View Full Version : Back from mundania

07-28-2004, 09:25 PM
Looks like this forum changed a lot while I was gone. :|

Damn... so many things have happened in the real world since. I see some old faces in the memberlist as well as new ones. Is Fade still posting?

07-28-2004, 09:27 PM
Ah. You know. The usual. Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall again and I was unable to put him back together. Long story there. I changed my username. We upgraded to vB3. We eliminated the puerile forums. Welcome back.

07-29-2004, 07:09 AM
Damn... so many things have happened in the real world since?
How is this not the real world? You are a real person, Fade is a real person, I am a real person, we are communicating to one another for real, you are reading this message for real, and this message is a response to a real message.

07-29-2004, 07:27 AM
How is this not the real world? You are a real person, Fade is a real person, I am a real person, we are communicating to one another for real, you are reading this message for real, and this message is a response to a real message.
For once we agree on something. For real!

07-29-2004, 05:42 PM
For once we agree on something. For real!
I have agreed with you on a lot of things.

07-29-2004, 08:58 PM
Not all of us are real. Some of us are AI scripted government programs sent out to infect the world wide web and harvest information about 'controversial types'.

07-30-2004, 12:36 AM
But Contra isn't here anymore.

07-30-2004, 12:38 AM
contra quit politics, or so I heard.

Saint Michael
07-30-2004, 04:49 AM
Welcome back, Xeno.

Yes, kontra quit politics. He is still a neo-con objectivist though. He just doesn't discuss it (good idea!!).

07-30-2004, 12:46 PM
Kontra is Johnson.

07-30-2004, 01:00 PM
Kiketra is still in the country? I though he'd surely join the Army and go fight for the Zhid over in Irak or Afganistan.

07-30-2004, 01:41 PM
neo-con objectivist.
