View Full Version : Kontra=Johnson

08-03-2004, 07:49 AM
:jew: :jew: :jew:

Johnson says:
i dont have it

Ixabert says:
Where do you get such images from?

Ixabert says:
is there a website?

Johnson says:
im not even sure which picture youre talking about

Ixabert says:
a chimpanzee. It is a photogrpah, but animated. The chimpanzee sticks his thumbs up, nods his head and moves his eyebrows up and down a bit, as I recall. 'Sarcastic' expression.

Johnson says:

Ixabert says:
Do not stop looking

Ixabert says:

Johnson says:

Ixabert says:
I need that picture.

Johnson says:
i dont have it, dickhead

Ixabert says:
now can you send me it?

Johnson says:
ive got a large stalin picture library

Ixabert says:
why? where? on computer?

Ixabert says:
I thought you hated Mr. Stalin

Johnson says:
i do

Ixabert says:
then why have you a library of Stalin pictures?

Ixabert says:
where is this library?

Johnson says:

Ixabert says:
I asked other questions.

Ixabert says:
why do you always only answer the last asked question?

Johnson says:
its more convienient

Ixabert says:
Why do you have a stalin library on your computer?

Johnson says:
i have lots of things.

Johnson says:
that just happens to be one of them./

Ixabert says:
this does not answer my question

Ixabert says:
where is Kontra?

Johnson says:
i dont know

Ixabert says:
abandoned him?

Johnson says:
i am kontra

08-06-2004, 08:56 AM
I thought that for a while but the proof that they are not the same is that Kontra always has pretty photoshopped avatars but johnson doesn't.

08-06-2004, 09:11 AM
Typical commie kookdom Ix( or lying).