View Full Version : in the army

07-29-2004, 02:08 AM
19 days untill I start my training in the army.

I applied for the pantser infantry and got accept as group commander i.e. sergeant.
In the past months I was physically and mentally tested and got approved for every service cluster there is.(I actually wanted to be airborn, but they were full so that didn't happen. I also had an option to go with the commandos but since I consider myself a future family man I couldn't imagine what that would do for my social contacts, futhermore it's a pretty tough overall challenge. I also briefly considered the marines, but I can't stand being on a boat to long).
Because I have higher eduction I could have also chosen to become an officer, but I considered my choices carefully and decided i'm more a field man and feel more comfortable serving as a middle man than start out as a "manager" from the start in this particular environement. I can always pursue a career as officer in the years to come should I choose to do so.

My friends and some of you know me as a liber-socialist so this choice may suprise you, but what better way is there to hollow out the system than from the inside :P No seriously though, my choice has been two fold. first reason is humanitarian and the second reason is that it's a pretty good career being in the dutch army.

august 16th is my big day and if people want I will try to post/publish weekly reports on some general activities we've been doing.

07-29-2004, 02:14 AM
Is this some kind of joke? The Netherlands has an army?

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 02:43 AM
Many congrats on getting the position. How would the pantser infantry compare to the Australian infantry?

07-29-2004, 02:45 AM
Is this some kind of joke? The Netherlands has an army?
They are probably riding bicycles.

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 02:51 AM
They are probably riding bicycles.

I hope you are not condescending the use of bicycles in a war situation.

It worked for the Japanese in WW2, they kicked ass with their bicycles.

07-29-2004, 02:52 AM
Shuddup! The Dutch army is the most honourable of all,
their interventions in Srebrenica were crucial.

07-29-2004, 02:58 AM
How would the pantser infantry compare to the Australian infantry?

I don't know much about the Australian infantery, but the dutch infantery uses the YPR 765 as their main transportation as seen here:
ypr 765 (http://images.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dae.tmfweb.nl/ypr%2520765/pri/yprpri4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dae.tmfweb.nl/bestanden/pri.htm&h=309&w=389&sz=34&tbnid=dHduCoxKFkoJ:&tbnh=93&tbnw=118&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpantser%2Binfanterie%26hl%3Dnl%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8)

It fits about 10 people. The sergeant is the commander of the unit and listens to the officer for instructions. It's a highly mobile vehicle and has some firepower and means of defence in the sense of smoke grenades and armor.
The armor is no match for high explosives, but when the vehicle reaches the battle zone it's intentions is that everyone except the gunner and the driver leave the vehicle to take in tactical positions.

07-29-2004, 02:59 AM
The armor is no match for high explosives, but when the vehicle reaches the battle zone it's intentions is that everyone except the gunner and the driver leave the vehicle to take in tactical positions.
Do they jump onto bicycles when they disembark this vehicle?

07-29-2004, 03:00 AM
Is this some kind of joke? The Netherlands has an army?

The dutch army is better trained than most armies of other european countries including germany.

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:02 AM
LOL- We buy our tanks second hand off the Americans. Yay!!! :D

Do they jump onto bicycles when they disembark this vehicle?

It would depend the terrain they were on, wouldn't it? And at least they don't buy their bicycles from the US.

07-29-2004, 03:02 AM
The dutch army is better trained than most armies of other european countries including germany.
In what? Getting cats out of trees? Helping elderly people cross the street? Giving CPR? Making cheese? Have you mastered the Swiss army knife yet?

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:05 AM
The dutch army is better trained than most armies of other european countries including germany.

As far as training goes Australia will probably kick your sorry behinds. Australia has (apparently) the best trained troops in the world. (This is including the SAS).

07-29-2004, 03:05 AM
In what? Getting cats out of trees? Helping elderly people cross the street? Giving CPR? Making cheese?

To quote julius ceaser in the life of brian by monty python:
Do you find it funny when I say Biggus Dickus?

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:06 AM
To quote julius ceaser in the life of brian by monty python:
Do you find it funny when I say Biggus Dickus?

Well... I do.

07-29-2004, 03:09 AM
As far as training goes Australia will probably kick your sorry behinds. Australia has (apparently) the best trained troops in the world. (This is including the SAS).

Could be. But we musn't compare special forces since they operate under different circumstances and choose their own battlefield.
But as far as airborn and infantry go the Dutch 42nd painfbat from Havelte recently kicked the **** out of the germans on their own territory in practice sessions 3 times in a row. Just before the war games started the germans claimed they had never been beaten by any nation on that particular battleground.
Now they can never claim that again:)

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:16 AM
Could be. But we musn't compare special forces since they operate under different circumstances and choose their own battlefield.
But as far as airborn and infantry go the Dutch 42nd painfbat from Havelte recently kicked the **** out of the germans on their own territory in practice sessions 3 times in a row. Just before the war games started the germans claimed they had never been beaten by any nation on that particular battleground.
Now they can never claim that again:)


Special forces don't choose their own ground though. the SAS can fight anywhere, anytime.

In Vietnam they didn't lose a single man to enemy fire (not including disease etc.) and in Afghanistan and Iraq they were invaluable. LOL- they used a fighter jet to force a factory full of militants to surrender!

On another note, do you know much about the Winter War in Finland 1939? Now there's some good European fighting.

07-29-2004, 03:19 AM
Sergeant Spinoza reporting for duty sir!


Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:21 AM

Are you quite finished, Deconstructionist? You must be very proud of that.

07-29-2004, 03:24 AM
i'm sure the SAS is pretty well trained and have proven to be invaluable professional. The SAS is fabled to be amongst the best along with the delta forces and british SAS. I wouldn't expect anything less from professionals. But still I can't think of a reason why the australian infantery would beat the Dutch infantery anytime anywhere.

A joke I founf while searching for SAS:
A large group of Taliban soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand-dune.

"One Australian SAS soldier is better than ten Taliban".

The Taliban commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune whereupon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence. The voice then calls out "One Australian SAS soldier is better than one hundred Taliban".

Furious, the Taliban commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune and instantly a huge gunfight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again silence. The Australian voice calls out again "One Australian SAS soldier is better than one thousand Taliban".

The enraged Taliban Commander musters one thousand fighters and sends them across the dune. Cannon, rocket and machine gun fire ring out as a huge battle is fought. Then silence. Eventually one wounded Taliban fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells his commander, "Don't send any more men, it's a trap, ...there's actually two of them."

Some more information on the SAS:

07-29-2004, 03:26 AM
Sergeant Spinoza reporting for duty sir!

LOL, very nice. You should have asked Wehr for a pic of me and photoshop it on the monkey for expanded effect.

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:28 AM
LMAO. Good joke, just slightly exaggerated. I agree, the Australian infantry per se probably couldnt match the dutch on your home soil. and you've probably got a larger army anyway lol.

I'd be interested to find out about your equivalent to our SAS. Commandos?

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 03:32 AM
Argh damn I've got three minutes till I gotta go. Email me some stuff, I'm intrigued by the Dutch army now.

07-29-2004, 03:34 AM
yes indeed, but I think it would be very hard to investigate such a thing. The only way I could think of that they could investigate it is if they were both to perform the same task and see what the effectivness of both teams are.

You cannot set them out against each other since the dutch commandos train on stealth, behind enemy lines actions with the intend on freeing hostages or to disable a person or facility.

In terms of operations they can best be compared with the navy seals I guess.

Recently a big scandal emerged in the netherlands in which secret publications were released of dutch special forces doing license to kill actions in Iraq. Apparantly the dutch commandos were/are pretty active there, but noone knew of it of course.

07-29-2004, 03:36 AM
Email me some stuff, I'm intrigued by the Dutch army now.

I'll see if I can come up with english reading material concerning the dutch army and email it, but it's 4:30 in the morning here, so I might be heading to bed right about now. But tommorow i'll see if I can find something.

Dr. Brandt
07-29-2004, 05:16 AM
The dutch army is better trained than most armies of other european countries including germany.

LOL - Isn't that the same line they said in 1940?

LOL - it doesn't take much to be better than the "Bundeswehr".

07-29-2004, 05:48 AM
Army of the Netherlands



Combat footwear:





07-29-2004, 06:14 AM
Is this some kind of joke? The Netherlands has an army?The army has a union and went on strike once( at least it did in the 60s or 70s)... not to knock Paul but the army there is kind of a joke.

07-29-2004, 06:18 AM
The disparate sizes of the neighbouring countries' armies would seem to make the Dutch having an army pointless.

07-29-2004, 06:33 AM
Is this some kind of joke? The Netherlands has an army?

The particulars may have changed Fade, but a few years ago I read a book that described the Dutch army as of about 1975. They have a sort of "union" which had agitated for the right of soldiers to wear long hair, malinger, and set up a system where officers and enlisted men sit down to decide things democratically. It is basically a joke, they had a photo which showed some Dutch "soldiers", they looked like your average hippies.

07-29-2004, 06:37 AM
LOL - Isn't that the same line they said in 1940?

LOL - it doesn't take much to be better than the "Bundeswehr".
In terms of quality Ive been told its superior to any other army on the continent( speaking in the context of Turkey holding Byzantium/Constantinople/Istanbul not making it a "continental" army) not saying much...

07-29-2004, 06:37 AM
The army has a union and went on strike once( at least it did in the 60s or 70s)... not to knock Paul but the army there is kind of a joke.

Ha, I didnt read this until after I made my last post, I didnt know they went as far as going on strike. Who could take such an army seriously?

07-29-2004, 06:38 AM
Ha, I didnt read this until after I made my last post, I didnt know they went as far as going on strike. Who could take such an army seriously?
I could take an army going on strike seriously if it was shortly followed by a coup, has happened often enough in history.

What makes it really a joke is the army striking against the gov and then not taking over.

07-29-2004, 01:10 PM
Yeah, the Dutch army. Heroes of Srebrenica.
I had the misfortune to do maneuvers with them in my active service in the early 90s. Never again! Half of the soldiers looked like some kind of unwashed, uncombed hobos, many had ponytails up to their ass and almost everyone seemed to smoke dope during the maneuver, i.e. our guns were loaded with live ammo, like when you're on guard. What also surprised me was that when a maneuver is considered to be 24/7 the Dutch seemed to call it a day at 6 p.m. and switched off their radios.
Not much seems to have changed since the Wehrmacht had a little maneuver with the Dutch over 60 years ago.

07-29-2004, 01:15 PM
Needless to say that in all NATO competitions the Dutch came in last in most instances. They cannot shoot, cannot drive, cannot run, cannot swim, cannot march and even in a tug-of-war these hash puppies are without a chance. Ice skating and cheese-wheel rolling were not official disciplines in the competition, though. That may have given them a chance to catch up.

07-29-2004, 02:30 PM

Groids are also welcomed into the Dutch "Army"

07-29-2004, 02:56 PM

Groids are also welcomed into the Dutch "Army"

Holland is the land of diversity! Apparently Hol means diversity. :D ;)

Mary Poppins
07-29-2004, 03:41 PM
19 days untill I start my training in the army.

I applied for the pantser infantry and got accept as group commander i.e. sergeant.
In the past months I was physically and mentally tested and got approved for every service cluster there is.(I actually wanted to be airborn, but they were full so that didn't happen. I also had an option to go with the commandos but since I consider myself a future family man I couldn't imagine what that would do for my social contacts, futhermore it's a pretty tough overall challenge. I also briefly considered the marines, but I can't stand being on a boat to long).
Because I have higher eduction I could have also chosen to become an officer, but I considered my choices carefully and decided i'm more a field man and feel more comfortable serving as a middle man than start out as a "manager" from the start in this particular environement. I can always pursue a career as officer in the years to come should I choose to do so.

My friends and some of you know me as a liber-socialist so this choice may suprise you, but what better way is there to hollow out the system than from the inside :P No seriously though, my choice has been two fold. first reason is humanitarian and the second reason is that it's a pretty good career being in the dutch army.

august 16th is my big day and if people want I will try to post/publish weekly reports on some general activities we've been doing.
Congrats to one o' my favorite members. ;)

Dr. Brandt
07-29-2004, 04:46 PM
19 days untill I start my training in the army

I applied for the pantser infantry and got accept as group commander i.e. sergeant..

"Pantser infantry"? Is this derived from the word "Pantsy"? :D

In the past months I was physically and mentally tested and got approved for every service cluster there is.

Considering your mental condition (by reading your liberal posts) you shouldn't even be allowed to wear the uniform of a parkinglot guard- But for the - LOL - "Dutch" ... ROFL - "A-A-A-Army" I guess it's enough.

(I actually wanted to be airborn,

Jump from a skyscraper... :D "weeeeeeeeeeee, I can fly...*splatt*" :D

...but they were full so that didn't happen.

Yeah, the dutch are so full of it! :D

I also briefly considered the marines, but I can't stand being on a boat to long).

Then don't visit amestrdam or Venice! LOL

Because I have higher eduction....

In what? Degree in Philosemitism?

My friends and some of you know me as a liber-socialist so this choice may suprise you, but what better way is there to hollow out the system than from the inside :P

What the hell is there more to "hollow out" in such an empty nutshell of a degenerate country? Where even Fags ran a "right wing party", drugs are legal, Gays are "in".

No seriously though, my choice has been two fold. first reason is humanitarian and the second reason is that it's a pretty good career being in the dutch army.

Hahaha! "Humanitarian"! "Soldier, why did you join the Army and what duty do you enjoy the most?"
"Well sir, I am a humanitarian and I like shooting up stuff and destroying things!"
Hey, has anyone seen my humanitarian mortar? Now where did I park my 155mm armored ambulance?

august 16th is my big day and if people want I will try to post/publish weekly reports on some general activities we've been doing.

Our "big day" was 1st September. I can hardly await your reports:

"Today we washed our socks and then sat together in our baracks smoking dope while doing our daily knitting.
In the evening we were invited by the officers to their private quarters. While we were having fun in the showers droping our soap, the music of "YMCA" realy got us into the right mood. Thank God our Negro supply sargent had the stocks of purple and pink condoms filled up last week. It was a hell of a night. Pim[el] Fortuyn would have enjoyed it!

Hahaha! "Dutch Army" ROFL!

07-29-2004, 05:14 PM
But the enemy are also human beings! :P

07-29-2004, 09:34 PM
I joined the F.C.A.(Irish reserve defense force) earlier this summer. Up until a few years ago, they accepted people at age 16, but now its 17. I was 16 at the time, but I told a little ‘white lie’ anyway.

I joined the Artilery because they get to go away for 2 weaks and get 600 euro for it(Infantry is the same, but you don't get to blow **** up. Transport only get 400 euro for 1 weak. Medics, Signals, and M.P.s are faggots...). I was in a detatchment with 5 others(4 were really rough, and 1 was pritty soft, I could talk-the-talk, so I got in with the majority, but I felt sorry for the soft guy when we were kicking the **** out of him...then again, better him than me). I had to go for 2 hours on a Tuesday evening(6-8), and 2 hours on a Sunday(11-1) with a free dinner :D. We martched(all commands in Irish Gaelic), Fired(Styer Aug, semi-automatic), ate(Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes...mmmm), Fired Artilery peices(I was a #2, i.e. I lift the breach, ram the shot, close the breach, cover my ears...).

I had to get a form signed by the Gardaí(police) to prove that I hadn't got any convictions and they found out that I was only 16, so I got thrown out. But it was good craic anyway!

07-30-2004, 02:40 AM
I'll reply later. Wehr, that was a great post. pretty funny ;)

Tamoril 3.0
07-30-2004, 05:00 AM
Why does everybody always underestimate the little guy?

Finnish-Russian war in 1939 is a prime example. The Russians had superior weaponry and technology, and a much larger army, and still got their butts whooped.

07-30-2004, 06:56 AM
Why does everybody always underestimate the little guy?

Finnish-Russian war in 1939 is a prime example. The Russians had superior weaponry and technology, and a much larger army, and still got their butts whooped.

Need we forget that Stalin had just purged the high command of the Red Army and a bunch of his cronies were running things.

The Dutch army huh? ROTFL! Hippies with guns, how pathetic indeed! I remember seeing a news report about how the Dutch army is making new instruction videos explaining the proper way for gays in uniform to come out of the closet. Apparently you're supposed to go into a bar frequented by servicemen and shout out in front of everybody "I'm a faggot". In most other armies(even the USrael army), this would result in a broken jaw, severe damage to the stomach caused from being kicked with combat boots constantly, and a host of other unpleasent sh*t.

07-30-2004, 07:07 AM

Special forces don't choose their own ground though. the SAS can fight anywhere, anytime.

In Vietnam they didn't lose a single man to enemy fire (not including disease etc.) and in Afghanistan and Iraq they were invaluable. LOL- they used a fighter jet to force a factory full of militants to surrender!

SAS did not fight in Vietnam. You're either thinking of the US SOG groups or the British operations in Malaysia. That or SAS operations in Yemen. But they did not fight in Vietnam.

07-30-2004, 07:27 AM
He's talking about the Australian SAS which did fight in Vietnam

07-30-2004, 04:40 PM
thanks Emilia Fulci, Tamoril and the others who congratulated me :)

as for the rest of ya...

Yes, we dutch are all hippies. We listen to the mamma's and pappa's all day while sitting near a windmill. We wear wooden shoes and learn to march with them and have only cheese rations.
To relax we smoke weed all day which of course the entire population smokes.
Our hair is long and unkempt. We have no moral, though we are a proffesional army and duty draft has not been here since 8 years or so.
Yes, we dutch suck badly and mostly we suck cock. We are all gays and like to arserape each other just for kicks. BWAHAHA, I just got arseraped while writing this post. funny...

Anyway, I need to get stitches for my ripped out arse, I forgot to put vasaline on my arse last night. stupid thing no to do since arseraping is the number one sport here in the Netherlands.

I'm so screwed up right now I can't even write properly anymore. All the weed made me down again, but then again when you live in only the 5th best country to live in in the world according to NATO charts then one tends to get down alot.

Well, i'm off to eat some more cheese now and I must find a way to stop my arse from bleeding before heading to the hospital. Wouldn't want to get blood all over my new "Arse Rape Cherrie Popper 500 (tm.)" wooden shoes, now would I?

07-30-2004, 05:37 PM
What do you expect but stereotypes at a racialist forum, also one where the members are interested in the military.

All the negative points about unions, being rubbush at killing people sounds quite good to me.

Good luck Paul.

07-30-2004, 05:42 PM
He's talking about the Australian SAS which did fight in Vietnam

When and where?

07-30-2004, 05:43 PM
thanks Emilia Fulci, Tamoril and the others who congratulated me :)

as for the rest of ya...

Yes, we dutch are all hippies. We listen to the mamma's and pappa's all day while sitting near a windmill. We wear wooden shoes and learn to march with them and have only cheese rations.
To relax we smoke weed all day which of course the entire population smokes.
Our hair is long and unkempt. We have no moral, though we are a proffesional army and duty draft has not been here since 8 years or so.
Yes, we dutch suck badly and mostly we suck cock. We are all gays and like to arserape each other just for kicks. BWAHAHA, I just got arseraped while writing this post. funny...

Anyway, I need to get stitches for my ripped out arse, I forgot to put vasaline on my arse last night. stupid thing no to do since arseraping is the number one sport here in the Netherlands.

I'm so screwed up right now I can't even write properly anymore. All the weed made me down again, but then again when you live in only the 5th best country to live in in the world according to NATO charts then one tends to get down alot.

Well, i'm off to eat some more cheese now and I must find a way to stop my arse from bleeding before heading to the hospital. Wouldn't want to get blood all over my new "Arse Rape Cherrie Popper 500 (tm.)" wooden shoes, now would I?

You forgot about shouting to everybody in a bar about how you're a faggot. :p

07-30-2004, 05:44 PM
What do you expect but stereotypes at a racialist forum, also one where the members are interested in the military.

Yes a REAL military, not some hippie/faggot patrol squad.

Dr. Brandt
07-30-2004, 11:29 PM
Yes, we dutch suck badly and mostly we suck cock. We are all gays and like to arserape each other just for kicks.

Cock? Wasn't that a dutch Minister? Vim Cock? :d LOL - Even your names are gay! Hahaha!
anyway, thanks for being so honest!

I'm so screwed up right now I can't even write properly anymore.

You never could!

....but then again when you live in only the 5th best country to live in in the world according to NATO charts then one tends to get down alot.

That says something about NATO charts, doesn't it?

07-31-2004, 12:39 AM
Someone please conquer the Netherlands. Anyone.

07-31-2004, 12:49 AM
Maybe the NRA can do it next time the army goes on strike.

07-31-2004, 01:17 AM
Someone please conquer the Netherlands. Anyone.
What for? The only good stuff coming from there is cheese, coffee, tea, frikandel speciaal, the Philips Senseo coffee maker and La Trappe beer. ;)

07-31-2004, 01:24 AM
Maybe the NRA can do it next time the army goes on strike.

I bet Michael Moore would love to make a documentary on that.

07-31-2004, 02:04 AM
Someone please conquer the Netherlands. Anyone.

How much would it cost to raise and supply 4000 mercenaries and land them in the Netherlands?

07-31-2004, 02:47 AM
Cock? Wasn't that a dutch Minister? Vim Cock? :d LOL - Even your names are gay! Hahaha!

Lol. Hahahahaha. ah that is so funny. Wait.. let me wipe a tear from my eye. Hahaha. oh i'm still laughing....Oh wait..It's Wim Kok you buttmonkey.

That says something about NATO charts, doesn't it?

I guess it does and we can take it from you. We all know you are a proper authority on this, don't we? Why don't you go put your cock in a pile of ashes and pretend it's hitlers arse you nazi wannabe ;D

On another post I heard you complain about Pim fortuyn and him being a gay politicial and all. Yet you would love to see man like that in power and if he would be in power you would be kissing his political butt right now.
Hypocrite, I haven't seen a decent post being typed by you in a long time and even worse no photoshopped pics either.

friedrich braun
07-31-2004, 03:56 AM
On another post I heard you complain about Pim fortuyn and him being a gay politicial and all. Yet you would love to see man like that in power and if he would be in power you would be kissing his political butt right now.

Why would Wehrmacht "love to see" a cocksucking Marxist intellectual "in power" in the Netherlands? Why do you presume he cares about your giant (but totally insignificant) bordello of a country? The political opportunist in question only objected to Muslim immigration out of an egotistical concern for his status as a flamboyant homosexual man living in a country where Muslims will soon constitute the majority of the population. In other words, he wanted to continue sodomizing his male lovers without running afoul of the Sharia, knowing that fundamentalist Muslims are in the habit of executing fruitcakes.

However, Fortuyn made it very clear during his last campaign that those dusky Muslims already in your completely degenerate "nation" will be allowed to remain. He only wanted to put a stop to furher immigration. Well, such half-measures wouldn't have worked. The said dusky Muslims reproduce at a much higher rate than your decadent and hedonistic countrymen and, hence, their presence would've continued to grow exponentially. The only thing that his plan would've achieved is buying some time -- nothing else. It's the occupation of the Netherlands by a hostile, incompatibe, and inassimilabe minority (soon to be a majority) that's the problem. To solve the current situation in a significant way he should've advocated a speedy repatriation of those savage and foreign elements.

07-31-2004, 04:02 AM
The decline of the Netherlands began when it let in the :jew:s expelled from Spain and Portugal.

07-31-2004, 04:15 AM
Why would Wehrmacht "love to see" a cocksucking Marxist intellectual "in power" in the Netherlands?

Marxist? I'd hardly call an advocate of privatistion a marxist. Futhermore, I have no idea why wehrmacht is exprrssing such an interest in the Netherlands, but somehow he always deems nessescary to respond anything related to the Netherlands.

your giant (but totally insignificant) bordello of a country?

rather redundant I'd say. It's somewhat a reiiteration of the first sentence, but somewhat more creativly stated.

The political opportunist in question only objected to Muslim immigration out of an egotistical concern for his status as a flamboyant homosexual man living in a country where Muslims will soon constitute the majority of the population.

I honestly think he had deeper rooted emotions to support his concerns than merely trying to uphold his status. This can be found in his book as well as interviews by those who knew him.

In other words, he wanted to continue sodomizing his male lovers without running afoul of the Sharia, knowing that fundamentalist Muslims are in the habit of executing fruitcakes.

This is rather double. First you state he's preventing Muslim immigration and then you say he's not objecting to muslim fundamentalists immigrating. Also I don't think he would have taken the fact that he could be executed into account for any arguments he made. To quote Pim fortuyn:"The Islam is a retarded culture".
I, to some degree, share this sentiment if you must know, especially when looking at islamic laws.

If you must know, I was not a fan of Pim Fortuyn and do not agree with alot of his other ideas. One of the reasons is also that if he would come to power noone in the world would take us seriouly(if it can get any lower that is).

07-31-2004, 07:45 AM
Fortuyn was a Marxist as a student. When he died he was a hardcore neoliberal.

And the whole Islamization is mainly an urban phenomenon (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Arnhem). In the provinces Gelderland and Limburg you'll almost exclusively see white faces.

07-31-2004, 09:10 AM
Can we just try not to make a flame fest out of this thread?
The 2004 Dutch are a decadent bunch but not more decadent than the rest of european nations surrounding them. Who here lives in a NS European Nation? The Netherlands have plenty of genetic material to make excellent soldiers and comrades. Its just the overlying Jewish influence that has dragged most Euro nations down that drain. All Euro nations are nowadays little Netherlands, some a bit better some a bit worse.

07-31-2004, 09:49 AM
Nah, it is not that easy. The Netherlands are indeed more liberal (liberal does not quite describe it, it's rampant libertinage), but that too is basically an urban phenomenon. Because that country is so crowded most of the Dutch live in the cities and thus cannot really escape this trend. It is very unfortunate that in the cities the muslims have the ethics and morals while the Dutch have none.

As far as the army is regarded: They could have a good army of maybe 30,000 - but it would be hard enough to find that many men who do not regularly smoke dope. Right now the Dutch army - despite being an army of volunteers now - reminds me of a hippie commune. And they also have quite a lot of women in the forces, most of them with asses like brewery horses.

07-31-2004, 04:16 PM
It is very unfortunate that in the cities the muslims have the ethics and morals while the Dutch have none.

What is this nonsense? the muslim have ethnics and morals and the Dutch have none? explain please...

but it would be hard enough to find that many men who do not regularly smoke dope

Smokin weed is illigal in the army. Anyone who egts caught doing so risks being thrown out of the army.
Also I think you are overestimating the popularity of weed here in the Netherlands. It's mostly tourists and foreign jounalists who make such a big fuss.

And they also have quite a lot of women in the forces, most of them with asses like brewery horses.

the medical branche of the army has some particulary nice woman in their service. If you speak of the woman who have a battle function like the infantery then indeed those are more manly and heavier build, but this is because you need to pass a stric health test which includes strenth tests and such. Not many frail or petit woman pass that, they simply don't have the muscle power and stamina.

07-31-2004, 04:39 PM
What is this nonsense? the muslim have ethnics and morals and the Dutch have none? explain please... With the exception of the few conservative Catholics in the south of the country and the right-wing Calvinists of the SGP and CU ehtics and morals are virtually non-existent among the ethnic Dutch.

Smokin weed is illigal in the army. Anyone who egts caught doing so risks being thrown out of the army. It is illegal in the U.S. and yet everyone smokes refer, even in the army. All the Dutch soldiers I met were potheads (privates, corporals and NCOs).

Also I think you are overestimating the popularity of weed here in the Netherlands. It's mostly tourists and foreign jounalists who make such a big fuss. It certainly has an attraction for drug tourists, especially in the towns on the border. That is why I avoid cities like Venlo and Maastricht and prefer towns like Winterswijk where people are still white and normal, and where there are no coffee shops (well, there is one, but I never see any German potheads go in there, so I assume they can live on their Dutch clientele).

the medical branche of the army has some particulary nice woman in their service. If you speak of the woman who have a battle function like the infantery then indeed those are more manly and heavier build, but this is because you need to pass a stric health test which includes strenth tests and such. Not many frail or petit woman pass that, they simply don't have the muscle power and stamina. I did not say they look strong, I said they look fat. There is no such thing as a strong butt. A firm butt maybe, but not of that gigantic size.

07-31-2004, 04:50 PM
With the exception of the few conservative Catholics in the south of the country and the right-wing Calvinists of the SGP and CU ehtics and morals are virtually non-existent among the ethnic Dutch.

Unsupported facts. Gibberish if you ask me. I don't know where you live, but I know we are not hanging around with the same crowd if you behold your above mentioned argument as true.

I did not say they look strong, I said they look fat. There is no such thing as a strong butt. A firm butt maybe, but not of that gigantic size.

A possible reason for this is that you need a minimal height with a certain minimal weight to get the higher cluster functions like infantery, air mobile brigade and commandos.
A 1.70 m woman weighing 50 KG would not get those functions since the backpack itself weighs 40kg(without the rifle and such) and the woman would probably develop serious back, knee and/or neck injuries.

07-31-2004, 05:17 PM
::Right now the Dutch army - despite being an army of volunteers now - reminds me of a hippie commune. Welfare slugs.

07-31-2004, 05:29 PM
SAS did not fight in Vietnam. You're either thinking of the US SOG groups or the British operations in Malaysia. That or SAS operations in Yemen. But they did not fight in Vietnam.

Well, he isn't talking about SOG, because they lost many men in Vietnam.

Dr. Brandt
08-01-2004, 02:05 AM
tHE NEWEST DESIGN OF THE dutch kevelar helmet.


08-01-2004, 02:07 AM
That hat is associated with Wisconsin, not the Netherlands.

Mary Poppins
08-01-2004, 04:22 AM
tHE NEWEST DESIGN OF THE dutch kevelar helmet...

...Modeled by none other than TIMO. :eek: :| :cool: