View Full Version : Anybody have any firearms?

08-05-2004, 12:17 PM
Does anybody here have any firearms?

I have quite a few:

-K98 8mm Mauser
-M44 Nagant 7.62x54
-20 Gauge Shotgun
-12 Gauge Shotgun
-.22 LR Calibre Rifle
-.22 Calibre 9 shot Pistol

I did have a SA-2000 (I believe it was called that) which was a Chezc version of the AK-47 but got rid of it.

I plan on getting a 9mm Assault Rifle next since I can't buy handguns yet I can carry that in my truck. It is compact and I can get 20 or 30 rounds clips for it.

08-05-2004, 12:48 PM
No. Don't need any.

08-05-2004, 12:55 PM
While in Miami I had two K98k now in Europe the situation is a bit more complicated for that although I plan on getting a pistol, a shotgun and a rifle down the line.

08-05-2004, 01:15 PM
While in Miami I had two K98k now in Europe the situation is a bit more complicated for that although I plan on getting a pistol, a shotgun and a rifle down the line.Preparing for war Ebus? Or are you arming yourself to protect against gay soccerfans?:eek:

08-05-2004, 02:13 PM
One never knows...and its better to be ready that sorry if the chance arrives.

08-05-2004, 03:15 PM
Dear Fellows,
I have a lot of 'guns'..., 17 rooms plenty of books is a real armoury!
Kindest Regards!

¸óôùóáí ïé Èåïß áñùãïß Õìþí!

08-05-2004, 03:18 PM
Glock, had an AR but sold it.

08-05-2004, 04:59 PM
I'm planning on owning a firearm once I grow up and move out. Whatever is legal in Canada here I come!

08-05-2004, 05:00 PM
Once im out of Mass I will pack heat.

08-05-2004, 07:06 PM
I have a 9mm semi-automatic handgun.

08-05-2004, 07:24 PM
Once im out of Mass I will pack heat.

How hard is it to get a conceal-carry permit in MA? I remember it being next to impossible in NY and very tedious (but doable) in CT.

I have a 9 mm semi-automatic and a .38 special revolver.

08-05-2004, 08:11 PM
In Mass, generally you need permission from the local police chief to pack heat legally... we have a couple of antiques( legal) at our home but no ammo.

The Nihilist
08-05-2004, 09:21 PM
1 spanish made side-by-side 16 gauge
1 12 gauge browning pump
1 single shot bolt action .22

That is all.

08-05-2004, 10:03 PM
Mossberg 12 gauge pump-action shotgun. 18.5 inch barrel, butt stock. 2 3/4-3 inch shells, holds 8 of em, buck or bird.

08-06-2004, 01:25 AM
.357 Magnum.

08-06-2004, 02:49 AM
In Mass, generally you need permission from the local police chief to pack heat legally... we have a couple of antiques( legal) at our home but no ammo.

In addition to my 9mm, I have 1000 rnds of ammo. :D

.357 Magnum.

I'd like to get a revolver in that calibre. I think I'm going to get a rifle first though, Weatherby Mark V, bolt-action, 30-.06.

08-06-2004, 02:51 AM
Was told by an ex paratrooper a magnum is one of the best handguns out there.

08-06-2004, 04:04 AM
I'd like to get a revolver in that calibre. I think I'm going to get a rifle first though, Weatherby Mark V, bolt-action, 30-.06.

Yes, .357's come only as revolvers. My next piece will probably be a shotgun.

Was told by an ex paratrooper a magnum is one of the best handguns out there.

Always like hearing things like this after spending $500.00.

08-06-2004, 04:25 AM
Yes, .357's come only as revolvers. My next piece will probably be a shotgun.

Well except a .357 Sig, which is a necked-down .40 and one of the flattest-shooting pistol rounds out to 100 yds.

08-06-2004, 07:39 AM
Desert Eagle makes a .357 Semi Automatic pistol but I do believe it is the only one out there.

Johnny Banner
08-06-2004, 10:55 AM
1 AR-7 Industries-AR-7
1 Henry Repeating Arms-AR-7
1 Colt-AR-15 20" HBAR W/A2 upper receiver (pre-ban)
1 Olympic Arms-CAR-15 W/11.5" bar., A2 upper receiver (pre-ban)
1 Springfield Armory-Standard M1A W/black fiberglass stock
1 Springfield Armory-National Match M1A W/walnut stock & Harris bipod

1 Beretta model 1201FP 12 Gauge
1 Remington model 1100 12 Gauge

1 Browning Hi-Power Mark III
1 Browning Hi-Power Practical
1 Glock Model 19
1 Glock Model 26
1 Smith & Wesson model 638

08-06-2004, 01:45 PM
Well except a .357 Sig, which is a necked-down .40 and one of the flattest-shooting pistol rounds out to 100 yds.

Didn't know. What do you mean by .40?

08-06-2004, 01:51 PM
1 Walther P38, all original WWII except new barrel
1 M48 Mauser Rifle, Yugoslav variation of K98k

08-06-2004, 02:05 PM
Dude, all of you together have more firepower than most third world armies.

08-06-2004, 02:24 PM
Not if you count machetes and rape.

08-06-2004, 02:26 PM
Not if you count machetes and rape.
LOL, true, and I doubt the members here have more sticks and stones in their arsenals too.

Johnny Banner
08-06-2004, 04:16 PM
Years ago I remember seeing a Coonan Arms .357 Magnum autoloader. It was nothing special, just a 1911 clone adapted for .357 mag.

.357 Sig is an interesting caliber. It was designed from the start to duplicate the ballistics of the 125 gr. 357 Magnum. And if I remember correctly, any .40 cal can be converted to .357 Sig by swappin' barrels.

It's a very cool lookin' bottlenecked cartridge.

08-06-2004, 10:53 PM
Bushmaster XM15 A3 20" bbl
Romanian SAR1
Romanian WASR-10 Hi-Cap
CETME (Century)
FAL made from parts kit and new Imbel reciever
Springfield 1903 30-06 with beautiful sporter stock, 9x Deerfield optics
German KAR 98k
Czech Mauser
Yugoslavian Mauser
Mosin Nagant M40
Marlin lever action .22
Marlin semi-auto .22
Winchester 30/30
.54 caliber muzzle loader (I forget the brand)

various others that I cannot name

Sears and Roebuck 12 gauge (very very old) semi- auto


Norinco 1911A1 .45
Norinco M 213 9mm
Taurus PT92 9mm (Baretta clone)
S&W .38 snub nose
S&W .38 Special
S&W .32 revolver
Mauser .32 pocket pistol
Kel-Tec P32

There are a few more but I'm not getting up to see which ones I forgot.

08-10-2004, 06:44 PM
I have too many to list. Plus I am lazy today...

Lots of bolt-action Mausers, semi-auto rifles, single-shot Schuetzen rifle, .22s, shotguns, handguns but not as many as long-guns.

My favorites are a 1938 Luger and an original HK-91 that I recently got a wooden stock and handguard for. Looks more like a WWII MP44 now!

The one I shoot the most is a Ruger Mark I target pistol in .22 because it is cheap, accurate, and just plain fun.

My favorite deer rifle is a scoped WWII K98 (scope mounts cover up the satanic looking crest the Yugos stamped on a fine German made rifle).

Guns are cool and fun, but you gotta always be REALLY careful with them and not treat them like you see on TV which s pure Hollywood Bullshlt.

08-10-2004, 07:45 PM
What is the appeal for you guys of owning such a wide array of firearms?

Do you get much use out of them, especially considering the cost?

In Ireland the police don't even have firearms except for special units. Why anybody would need to own a gun is beyond me. The fact that some of you guys own guns, scares me...j/k

08-10-2004, 08:04 PM
What is the appeal for you guys of owning such a wide array of firearms?

Do you get much use out of them, especially considering the cost?

In Ireland the police don't even have firearms except for special units. Why anybody would need to own a gun is beyond me. The fact that some of you guys own guns, scares me...j/k

The main purpose of citizens owning guns is to protect itself from governments that grow increasingly tyrannical. I do not accept that government (including the courts) can do no wrong.

08-10-2004, 08:07 PM
Either do I, I still doubt that owning a gun will do anything to stop the state if it really wanted to get you.

Unless of course you are all starting to set up some kind of militia.

08-11-2004, 09:12 AM
What is the appeal for you guys of owning such a wide array of firearms?

Do you get much use out of them, especially considering the cost?

In Ireland the police don't even have firearms except for special units. Why anybody would need to own a gun is beyond me. The fact that some of you guys own guns, scares me...j/k

I love my guns. I live in the country so I can shoot them anytime I want to. They are fun and just in case I have to defend myself I have enough fire power to take on the entire police force if you count my homemade explosives.

Johnny Banner
08-11-2004, 11:52 AM
What is the appeal for you guys of owning such a wide array of firearms?

Do you get much use out of them, especially considering the cost?

In Ireland the police don't even have firearms except for special units. Why anybody would need to own a gun is beyond me. The fact that some of you guys own guns, scares me...j/k

Obviously you have never experienced the joy of living in close proximity to ******s and spicks

08-11-2004, 03:39 PM
What is the appeal for you guys of owning such a wide array of firearms?

Do you get much use out of them, especially considering the cost?

In Ireland the police don't even have firearms except for special units. Why anybody would need to own a gun is beyond me. The fact that some of you guys own guns, scares me...j/k

Don't be scared. Honest citizens owning firearms is not the problem. Where I live (a rural district where many people hunt) just about everyone owns guns. Yet I'll bet that our murder-crime level is just as low as yours -- maybe lower.

08-12-2004, 06:23 AM
9mm assault rifle? Hm, sounds like that would pack some punch, but why don't militaries use them? too unreliable / too much recoil for average user to have good aim? :jew: :D :jew:

Anyone watch king of the hill?

Dale <hick voice>- "Guns don't kill people, the government does!"

08-12-2004, 07:14 AM
Lots of SWAT teams have 9mm assault rifles. They are real short and do not have much recoil. Ive shot a couple and they are fairly accurate from close to midrange. I almost picked one up at the last gun show here but didn't feel like spending 300 bucks at the time.

08-12-2004, 01:39 PM
9mm assault rifle? Hm, sounds like that would pack some punch, but why don't militaries use them? too unreliable / too much recoil for average user to have good aim? :jew: :D :jew:

Anyone watch king of the hill?

Dale <hick voice>- "Guns don't kill people, the government does!"

How in the hell do you figure that a 9mm "assault rifle" would have bad recoil? 9mm is strictly a pistol round, meaning it would fall into the submachine gun catagory, and would have no more recoil than say an MP40 (which is 9mm), which is renowned for being very reliable and easily controllable.

Now, a BAR, which fired 30-06 rounds in two speeds of fully automatic fire, had bad recoil.

Lisa GT
08-12-2004, 03:15 PM
Here's what I can think of that I've got. Can't take an inventory, cause I'm at work right now.


Mosin-Nagent 7.62x54r
SKS 7.62x39
Lee-Enfield (in .308, not the british .303 cal)
H & K G3 in .308
Bushmaster AR-15 .223 (shorty)
Ruger Mini-14 .223
Marlin 336C .35 lever action
Mauser 8mm
Ruger 10/22 .22


Norinco 1911 .45acp
Glock 21C 10mm
Glock 27 (.40 and .357sig, interchangeable barrels)
Taurus PT-145 Millenium .45acp
Taurus PT-945 .45acp
S & W Model 457 .45acp
Ruger 22/45 .22
Beretta Neos .22

08-12-2004, 07:12 PM
What is the appeal for you guys of owning such a wide array of firearms?

Why anybody would need to own a gun is beyond me. The fact that some of you guys own guns, scares me...j/kAh defense for one thing, the police can't protect you from crime they can only punish criminals after the fact.

Besides owning and being proficient with weapons is a way to tie men to their true warrior nature... guys who object to private ownership of firearms tend to be effeminate nanny state liberals with an idealized view of the cops. Banning guns doesn't get them out of the hands of criminals.

Obviously you have never experienced the joy of living in close proximity to ******s and spicks
That too, being around spics( and I don't care about statistics they are far worse then blacks) will instill a quick desire to arm yourself.

08-13-2004, 05:58 AM
How in the hell do you figure that a 9mm "assault rifle" would have bad recoil? 9mm is strictly a pistol round, meaning it would fall into the submachine gun catagory, and would have no more recoil than say an MP40 (which is 9mm), which is renowned for being very reliable and easily controllable.

Now, a BAR, which fired 30-06 rounds in two speeds of fully automatic fire, had bad recoil.

No, not all weapons that use 9mm fall into submachine gun or pistol categories. I cannot buy a submachine but I can buy an assault rifle since im not 21 yet. They have 9mm Assault Rifles. I almost bought one before.

08-13-2004, 10:36 PM
No, not all weapons that use 9mm fall into submachine gun or pistol categories. I cannot buy a submachine but I can buy an assault rifle since im not 21 yet. They have 9mm Assault Rifles. I almost bought one before.

Who said anything about all submachine guns fire 9mm? Submachine guns fire pistol ammunition. That's what makes them a submachine gun. Machine guns fire rifle ammo. Do you live in the U.S.? Guess what? No one can buy a (sub)machine gun, period. Neither can one buy an "assault rifle."

It's this fallacy in terminology that creates the biggest advantage for anti-gun whackos to use against us. A true "assault rifle" consists of severl factors, being fully automatic is a primary one. Since fully-automatic weapons are illegal to 99.9% of the civilian population, there is no need to call the LEGAL semi-auto AR-15s and AK clones that are available at any gunshop/gun show an "assault rifle." The communists and leftists have the general populace brainwashed into believing that ALL of our legally owned semi-auto rifles, with detachable magazines (amongst other such peripherals) are big bad "assault rifles" and they need to be banned!!!!

It's hogwash.

08-13-2004, 11:02 PM
You had said something about a submachinegun and I was just clarifying something. You can get a Class 3 liscence and own a frigan MG42 if you were so inclined and fire off 800 rounds a minute in your backyard. All you gotta have is the money to do it with.

08-13-2004, 11:30 PM
You had said something about a submachinegun and I was just clarifying something. You can get a Class 3 liscence and own a frigan MG42 if you were so inclined and fire off 800 rounds a minute in your backyard. All you gotta have is the money to do it with.

And a pristine record, and plenty of time. Also, even if you do have a pristine record, and all of the money that it takes, it still doesn't mean that they will give you one.

Besides, a Class III liscense is a license to manufacture. It can take years to clear owning such a license, as well as multiple thousands of dollars. Oh and legally owned or not, you will get a visit from the local and federal authorities should one decide to go full auto in ones backyard. ;)

08-14-2004, 05:24 AM
Lol... I live in the country so I meant in my back yard. I could just imagine what the cops would say if you started blasting off with an MG42 in the city limits.