View Full Version : Breast Feeding

08-03-2004, 12:47 PM
Many women don't take risks while they are pregnant. However, women don't realize breast-feeding and formula feeding are not equal. Breast-feeding is the norm -- babies are born to be breast-fed. Breast-feeding is the simplest, safest way to nourish a baby.

Baby formula is pasteurized but is not a sterile product. Temperatures used to pasteurize formula will not kill all bacteria. Pasteurization kills bacteria that are heat-sensitive. There are bacteria that formula cannot protect babies against, while breast milk can.

Breast milk is a fluid produced by the mother's body that contains more than 200 ingredients. Breast milk is a living fluid, formula can never duplicate.

"Exclusive breast-feeding: the gold standard" is the slogan for World Breast-feeding Week 2004. It recognizes that importance of exclusive breast-feeding and challenges communities, policy makers, health care providers, family, employers, neighbors and friends to protect, promote and support breast-feeding.

Experts agree that breast milk is all babies normally need for the first six months of life, but only 39 percent worldwide are exclusively breast-fed.

Children who are not exclusively breast-fed for six months are more at risk for the following diseases, illnesses, and conditions:

* About 40 percent more likely to develop Type 1 diabetes.

* About 25 percent more likely to become overweight.

* About 60 percent more likely to suffer from recurrent ear infections.

* About 30 percent more likely to suffer from leukemia.

* About 100 percent more likely to suffer from diarrhea.

* About 250 percent more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory conditions and infections like asthma and pneumonia.


Tamoril 3.0
08-05-2004, 02:33 AM
250 per cent? I didn't realise that for every one hundred babies not exclusively breast-fed, 250 would suffer.

So, theoretically, if you don't breastfeed your baby, it will hurt other babies too.

08-05-2004, 02:36 AM

08-05-2004, 04:24 AM
It seems that the lack of breast milk has caused Tamoril to catch onto typos :p

08-05-2004, 04:51 AM
250 per cent? I didn't realise that for every one hundred babies not exclusively breast-fed, 250 would suffer.

So, theoretically, if you don't breastfeed your baby, it will hurt other babies too.

Surely you are joking?

08-05-2004, 05:40 AM
I will not flame in highbrow.

08-05-2004, 06:07 AM
Yes, I am glad you figured that out. I knew that, and you know that. The poster I responded did not, perhaps you misunderstood my own post. Regardless, you will not address anyone as dumbass

08-05-2004, 06:35 AM
I have read that breast-fed babies are more intelligent. I believe I came across that while reading Richard Lynn's book, although I do not clearly recall the source off the top of my head.

08-05-2004, 06:39 AM
I have read that breast-fed babies are more intelligent. I believe I came across that while reading Richard Lynn's book, although I do not clearly recall the source off the top of my head.

It's true. It might have to do with adequate nutrients allowing for complete neuronal myelination. I know that in ****ty countries malnutrition exacerbates the already-poor intelligence by limiting the nutrients available for myelination.

08-05-2004, 04:27 PM
Alright, alright, so she didn't word everything perfectly, but you get the drift so shaddup.

Many studies have shown that breastfed babies are healthier physcially and mentally, suffer from fewer childhood and adulthood illnesses such as depression, allergies, &tc. and they score (on average) 5 points higher on IQ tests.

The benefits you don't often hear about the the ones for the mother, such as:

They lose their baby weight faster.

Breastfeeding aids the contraction of the uterus back to normal size so the tummy gets flatter in less time.

Breastfeeding is a natural form of birth control. A woman is 50% less likely to get pregnant while breastfeeding.

Some studies have shown that women who have breastfed are less likely to develope breast and cervical cancer.

In most women, but especially women with postpartum depression, it strengthens the emotional bond with the baby.

It's free. Have any of you priced baby formula recently? :eek: It costs a small fortune.

Breastmilk is always ready and always the right temperature.

Important thing to remember for mothers: Whatever you put into your body goes into your baby's body, that includes alcohol, drugs, and caffeine.

Less than 5% of mothers are physically incapable of breastfeeding due to nipple malformities or lack of milk production. Most women who claim they tried and couldn't do it are wrong, they just didn't know how to do it and/or didn't want to. This is especially true of younger mothers. The younger a woman is when she has a baby, the less likely she is to breastfeed. Many hospitals and clinics (and WIC and Le Leche League) have classes and personal instruction.

The drawbacks to breastfeeding are superficial, such as enlarged and darkened nipples and areolas, stretch marks, and sagging breasts. It can become painful when the baby starts teething, too. But all of these are nothing compared to the benefits Mom and Baby receive. Anyway, breast enhancement surgery only costs like $2000 now. :p Boobies are primarily for breastfeeding; the fact that men like to look at them and play with them are secondary concerns.

For the men, remember that if your wife breastfeeds, she can't ask you to get up in the middle of the night to feed the baby. It's a win-win situation for everyone. :D

-Sigrun Christianson, resident Breastfeeding Nazi