View Full Version : Roman Personality Selector
07-28-2004, 10:01 AM
#1 Cato Maior
#2 Seneca
#3 Marcus Aurelius
#4 Paulus
#5 Scipio Africanus
#6 Sulla
#7 Iulius Caesar
#8 Plotinus
#9 Augustus
#10 Hadrianus
#11 Nero
#12 Catullus
#13 Livius
#14 Martialis
#15 Domitianus
#16 Lucretius
#17 Q. Horatius Flaccus
#18 Traianus
#19 Claudius
#20 Gaius Marius
#21 L. Silvanius Florus
#22 Q. Sertorius
#23 The Gracchi
#24 General Varus
#1 Claudius
#2 General Varus
#3 Iulius Caesar
#4 Q. Sertorius
#5 Traianus
#6 Cato Maior
#7 Martialis
#8 Seneca
#9 Sulla
#10 Augustus
#11 L. Silvanius Florus
#12 Nero
#13 Plotinus
#14 Scipio Africanus
#15 Domitianus
#16 Livius
#17 Marcus Aurelius
#18 Gaius Marius
#19 Lucretius
#20 Q. Horatius Flaccus
#21 Hadrianus
#22 The Gracchi
#23 Catullus
#24 Paulus
Saint Michael
07-28-2004, 10:43 AM
#1 Iulius Caesar
#2 Sulla
#3 Paulus
#4 Augustus
#5 Scipio Africanus
#6 Traianus
07-28-2004, 01:49 PM
#1 Cato Maior
#2 Sulla
#3 Iulius Caesar
#4 Scipio Africanus
#5 Augustus
#6 Q. Sertorius
#7 Plotinus
#8 Seneca
#9 Claudius
#10 Domitianus
I like them for the most part except that the idiot Cicero came up as #1.
Von Apfelstrudel
07-28-2004, 02:09 PM
#1 Hadrianus
#2 Q. Horatius Flaccus
#3 Lucretius
#4 Claudius
#5 Gaius Marius
#6 Marcus Aurelius
#7 The Gracchi
#8 Catullus
#9 Livius
#10 Paulus
#11 Martialis
#12 Plotinus
#13 Seneca
#14 Augustus
#15 Iulius Caesar
#16 L. Silvanius Florus
#17 Domitianus
#18 General Varus
#19 Scipio Africanus
#20 Traianus
#21 Cato Maior
#22 Nero
#23 Q. Sertorius
#24 SULLA :D
Hadrian in 1 :nice:
Why the hell is Marius ranked so High ? I'm not insanely ambitious, I even prefer Sulla to MArius :o
I'd have though THe Gracchi would have rated higher for me too :(
07-28-2004, 03:19 PM
1 Seneca
2 Augustus
3 Scipio Africanus
4 Sulla
5 Cato Maior
6 Marcus Aurelius
7 Plotinus
8 Q. Horatius Flaccus
9 Paulus
10 Gaius Marius
11 Hadrianus
12 Iulius Caesar
#1 Sulla
#2 Domitianus
#3 Nero
#4 Plotinus
#5 Hadrianus
#6 Scipio Africanus
#7 Seneca
#8 Catullus
#9 Marcus Aurelius
#10 Iulius Caesar
#11 Lucretius
#12 Martialis
#15 Augustus
#16 General Varus
#17 L. Silvanius Florus
#18 Claudius
#19 Q. Sertorius
#20 Livius
#21 Paulus
#22 Gaius Marius
#23 The Gracchi
#24 Traianus
07-28-2004, 04:23 PM
No suprise with my results, I've always greatly admired Cato! :D
#1 Cato Maior
#2 Seneca
#3 Augustus
#4 Marcus Aurelius
#5 Scipio Africanus
#6 Hadrianus
#7 Livius
#8 Paulus
#9 Plotinus
#10 Claudius
07-28-2004, 05:24 PM
#1 Hadrianus
#2 Claudius
#3 Iulius Caesar
#4 Marcus Aurelius
#5 Martialis
Hadrian in Judea
At first sympathetic towards the Jews, Hadrian promised to rebuild Jerusalem, still in ruins after its destruction in 70 as a result of the Great Jewish Revolt. Jews felt betrayed when found out that his intentions were to rebuild it as pagan metropolis, and a new temple on the ruins of the Second Temple was dedicated to Jupiter. Tensions grew even more when Hadrian abolished circumcision (which he viewed as mutilation), and the Bar Kokhba's revolt began in 132. Roman losses were so heavy that Hadrian's report to the Senate omitted the customary formula "I and my army are well."
After brutally crushing the revolt in 135 and devastating Judea (580,000 Jews were killed, 50 fortified towns and 985 villages were razed), Hadrian attempted to root out Judaism, which he saw as the cause of continuous rebellions. He prohibited the Torah law, Jewish calendar and executed Judaic scholars. The sacred scroll was ceremoniously burned on the Temple Mount. At the former Temple sanctuary he installed two statues, one of Jupiter, another of himself. In an attempt to erase memory of Judea, he wiped the name off the map and replaced it with Syria Palaestina, as insulting reminder of Jews' ancient enemies the Philistines, long extinct by then. He reestablished Jerusalem as the Roman pagan polis of Aelia Capitolina, and Jews were forbidden from entering it. Later they were allowed to mourn their humiliation once a year on Tisha B'Av. Jews remained scattered and stateless until 1948. (Cassius Dio, Roman History; Aelius Spartianus, Life of Hadrian in the Augustan History)
Hahaha. Excellent. :p
#1 Iulius Caesar
#2 Q. Horatius Flaccus
#3 Augustus
#4 Claudius
#5 Gaius Marius
#6 Seneca
#7 Hadrianus
#8 The Gracchi
#9 Marcus Aurelius
#10 Paulus
07-28-2004, 05:50 PM
#1 Nero
#2 Domitianus
#3 Catullus
I knew I was going to get Nero :p
07-28-2004, 06:59 PM
#1 Augustus
#2 Paulus
#3 Seneca
#4 Iulius Caesar
#5 Cato Maior
#6 Hadrianus
#7 Livius
#8 Marcus Aurelius
#9 Q. Horatius Flaccus
#10 Scipio Africanus
#11 Gaius Marius
#12 Sulla
#13 The Gracchi
#14 Claudius
#15 General Varus
#16 Lucretius
#17 Nero
#18 Plotinus
#19 Traianus
#20 Martialis
#21 Catullus
#22 L. Silvanius Florus
#23 Q. Sertorius
#24 Domitianus
The Nihilist
07-28-2004, 07:55 PM
#1 Nero
#2 Iulius Caesar
#3 Claudius
#4 Q. Sertorius
#5 Catullus
#6 Domitianus
#7 Traianus
#8 General Varus
#9 Sulla
#10 Cato Maior
07-29-2004, 01:08 AM
#1 Cato Maior
#2 Augustus
#3 Seneca
#4 Claudius
#5 Marcus Aurelius
#6 Hadrianus
#7 Livius
#8 Paulus
#9 Sulla
#10 Nero
07-29-2004, 01:46 AM
#1 Augustus
#2 Livius
#3 Seneca
#4 Iulius Caesar
#5 Q. Horatius Flaccus
#6 Cato Maior
#7 Gaius Marius
#8 Hadrianus
#9 Marcus Aurelius
#10 Scipio Africanus
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