View Full Version : I had the wierdest dream
07-27-2004, 02:25 PM
For some reason, I was making a cheese bagel (take bagel, put huge amounts of cheese between sliced halves, microwave. Sadly, my diet no longer allows me to eat this. Oh, the humanity!) and somehow this bagel got expanded to thousands of times its original size.
And then all the Jews of the world began worshipping my gigantic cheese bagel as some sort of religious icon. I have no idea why this showed up in my dream, all I know is that my cheese bagel became an object of worship for the world's Jewish population.
And what's more, the lousy bastards wouldn't let me eat it.
I swear I am not making this up. I couldn't make this **** up if I tried.
07-27-2004, 02:45 PM
LOL! I remember when I quit smoking cigarettes I would dream I was smoking and the cigarette would get larger and larger. Odd.
I have read that dreams are the result of the brain moving data from short-term memory to long-term memory.
My brother-in-law is a medical doctor and scientist w/ a PhD in neurology. He said they still don't understand the sleep state.
07-27-2004, 03:03 PM
For some reason, I was making a cheese bagel (take bagel, put huge amounts of cheese between sliced halves, microwave. Sadly, my diet no longer allows me to eat this. Oh, the humanity!) and somehow this bagel got expanded to thousands of times its original size.
And then all the Jews of the world began worshipping my gigantic cheese bagel as some sort of religious icon. I have no idea why this showed up in my dream, all I know is that my cheese bagel became an object of worship for the world's Jewish population.
And what's more, the lousy bastards wouldn't let me eat it.
07-27-2004, 04:44 PM
For some reason, I was making a cheese bagel (take bagel, put huge amounts of cheese between sliced halves, microwave. Sadly, my diet no longer allows me to eat this. Oh, the humanity!) and somehow this bagel got expanded to thousands of times its original size.
And then all the Jews of the world began worshipping my gigantic cheese bagel as some sort of religious icon. I have no idea why this showed up in my dream, all I know is that my cheese bagel became an object of worship for the world's Jewish population.
And what's more, the lousy bastards wouldn't let me eat it.
I swear I am not making this up. I couldn't make this **** up if I tried.
You do realise that bagels are Jewish, do you not?
Why don't you people 'ave normal dreams?
07-27-2004, 07:05 PM
Why don't you people 'ave normal dreams?
It is extremely rare I remember my dreams, but the most normal( ie like physical reality) people have tend to be of the X rated kind.
The other kind of normal( ie many people have them) tend to be simplistic things like flying, falling, or going to school or work in your underwear.
It is extremely rare I remember my dreams, but the most normal( ie like physical reality) people have tend to be of the X rated kind.
That's my dreams in a nutshell.
The other kind of normal( ie many people have them) tend to be simplistic things like flying, falling, or going to school or work in your underwear.
Never had 'em, though I did have a dream where I was a medieval knight and I got killed.
07-27-2004, 07:15 PM
Never had 'em, though I did have a dream where I was a medieval knight and I got killed.
You actually got killed instead of waking up just before it happened?
You actually got killed instead of waking up just before it happened?
Aye. Everything went dark, and I could feel myself dying. T'was wierd, indeed.
07-27-2004, 09:07 PM
That's a pretty funny dream :D It has some weird truth to it.
I have a love/hate relationship with dreaming. I like to remember them, but having them kind of bothers me.
The other night I had one where everyone in the history of art and literature became associated with a type of psychiatric disorder. How I realized this was there were all these huge books that said the name of a mental disease and had pictures of all these people on the cover. I just kind of stumbled upon them, I forget what else happened. One book said "SCHIZOID" had big block letters in the middle, and the faces of people formed a rectangle around the word. I don't remember specifically who was associated with what mental disorder, but in my dream I understood that this meant everyone. I suppose the artists and writers were just made up in my mind, you know how it is with dreams. That one scared me, and I woke up a bit confused at around 4 or 5 am.
07-27-2004, 09:23 PM
My dreams tend to be silly too.
A few weeks ago, I had a dream that society was dominated by a giant telepathic creature which was made of a combination of mechanical parts and some biological blob stuff holding it all together. It was able to dominate society using telepathy to figure out what an individual desires and projecting a fantasy in their mind that they have it if someone gets uppity or discontent. If someone tries to kill the creature, it would know about this and shut off their brains (killing them). Aside from this, the only way to physically destroy the creature was to pour a type of solution onto it, which would quickly dissolve some of it's crucial parts.
Well, this one dude had the solution, but he couldn't get close to the blob because the blob would know he meant to kill it. So, he had to learn some type of meditation and concentration technique that would allow him to do something while his mind is completely focused on something else (to fool the creature's telepathy). So, he did this and poured the solution on the blob and then flew away in a space jet. The blob then exploded, killing it's worshippers near it, and everyone who was stuck in the blob's fantasy projection were rendered braindead.
07-27-2004, 09:27 PM
There aren't many things more frightening than a gelatinous blob with ESP
07-27-2004, 09:28 PM
Edana should write sci-fi B-movies. Need a script? Just use a dream.
07-27-2004, 09:29 PM
What did the blob eat?
07-27-2004, 09:32 PM
Edana should write sci-fi B-movies. Need a script? Just use a dream.
I can write children's books too. A few nights after that one, I had a dream about evil fairies allied with skeleton pirates to attack the good fairies.
07-27-2004, 09:40 PM
Make that into a movie and I'd be among the first to watch it. :o
Actually, a book would work fine too.
07-27-2004, 09:43 PM
Will there be an adult version of the film in which you see how the evil fairies and the pirates interact?
07-27-2004, 09:44 PM
I hope so, just so long as the "fairies" aren't gay men.
07-27-2004, 10:00 PM
That'd be nasty, the gay fairies and the pirates who spend months at sea without any women, yuck.
07-27-2004, 10:05 PM
Pirates are not gay.
07-27-2004, 10:07 PM
Pirates are not gay.
They spend all that time at sea without any women, some of them probably are assrangers, you know what they say about sailors, and the word buttpirate has its origins somewhere...
07-27-2004, 10:12 PM
I once dreamed that astronauts were mining a planet which was actually a living organism. As the planet's brain was damaged, it projected the effects on to the miners.
I have a recurring dream of having to go back to high school to satisfy some absurd course requirement. As the dream progresses, I keep falling further behind in homework. It slowly dawns on me, wtf am I doing, I'm done with school. Then I wake up.
I also have a recurring dream of being 19 and back with my mother, father and sister and having some shouting match with my mother or physical fight with my father. Awful. :(
07-27-2004, 10:22 PM
They spend all that time at sea without any women, some of them probably are assrangers, you know what they say about sailors, and the word buttpirate has its origins somewhere...
Pirates did not spend such an amount of time on sea where it would be so unbearable to go without sexual contact. They saved their 'partying' time for when they were at land. On the sea it was all business, worrying about food rations and what not. Though even when at port much of their time was spent preparing for the next voyage. A hard working bunch, Pirates were.
Buttpirate is just like saying "ass-thief" and has nothing to do with the Pirates of yore.
07-27-2004, 10:23 PM
They spend all that time at sea without any women, some of them probably are assrangers, you know what they say about sailors, and the word buttpirate has its origins somewhere...
Pirates didn't spend all their time at sea; they were known to raid port towns and rape the women there. Also they would make landside stops to get nookie from village wenches and whatnot. I've read about some crews keeping a couple prostitutes on board, not sure how common that was.
James Michener in his (loosely) historically based novel Caribbean has some interesting accounts of pirates raping nuns (after sacking their town) and otherwise having a good time.
Also were some female pirates (i.e. Anne Bonne)....
07-27-2004, 10:27 PM
Pirates were not such an unscrupulous bunch. They had a code of conduct for themselves and did not go about raping all the time. Besides, many a wench engaged in consensual relations with the sea-faring rogues. Is that so hard to believe? I think not.
07-27-2004, 10:32 PM
Pirates were not such an unscrupulous bunch.
I never claimed that they were all without scruples.
They had a code of conduct for themselves and did not go about raping all the time.
Generally, it is true that they adhered to code of conduct for themselves. But the key phrase is for themselves. Like many other ethical codes, theirs was decidedly dual in nature. Generally, pirate crewmen would treat one another according to a code of honor. However, that did not prevent them from robbing, murdering, torturing, and (yes) raping others.
Besides, many a wench engaged in consensual relations with the sea-faring rogues. Is that so hard to believe? I think not.
Not at all! There were probably more consensual than non-consensual contacts with women. However, rape by pirates was far from unheard of. In fact, even today it is well known in areas where pirates are still a major factor (i.e. the coasts of Southeast Asia).
07-27-2004, 10:38 PM
I once dreamed that astronauts were mining a planet which was actually a living organism. As the planet's brain was damaged, it projected the effects on to the miners.
That is so kewl.
Edana should write sci-fi B-movies. Need a script? Just use a dream.
Edana is a sci-fi B-movie. :p
07-28-2004, 02:17 AM
I usually don't remember my dreams, but when I do, they're effing wierd.
Von Apfelstrudel
07-28-2004, 02:22 AM
Never had 'em, though I did have a dream where I was a medieval knight and I got killed.
Had a similar one , once .
Boy that hurted, even in the dream, somehow
Boy that hurted, even in the dream, somehow
Yea, same experience. It seemed real.
07-28-2004, 03:43 AM
Edana is a sci-fi B-movie. :p
How am I supposed to take this??!??!?
07-28-2004, 07:38 AM
A few weeks ago, I had a dream that society was dominated by a giant telepathic creature which was made of a combination of mechanical parts and some biological blob stuff holding it all together. It was able to dominate society using telepathy to figure out what an individual desires and projecting a fantasy in their mind that they have it if someone gets uppity or discontent.
Perhaps your minds symbolic representation of the news media-political complex?
If someone tries to kill the creature, it would know about this and shut off their brains (killing them). Aside from this, the only way to physically destroy the creature was to pour a type of solution onto it, which would quickly dissolve some of it's crucial parts.
Well, this one dude had the solution, but he couldn't get close to the blob because the blob would know he meant to kill it. So, he had to learn some type of meditation and concentration technique that would allow him to do something while his mind is completely focused on something else (to fool the creature's telepathy). So, he did this and poured the solution on the blob and then flew away in a space jet. The blob then exploded, killing it's worshippers near it, and everyone who was stuck in the blob's fantasy projection were rendered braindead.
Hell I think you could be a second Lovecraft :).
07-28-2004, 09:12 AM
Until anyone dreams of something stranger than a garden gnome talking to them and then clicking a ladder into existence, walking down it and not appearing smaller as he moves further away, then walking straight back and getting bigger as he gets closer, so that once he's done the round trip he's twice as big as he was at the start, I have the wierdest dreams out of all of you*.
*And yes, I had that dream. When I was six years old.
07-28-2004, 11:12 PM
I have this recurring dream where somehow my hair has gotten long again, and I get disgusted at how long I'd let it grow, but when I go to shave it off the battery in the clippers is about to die, and no matter how much I cut off, even using scissors, there is no less hair on my head.
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