View Full Version : Help me destroy adam

07-29-2004, 02:55 AM
Do the jews have missing ribs? This perplexing question has troubled many a mind throughout history, since the advent of christianity. The adamic, those with missing ribs, have managed to turn what's missing into a virtue via the torah, genesis, and the word of jesus. Ironically, god willing, the jews' misfortune will come about as a result of their seeming inability to be honest-just take a look at a list of jewish names. Nealy all on the list will be divisible by three. Eleven does not divide evenly by three, let alone ten. In a sense, primes are one-dimensional, and might represent a terminus, or death-we exist in three dimensions. What I say is this-give adam what he deserves, in accordance with what he is in the world. And if the jew in question is not adamic, then the whole excercise becomes one of propaganda. Diabolical, I may add.

The apocalypse of adam is for myself a problem of fundamental incompatability-I cannot tolerate adamics who cannot twelve. The Homo Sapiens such as yourselves as a result of sharing an eleven with adam, cop some of the eleven insults, and one can never be sure if adam is sticking with ten or eleven-you must find them irritating also. You might say, that if you are an untermensch, then adam is an untermensch, whilst to myself, you are all untermensch. This might be cause for some consternation.

The untermensch that surround me are barely tolerable, let alone the lowest being of all, adam.

If the 'High King Of England' said to you, "On your knees", would you listen? Or would you bow to adam-the 'English king'? Bear in mind that the relevent systems of rank are quite easy to grasp, yet are only operable in one direction, dependent upon the function of rarity-it simply couldn't work any other way, unless it depends upon "Because I say so". How many adams, Jills, or guys with Ich or allah in their anatomy via the numerical alphabet could there be? Therefore, there is only one man fit for leadership as regards the apocalypse of adam, myself. I did not ask for this task, I was born into it, and IMO, royalty can only be born, and not created. Born a king. Fancy that. And Jill, born a queen. Heh.

So here's the deal-we put each other on twelve, pleasing language mostly, and adam and the outgroup like the neggers get put on eleven strings, which are mostly foul. This enables us to be nice to each other, forming the basis of community, an in group. Use my seventeens and nines, etc, by all means. You can be pig-headed and put yourself on eleven, though this doesn't make much sense. 'Hail the king', or 'Sieg heil der fuhrer'? The first fits the anatomy of just about every, or close, human being extant, and obviously cannot work.

Ideally, a community putting their foes on eleven will come about, and I get to be a bit special-witout my presence or endorsement, the best possible available language loses value. An empire of language, extending as far as the language is spoken, based upon recognition of the existence and value of myself. All we need to do in a sense, is turn the lights on-everything is already there.

If I am able to serve my function, power and organisation increases, and ideally a loose-knit community comes about. The real barrier is the desire of everyone to be king, jealousy-but the adamic apocalypse is within your grasp, and you will not lose anything, only gain. The jews have missing ribs. Help me destroy adam.

Idi Amin
07-31-2004, 01:00 AM
This isn't a Roman pogrom or Spanish inquisition. Numbers denote value based on amount; you are fluent in English. Use it.