View Full Version : Banned Again From DiscussAnythingButJews!
07-28-2004, 12:30 AM
I am banned yet again from DiscussAnythingButJews! I simply couldn't take browsing that forum anymore and watching that disgusting scum Kamandi slander people like Luh Windan and Powerboss. I wonder what got me banned:
1.) I suggested that it would be cool if I could get the Holocaust on DVD (as I still don't believe in it).
2.) I said I didn't see anything wrong with slavery or apartheid.
3.) I started a thread called 'The Most Horrible Punishment Imaginable'. In that thread I suggest the most horrible punishment I could think of was being locked in a room with Anne Frank and a bunch of Jews (like Kamandi) for over two years.
4.) I asked BIG GABE whether or not there was a conspiracy by the international bourgeoisie class against the international proletarian class.
5.) I told jojo that I was Jesus Christ, the Son of Man.
6.) I asked Kamandi for the mailing address of the creator of humankind who created 'inalienable rights'.
7.) I argued that slavery was a positive good and that many former slaves looked back fondly upon slavery. I provided documented evidence to substantiate that argument.
8.) I said it would be cool if I could get this photo in colour:
Obviously, there are some things you cannot discuss at 'DiscussAnything'. There are some people you cannot bash, such as the Jews, whereas there are other people you can bash, like white racialists, as Kamandi does, in virtually every single thread he participates in. Just look at the bile that this fanatic regurgitates in virtually all of this posts. No racialist or right-winger can get away with such behaviour at DiscussAnythingButJews. There is a glass ceiling at that website. If you humiliate the scum that posts there (e.g., Kamandi, Malcolm Wright, Prof. Anarky, ColWTH et al), then you will be quitely banned.
07-28-2004, 12:33 AM
Fade, do you have a link to that forum? I'm bored and feel like raising hell somewhere, anywhere.
friedrich braun
07-28-2004, 12:33 AM
I am banned yet again from DiscussAnythingButJews! I simply couldn't take browsing that forum anymore and watching that disgusting scum Kamandi slander people like Luh Windan and Powerboss. I wonder what got me banned:
1.) I suggested that it would be cool if I could get the Holocaust on DVD (as I still don't believe in it).
2.) I said I didn't see anything wrong with slavery or apartheid.
3.) I started a thread called 'The Most Horrible Punishment Imaginable'. In that thread I suggest the most horrible punishment I could think of was being locked in a room with Anne Frank and a bunch of Jews (like Kamandi) for over two years.
4.) I asked BIG GABE whether or not there was a conspiracy by the international bourgeoisie class against the international proletarian class.
5.) I told jojo that I was Jesus Christ, the Son of Man.
6.) I asked Kamandi for the mailing address of the creator of humankind who created 'inalienable rights'.
7.) I argued that slavery was a positive good and that many former slaves looked back fondly upon slavery. I provided documented evidence to substantiate that argument.
8.) I said it would be cool if I could get this photo in colour:
They're all very good, but this one is pure genius:
I asked Kamandi for the mailing address of the creator of humankind who created 'inalienable rights'.
07-28-2004, 12:44 AM
Never mind, I found something to do.
07-28-2004, 01:50 AM
LOL .. hmm, sounds like a great domain name for a parody site.
Discussanything is the habour for the phora's old neo-cons and jews.
07-28-2004, 02:53 AM
That guy Manu closed down the Race Thread today as well.
Here's a quality exerpt from Kamandi:
Kamandi: - No, that's bull****: if it were really a matter of simply not wanting to be a crime victim, the racist would consort with blacks ONLY, because they're six or seven times more likely to the victim of a crime committed by a fellow white person. So it's not about avoiding crime; it's about prejudice against people with the differently colored skin.
LMFAO! That guy should go the the FBI crime statistics more often. They are published online. It clearly shows black on white crime is much more prevelant!
Also, why dont we all raise hell there? I am tired of hipcrits who can post what they want yet wont let people who disagree post. I say we hack that place somehow.
07-28-2004, 11:36 AM
I am banned yet again from DiscussAnythingButJews! I simply couldn't take browsing that forum anymore and watching that disgusting scum Kamandi slander people like Luh Windan and Powerboss. I wonder what got me banned:
1.) I suggested that it would be cool if I could get the Holocaust on DVD (as I still don't believe in it).
2.) I said I didn't see anything wrong with slavery or apartheid.
3.) I started a thread called 'The Most Horrible Punishment Imaginable'. In that thread I suggest the most horrible punishment I could think of was being locked in a room with Anne Frank and a bunch of Jews (like Kamandi) for over two years.
4.) I asked BIG GABE whether or not there was a conspiracy by the international bourgeoisie class against the international proletarian class.
5.) I told jojo that I was Jesus Christ, the Son of Man.
6.) I asked Kamandi for the mailing address of the creator of humankind who created 'inalienable rights'.
7.) I argued that slavery was a positive good and that many former slaves looked back fondly upon slavery. I provided documented evidence to substantiate that argument.
8.) I said it would be cool if I could get this photo in colour:
Obviously, there are some things you cannot discuss at 'DiscussAnything'. There are some people you cannot bash, such as the Jews, whereas there are other people you can bash, like white racialists, as Kamandi does, in virtually every single thread he participates in. Just look at the bile that this fanatic regurgitates in virtually all of this posts. No racialist or right-winger can get away with such behaviour at DiscussAnythingButJews. There is a glass ceiling at that website. If you humiliate the scum that posts there (e.g., Kamandi, Malcolm Wright, Prof. Anarky, ColWTH et al), then you will be quitely banned. - The point is that you insult people based on qualities with which they're born that they can't change. You didn't get banned because you told jojo you were Jesus, asked Kamandi for the adress to the creater of inalienable rights or your question to Big Gabe.
Indeed, you were allready there at the mercy of the admins since your real account was permanently banned and you signed up for a new one. The fact that you used your time there to do little else than bait around to get nice quotes together to make this topic didn't help.
Von Apfelstrudel
07-28-2004, 12:37 PM
Out of curiosity, what did you score on the Warning-o-meter ?
Dr. Brandt
07-28-2004, 01:10 PM
LOL Fade! Remember the pic I made out of that one? ;)
07-28-2004, 03:06 PM
The point is that you insult people based on qualities with which they're born that they can't change. Who did I insult while I was there? I only insulted Kamandi when he insulted me personally and even then did so indirectly and not personally. Kamandi and Prof. Anarky insult and defame people in virtually every single topic they participate in, especially the former, who engages in nothing but hyperbole. He does not debate anything. He simply accuses and calls names. They can start thread after thread after thread bashing people they don't like. But got forbid someone post something negative about 'the Jews' or 'race' (rollseyes). The horror! The biases of that place structure how people are both A.) banned and B.) what topics can be discussed and to what extent.
You didn't get banned because you told jojo you were Jesus, asked Kamandi for the adress to the creater of inalienable rights or your question to Big Gabe.I was banned because I humiliated virtually every single one of the major idiots who post there, such as Malcolm Wright and ColWTH, who whined and whined and whined until I was ultimately banned for good. The only people of any real intelligence who post there either A.) post here now or B.) posted here previously. They know very well that if I was allowed to post there again that I would make short work of :jew: Comrade Kamandi and :jew: Comrade Anarky (and I have already kicked this guy's ass in the Fascism thread from over here)
Indeed, you were allready there at the mercy of the admins since your real account was permanently banned and you signed up for a new one. Ooh! For what? For calling Malcolm an 'infidel'? Look at all the disgusting filth that pours out of the mouth of Kamandi there, just on an everyday basis, click the little 'New Posts' button. He attacks, insults, and defames everyone he disagrees with. He shows absolutely no courtesy whatsoever to the person he is debating. He simply bashes and denigrates them or calls them names.
The fact that you used your time there to do little else than bait around to get nice quotes together to make this topic didn't help.Prof. Anarky and Kamandi bait and personally insult people all the time there, especially in their thread titles, like the one about 'Fascist Christians' whose sole purpose was to incite others. No one else at DiscussAnythingButJews can get away with the kind of crap (which is why I left in the first place). Even Edana is banned (or has been banned) from that place. Its quite obviously a far left website that to a degree tolerates opposing views (as Powerboss pointed out one time), so long as they keep the discussion going there, which is the only purpose they serve. To call that place 'DiscussAnything' is an oxymoron. That was my entire purpose of my little 'return' to DiscussAnything for a day -- to demonstrate just that.
07-28-2004, 03:12 PM
Even Edana is banned
Not that I know the forum but any forum which claims to be even semi free speech should be able to tolerate Edana.
Even Edana is banned
Not that I know the forum but any forum which claims to be even semi free speech should be able to tolerate Edana.
Edana is a pretty little butterfly, she wouldn't harm anyone... but don't eat her - she's poisonous. :eek:
07-28-2004, 10:51 PM
Gee, you think there's a bit of a bias there? I get a 2-point warning for saying "kosherites" yet MJ Kamandi Levine can get away with insults in every post. I can just imagine him in a rage as he sits in front of his computer seeing me refuse again and again to take his troll bait.
07-29-2004, 08:32 AM
I wonder why we have previous phora goers threre...I guess they feel more comfortable in that no one attacks Jews and race.
07-29-2004, 01:47 PM
They also talk a lot about the stupid election in the U.S. over there that no one here really cares about.
07-29-2004, 02:34 PM
Oh yes, there will be so much change if Kerry wins regarding the US middle eastern policy. :rolleyes:
08-02-2004, 07:59 PM
Who did I insult while I was there? I only insulted Kamandi when he insulted me personally and even then did so indirectly and not personally. Kamandi and Prof. Anarky insult and defame people in virtually every single topic they participate in, especially the former, who engages in nothing but hyperbole. - I believe both are banned from the news forums. And Anarchy I haven't seen around for a while :\
I was banned because I humiliated virtually every single one of the major idiots who post there, such as Malcolm Wright and ColWTH, who whined and whined and whined until I was ultimately banned for good. - LoL, if humiliating ColWTH got people banned from DA it'd probably be the size of the old "cyber I" by now :p
allowed to post there again that I would make short work of :jew: Comrade Kamandi and :jew: Comrade Anarky (and I have already kicked this guy's ass in the Fascism thread from over here) - I think Anarky was mostly there for recreational discussion, i.e. not out for any heavy debate. And speaking of the fascism thread, I did point out several reasons why you were banned from DA in the "prof Anarchy, charlatan" thread
Ooh! For what? - That's beside the point. You were banned and made a new account, strictly speaking this means an instant ban.
Look at all the disgusting filth that pours out of the mouth of Kamandi there, just on an everyday basis, click the little 'New Posts' button. He attacks, insults, and defames everyone he disagrees with. He shows absolutely no courtesy whatsoever to the person he is debating. He simply bashes and denigrates them or calls them names. - Yep, that's why he's banned from the news forums at the moment
Prof. Anarky and Kamandi bait and personally insult people all the time there, especially in their thread titles, like the one about 'Fascist Christians' - Didn't that thread get locked?
Even Edana is banned (or has been banned) from that place. - Really? What did she call herself?
Its quite obviously a far left website - LoL, you should have started with that. I'd have known not to read the rest :rolleyes:
08-02-2004, 08:19 PM
I recieved a few warnings then quit posting due to the high number of anal, self-righteous, muddled people and claustrophobic atmosphere.
I re-registered one day for no apparent reason, though I don't see much there to interest me.
08-15-2004, 07:44 AM
We should get jack_boot back. He's making mincemeat of the reincarnated kamandi:
08-15-2004, 09:47 AM
I went there for a while when the phora went down, but I got fed up with Malcolm Wright and his reparations nonsense.
There were some amusing people like the old lady whoswho - always good for a spelling attack - and some interesting ones; but I've forgotten the names.
Gee, you think there's a bit of a bias there? I get a 2-point warning for saying "kosherites" yet MJ Kamandi Levine can get away with insults in every post. I can just imagine him in a rage as he sits in front of his computer seeing me refuse again and again to take his troll bait.
A warning for "kosherites"? That surprises me. :confused:
08-16-2004, 06:25 PM
A warning for "kosherites"? That surprises me. :confused:
My tinfoil hat theory says that they take what they can get. Nothing would make them happier than banning me, but I don't jump in with the insults and thread hijacking and that sort of thing so they need to really look hard for reasons.
08-16-2004, 08:19 PM
I have started posting again, I simply post weird threads in the Chit Chat forum and see if people reply, I then try to confuse them. It is the only forum where people will reply to such rubbish (it passes time while I wait for good topics to read here).
I have a warning but I can't remember what it was for. I don't use this name, I use a name I used to have on the Phora, some of you will probably recognise it if you are over there.
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