08-03-2004, 12:47 PM
Many women don't take risks while they are pregnant. However, women don't realize breast-feeding and formula feeding are not equal. Breast-feeding is the norm -- babies are born to be breast-fed. Breast-feeding is the simplest, safest way to nourish a baby.
Baby formula is pasteurized but is not a sterile product. Temperatures used to pasteurize formula will not kill all bacteria. Pasteurization kills bacteria that are heat-sensitive. There are bacteria that formula cannot protect babies against, while breast milk can.
Breast milk is a fluid produced by the mother's body that contains more than 200 ingredients. Breast milk is a living fluid, formula can never duplicate.
"Exclusive breast-feeding: the gold standard" is the slogan for World Breast-feeding Week 2004. It recognizes that importance of exclusive breast-feeding and challenges communities, policy makers, health care providers, family, employers, neighbors and friends to protect, promote and support breast-feeding.
Experts agree that breast milk is all babies normally need for the first six months of life, but only 39 percent worldwide are exclusively breast-fed.
Children who are not exclusively breast-fed for six months are more at risk for the following diseases, illnesses, and conditions:
* About 40 percent more likely to develop Type 1 diabetes.
* About 25 percent more likely to become overweight.
* About 60 percent more likely to suffer from recurrent ear infections.
* About 30 percent more likely to suffer from leukemia.
* About 100 percent more likely to suffer from diarrhea.
* About 250 percent more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory conditions and infections like asthma and pneumonia.
Baby formula is pasteurized but is not a sterile product. Temperatures used to pasteurize formula will not kill all bacteria. Pasteurization kills bacteria that are heat-sensitive. There are bacteria that formula cannot protect babies against, while breast milk can.
Breast milk is a fluid produced by the mother's body that contains more than 200 ingredients. Breast milk is a living fluid, formula can never duplicate.
"Exclusive breast-feeding: the gold standard" is the slogan for World Breast-feeding Week 2004. It recognizes that importance of exclusive breast-feeding and challenges communities, policy makers, health care providers, family, employers, neighbors and friends to protect, promote and support breast-feeding.
Experts agree that breast milk is all babies normally need for the first six months of life, but only 39 percent worldwide are exclusively breast-fed.
Children who are not exclusively breast-fed for six months are more at risk for the following diseases, illnesses, and conditions:
* About 40 percent more likely to develop Type 1 diabetes.
* About 25 percent more likely to become overweight.
* About 60 percent more likely to suffer from recurrent ear infections.
* About 30 percent more likely to suffer from leukemia.
* About 100 percent more likely to suffer from diarrhea.
* About 250 percent more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory conditions and infections like asthma and pneumonia.