View Full Version : A random thought
07-29-2004, 01:43 PM
I've noticed a similarity between feminism and anti-racialism - that both groups (i.e. females and non-whites) demand white males bend over and aid the interests of these groups at their own expense. Seen from the perspective of a white male, these groups propound an evaluation system which priveliges the other (e.g. women and non-whites) over the self. Personal experience - open the door for a girl and they demand more, or pay no attention to the courtesy shown to them. Non-whites are granted equal political rights with whites and yet they demand more. The solution, I think, is to become more egocentric - to have a firm self-identity and make sure you don't compromise this identity and always work to further it even at the expense of others. This means not opening the door for shaven-head lesbian feminists, it means being callous to non-whites whenever appropriate, helping your own kind and looking after your own interests first and foremost. The media encourages hedonism, and this has led, once coupled with the 'tolerance doctrine', to the collapse of Western mores - ironically the beginning of solution to many of our problems lie in a non-hedonistic selfishness.
If that even makes sense. Comments welcome.
Tamoril 3.0
08-05-2004, 02:37 AM
You might as well just accept it. It's only going to get worse before it gets better (if it even does).
This means not opening the door for shaven-head lesbian feminists, it means being callous to non-whites whenever appropriate, helping your own kind and looking after your own interests first and foremost.
Many people already do this, Jack. Just not enough.
08-05-2004, 02:40 AM
Things will get a lot worse before there's even a chance of improvement yes. Panem et circenses Jack, most white males have been put into hibernation with bad TV shows and cheap fastfood.
Tamoril 3.0
08-05-2004, 02:46 AM
I think Earl Turner said it best in the "Turner Diaries". They have added link by link to the chain, only one at a time so that nobody would notice. If they loaded all these things onto us at once, we would rebel against it. But as long as we have our TV and beer and cheap food, nobody will care. Take away our freedom and we still won't do anything as long as we have the illusion of it.
08-10-2004, 01:31 PM
It could also be because the intended end results of both these movement is the same.
Tamoril 3.0
08-12-2004, 02:55 AM
It could also be because the intended end results of both these movement is the same.
Could you please elaborate? I see only one movement that is happening- and it is only heading in one direction- down.
08-13-2004, 06:19 PM
It could also be because the intended end results of both these movement is the same.
I'm beginning to wonder which is more corrosive to the health of the white West. I'm also wondering whether the people who will eventually have to fight back are going to give a damn about 'doing it for the white West' when one half of the white West is busy stabbing the other half in the back.
08-14-2004, 10:58 AM
I think we can learn a great deal by observing Jewry. Jewish women are strong, well-educated, and highly active in promoting their ethnic interests. As a result, Zionism is much stronger than it would be otherwise. So long as most WNs are lonely beta males who regard women as the enemy, WN will amount to very little. Such a loser mentality fares poorly for the development of strong relationships and family units, let alone extended families. These are the very building blocks of any successful folkish movement. It is no coincidence that these things are highly developed among Jews and underdeveloped among White Nationalists.
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