View Full Version : The Olympics - then and now

08-13-2004, 02:47 AM
How things have changed:






08-13-2004, 09:09 AM
The custom of lighting the flame at ancient Olympia and relaying the torch to the modern Olympic stadium is also a legacy of the Berlin games, although many wrongly think it derives from the ancient Olympics. Carl Diem, organizer of the 1936 Olympics, seeking to glamorize them with an ancient aura, staged the first lighting of the Olympic flame, now a hallowed ritual in which thousands delight. The first Olympic torches were made by the Krupp Company, better known for providing weapons for two world wars. The association of the Olympic torch with peace came later, as the flame arrived at more peaceful venues. :cool:

08-13-2004, 12:06 PM
First time the flag was used was in 1920, in Antwerp. :)

08-14-2004, 07:46 PM
I feel obliged to note that not everything has changed since 1936 and now:

Skadi Ju87
08-15-2004, 12:10 PM
The rings of the 'Olympics' I might add were also an invention of the Germans when they initially dug up the ancient ruins.

08-18-2004, 06:50 PM
Yes indeed, dear Sarah!
First, we have to remember that all excavations in ancient Olympia were made by the German Archaelogical Institut in the second half of 19th century. Then, Germans Archaelogists achieved to rebuild all ancient monuments as well as the ancient stadium in a period of less 10 years. It was a world record with the primitive methods of that time!
Adolf Hitler through Karl Diem asked first the flame from ancient Olympia's sun not to 'glamorize' (as you mention) but to l e g a l i z e the Olympics' ancient origins!The mirror which produced the flame was made after a design of the Hellen Professor of Physics Salteris Peristerakis. I keep in my collection the first test-torch made by Peristerakis. That torch was made from a simple olive wood with a small metall pot where was burning the flame. The Krupp-torch was after made much different.
Furthermore, Adolf Hitler offered a vast sum of money in order to build up in Hellas the International Olympic Academy near the ancient Stadium of Olympia (where it still exists) which is the International Centre of Olympism.
Krupp company was not famous for providing weapons but for providing the best quality of steel because of its very high know-how! So, first torches of Berlin Olympics' were made by a special steel of Krupp, the "NIROSTA STAHL" never merchandised as did the rest...
We have also to mention, that during Berlin Olympics', Siemens Company present to the public the world-first Television receiver. Its official presentation made to the journalists the Hellen Ioannis Vulpiotis then husband of von Siemens' daughter and the guy who offered to then Hellenic Government (1936,General Ioannis Metaxas) the first Hellenic Radio Station, another gift of Adolf Hitler to Hellenic People. During Berlin Olympics' the games transmitted for first through television!
Finally, we are obliged to accept that Adolf Hitler was the only Political Leader who refuged to apply his political symbol, the Swastica, to the official logo of his Olympics, respecting the neutrality of Olympism! Adolf Hitler prefered to use the Olympic Circles and the white bell calling the youth of the entire Humanity in Berlin to honor the real Olympic Spirit only! Not on the torches neither elsewhere, the Swastica was out of the official logos. It was something unique never made after that!
Third Reich organized the more Hellenic Olympics ever made!
So, we Hellenes, respecting that Organization, honor Adolf Hitler, Karl Diem and all those Germans who achieved to understand and realize the real Hellenic Olympic Spirit as nobody else!
Kindest Regards!
The custom of lighting the flame at ancient Olympia and relaying the torch to the modern Olympic stadium is also a legacy of the Berlin games, although many wrongly think it derives from the ancient Olympics. Carl Diem, organizer of the 1936 Olympics, seeking to glamorize them with an ancient aura, staged the first lighting of the Olympic flame, now a hallowed ritual in which thousands delight. The first Olympic torches were made by the Krupp Company, better known for providing weapons for two world wars. The association of the Olympic torch with peace came later, as the flame arrived at more peaceful venues. :cool:

08-19-2004, 10:11 AM
Wow I'm impressed with your knowledge :) If you can, could you please post a photo of the test torch?

08-20-2004, 04:38 PM
Dear Chris2 sorry but the photo of the test torch is a world copyright till to published a relative book. Also it is not available to International Olympic Commitee. Insteed I publish here for you pictures from July 20th 1936 when first flame from ancient Olympia's sky was a modern reality.
On these pictures first torcher the Hellen Konstantinos Kondylis takes the flame for the first kilometer its way from ancient Olympia to the Berlin's Olympic Stadium. In that torchrace were participants 3000 torchers!
The girls ( 'kores')wearing ancient Hitones are members of the famous chorous of Koula Pratsika. Koula Pratsika was a Hellen dancer famous for her dedication to National Socialistic Ideas and her strong admiration to Adolf Hitler! During Berlin's Olympics she and her group present Hellenic dances before Fuhrer in Berlin's Stadium.
You will see also the German Ambassador in Athens speaking to the public from inside the ancient stadium of Olympia greeting the Hellenic People on behalf Adolf Hitler.
Kindest Regards!

Wow I'm impressed with your knowledge :) If you can, could you please post a photo of the test torch?