View Full Version : Tigers and Lions don't 'mix'

07-28-2004, 09:05 PM

The image on this page does not show a lion and tiger 'fighting'. What it actually shows is a relatively routine domestic dispute which occurred after Jassass, a 250 kilogram seven-year-old male lion, and Warda, a six year old tigress weighing 120 kilograms, were introduced in an effort to produce a liger at Jordan's zoo.

Hybridisation in the wild:
It is extremely rare for any wild animal to breed with one from another species.

For instance, in the wild the Grant's and Thompson's gazelle live together happily in mixed herds. The species are very alike and only experts are able to discern one from the other. Despite this there are no known instances of these gazelle interbreeding.

The domestic dog will mate indiscriminately with another breed, but wild dog breeds, including wolves, foxes and coyotes, mate only within their own species.

Sterility in hybrid animals:
Hybrids are usually considered sterile, and sterility is a natural biological barrier against hybridisation occurring. There are rare situations where nature has proven the sterility rule not always correct and this has resulted in such beasts as li-ligers and ti-tigons.



07-28-2004, 09:07 PM
The negro should have never been domesticated.

07-29-2004, 12:57 AM
I saw this site once, helluva cool. They should televize fights between large predators, I'd watch that.

07-29-2004, 02:41 AM
Subhumans and humans mix, but only after a lifetime of brainwashing and conditioning.

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 02:49 AM
Subhumans and humans mix, but only after a lifetime of brainwashing and conditioning.

How do you think AIDS came to humans? Although it didn't take much brainwashing for certain people to have relations with primates.

Depends if you would classify primates as subhuman though. You'd have to say they are less than 3/5 human. :p

07-29-2004, 02:54 AM
How do you think AIDS came to humans? Although it didn't take much brainwashing for certain people to have relations with primates.

Depends if you would classify primates as subhuman though. You'd have to say they are less than 3/5 human. :p
When you are talking about humans and primates, do you mean whites and n1gg3erz, or n1gg3rz and gorillas? :D

Tamoril 3.0
07-29-2004, 02:59 AM
When you are talking about humans and primates, do you mean whites and n1gg3erz, or n1gg3rz and gorillas? :D

Well you could always interperet it that way...

There isn't all that much difference between a dumb, kaffir and a dumb hairy ape.

07-29-2004, 06:33 AM
Maybe tigers were lions once. On the subject of brainwashing, black/white couples became the most common mixed marriage after 1970-before that it must have been with asians or injuns. Goes to show. Apparently neggers having foot longs was only discovered after this. Or something else is at work. :p How pathetic-nigs even make bull**** propaganda porn sites to trick women into having their babies. :jew: