% less than previous year according oficial declarations.
The biggest problem is the mean-Tourist financial level: very low.
All these seem that incomes from Tourism during "Olympics" will be very low in general.
I would like add that the highest period for Hellenic Tourism was during Military-Junta period (1968-1972). That period the Authorities spend all public money to a positive Touristic-propaganda and the Hellenic Shipping became first among all Nations (!) so the main "product" was Tourism. During meta-Junta times all democratic Governments stealing money they were unable to support Touristic-policy and now Tourism in Greece is almost nothing!
This is not my own oppinion but oppinion of the Syndicate of Tourism-Agents in Greece.
The matter is the System: Democracy also in this field is a sickly System!
Kindest Regards!I heard the cost is skyhigh yes for the city. The extra tourism will bring some extra income though, one should think.
08-16-2004, 04:16 PM
Yeah, you'll see that everywhere, those bastards start f*cking up a perfectly good and functional industry as soon as they get elected, then an opposing bastard gets elected on a promise that he'll fix things, and he's even worse.
08-16-2004, 07:51 PM
Yes, dear CONSTANTINUS! So Plato wrote in his 8th book of "THE REPUBLIC" that the birthspace of tyranny is the Democracy. Despite modern lies Democracy never was accepted by Hellenes. It was the worst system according all Philososphers because it is far away from Justice.
The point is how we can guide the people against this system, how we can protect Civilization and Humanity's progress from this industry of injustice ...
Staying for twelve continous years in the prisons of Greek Democracy as political prisoner, the only I learned is that Democracy (= international judaism) is very weak, unable to destroy us. So, we are obliged to destroy it on behalf History.
And I think it's easy.
Kindest Regards!Yeah, you'll see that everywhere, those bastards start f*cking up a perfectly good and functional industry as soon as they get elected, then an opposing bastard gets elected on a promise that he'll fix things, and he's even worse.
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