View Full Version : rave on it's a crazy feelin'
Johnny Banner
08-01-2004, 03:50 AM
I will be attending my first-ever rave tonight.
What can I expect?
Idi Amin
08-01-2004, 05:04 AM
Militant bisexuals, cocktease jailbait, metrosexuals in baggy girlish clothing with bracelits and glowsticks, XTC thats less than 50% MDMA.
Try some research chemicals if you get a chance, the DEA is trying to outlaw them as of a few days ago. 4-HO-DiPT, DPT, etc
EDIT: On second thought don't take any drugs from a rave.
I think Tchort got it right.
For the most part, though, unless you are in an area KNOWN for raves (San Francisco, Brooklyn, Miami, Seattle, Houston...have no idea about European cities, though), prepare to be underwhelmed.
Idi Amin
08-01-2004, 05:14 AM
I think Tchort got it right.
For the most part, though, unless you are in an area KNOWN for raves (San Francisco, Brooklyn, Miami, Seattle, Houston...have no idea about European cities, though), prepare to be underwhelmed.
I hear Euro raves are superior in every aspect. Then again techno is mainstream in Europe.
Even major cities have their massive influx of trendies who jumped on the rave bandwagon when a Hot Topic opened in their local mall. If you were a raver a decade ago it might've been fun or interesting. Scenes (Punk, rave, heavy metal, etc) don't last mor than a few years before being picked up the sheep.
08-01-2004, 04:08 PM
Take some XTC and if its your first time you will have a good time regardless of how good the rave is. If you can and like to this any large scale rave tends to be good.
08-01-2004, 04:19 PM
I thought Raves died out years ago...maybe I just got old ;)
Best to stay away from the Ecstacy. These days it's full of **** and you are more likely to sit all night chewing your lips to shreds and trying to stay conscious rather than dancing about for 24 hours :rolleyes:
08-01-2004, 04:21 PM
Ah come on, a bit of chewing gum and the lips are sorted.
I usually take some in Town, I think you are Irish arent you and they are ok, not mindblowing but sure for 4.10 its it can work out cheaper than drin in Dublin.
Idi Amin
08-01-2004, 05:35 PM
Ecstasy in the UK is of higher quality, quantity, and lower in price (drastically lower) than that of the US. My ex-girlfriend is an 'e-tard' and I don't think shes ever had a pure MDMA pill. They're all cut with caffiene, amphetamines, ketamine, DXM, or research chemicals (or a combination of the above). It's generally $15-$25 for an E pill this side of the Atlantic.
08-01-2004, 05:38 PM
In Dublin you pay around 4.10 (usual) up to 7 or 8 euro depending on the time for pills.
08-01-2004, 05:42 PM
Ah come on, a bit of chewing gum and the lips are sorted.
I usually take some in Town, I think you are Irish arent you and they are ok, not mindblowing but sure for 4.10 its it can work out cheaper than drin in Dublin.
You can actually put something sweet like gum in your mouth while on E?
I could never do that, sweet fizzy drinks were a no-no too, just water for me thanks :)
I'm in the UK, actually.
E in the mid-90's were the real deal. You dropped one and you felt on top of the world, wanted to hug everyone and danced non-stop at 48 hour raves.
It used to be you only started to "gouch" towards the end when you were starting to come down.
But since the late 90's, the gouch is the first and only thing you get. Everyone who pops them ends up with weird, contorted faces within 15 mins of taking it now. It's quite funny to watch them :D
I haven't taken one in years.
They are quite good fun at the time, but they will end up frying your brain.
In the end, chemicaly manipulating your brain with such powerful chemicals is a dead-end street. I know plenty of folk now who are chronically depressed after years of using it.
My advice is stick to the drink ;)
08-01-2004, 05:44 PM
In Dublin you pay around 4.10 (usual) up to 7 or 8 euro depending on the time for pills.
Yeah, that's another thing.
E used to be around £15-£20 about 10 years ago.
The price started dropping when the pills started getting sh*t.
Now you can get them for £5. You get what you pay for I guess
08-01-2004, 05:53 PM
You can actually put something sweet like gum in your mouth while on E?
I could never do that, sweet fizzy drinks were a no-no too, just water for me thanks :)
I'm in the UK, actually.
E in the mid-90's were the real deal. You dropped one and you felt on top of the world, wanted to hug everyone and danced non-stop at 48 hour raves.
It used to be you only started to "gouch" towards the end when you were starting to come down.
But since the late 90's, the gouch is the first and only thing you get. Everyone who pops them ends up with weird, contorted faces within 15 mins of taking it now. It's quite funny to watch them :D
I haven't taken one in years.
They are quite good fun at the time, but they will end up frying your brain.
In the end, chemicaly manipulating your brain with such powerful chemicals is a dead-end street. I know plenty of folk now who are chronically depressed after years of using it.
My advice is stick to the drink ;)
I'm not big into pills at all, usuaully if I end up in Spirit of one the good clubs where a pint costs an arm and a leg I get myself some pills. This happens once every month or so, sometimes longer peroids apart.
I must admit that the buzz talked about by old skool E-heads seems to be gone, I certainly dont go around hugging people but I do dance etc and I never normally do so you know.
So is 'gouch' the slang? I always take a chewing gum, otherwise these days you are likely to chew into your lips or something. Even the poor old teeth!
Johnny Banner
08-01-2004, 06:54 PM
I was impressed with the light show and I must say I enjoyed the beat, although I wished that there would have been more than one.
Seeing as the temperature has been in the 100's here for a more than a month, slowly broiling my brains into scrambled eggs, I was shocked at the utter lack of violence at this event, so naturally I fled. :D
08-02-2004, 03:12 PM
A fw of my friends deal E and they have advised me never to touch it. In Galway, its full of ****e. But drink costs way too much. I spent almostb 100 euro between Friday and Saturday night only to pull a fat bird...I know I was pushing out the boat, but then again sometimes you've got to take one for the team, and big girls need lovin too.
08-02-2004, 03:58 PM
A fw of my friends deal E and they have advised me never to touch it. In Galway, its full of ****e. But drink costs way too much. I spent almostb 100 euro between Friday and Saturday night only to pull a fat bird...I know I was pushing out the boat, but then again sometimes you've got to take one for the team, and big girls need lovin too.
As someone who has done more than my fair share of fat birds, let me tell you that reasoning is erroneous.
All those guys out there, too lazy to make a real effort, all pulling fat birds as they know they are easy...........result?
Fat birds get far more action than their more slimline associates.
I've discovered this is a source of contention among the more waif-like females.
So for those in the know - go for a thin bird while your mates are busy drunkenly drooling over the chubbies :D
08-02-2004, 04:16 PM
I went on a rave once, i hated it, i swear never try it again. :p
I try to avoid music that can't be listened to without drugs and chicks that can't be looked at without booze. :D
08-02-2004, 04:26 PM
I try to avoid music that can't be listened to without drugs and chicks that can't be looked at without booze. :D LOLOL... :D
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to AWAR again."
08-02-2004, 07:48 PM
A fw of my friends deal E and they have advised me never to touch it. In Galway, its full of ****e. But drink costs way too much. I spent almostb 100 euro between Friday and Saturday night only to pull a fat bird...I know I was pushing out the boat, but then again sometimes you've got to take one for the team, and big girls need lovin too.
Fat chicks and UCD don't mix, as John Baker says to Jim Morrison in The Doors, 'You need to improve your taste in troggs' :D
Seriously, UCD has made it so I havent been near a fat bird in a long time.
08-03-2004, 04:45 PM
Fat chicks and UCD don't mix, as John Baker says to Jim Morrison in The Doors, 'You need to improve your taste in troggs' :D
Seriously, UCD has made it so I havent been near a fat bird in a long time.
...Fat...Skinny...Burley...Who cares? Lets get to the important question:
Are they easy?:D
08-04-2004, 08:24 PM
Depends on which group you find yourself trying to chat up.
Example: Tallaght accent+drink trying to chat up D4 Heino boird (add an o into every word for D4 effect)
Other example: Leftie middle class girl amazed at hard life ghetto idea in her head of rough areas = me happy.
I would'nt be caught dead with any boglords though...j/k!
08-04-2004, 09:33 PM
Depends on which group you find yourself trying to chat up.
As always, I suppose.
Example: Tallaght accent+drink trying to chat up D4 Heino boird (add an o into every word for D4 effect)
Other example: Leftie middle class girl amazed at hard life ghetto idea in her head of rough areas = me happy.
Example: City Slicker girl amazed at rugged country life idea in her head of roleing hills and stone walls = me happy.
P.S. I actually live in Galway city, I just work in the countryside.
I would'nt be caught dead with any boglords though...j/k!
A cousin of mine(from Claremorris, Mayo) who was in UCD last year(he droped out though) said that it was near impossible to pick up women...he used to go around with car keys on his fingers(not that he had a car) to attract attention, and he said it worked wonders!
08-05-2004, 01:39 PM
You need to find your niche market in U.C.D.
Mine used to be leftist chicks who I would have to leaflet with etc. Now its Philosophy chicks that I have to convince to turn up at meetings etc.
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