View Full Version : Mesi Stays Positive as Judgment Day Looms

der kleine Doktor
07-26-2004, 05:08 AM

ByMichael J. Woods(June 2, 2004)

The day will soon come for Baby Joe Mesi when he'll see a nationally renowned neurologist, a photo will be taken of his brain and he'll know whether he should get ready for Tyson, or get ready for Plan B.

For Mesi, it will be the big, big time, or time to find another job.

Mesi hasn't pondered what could be if the brainscan shows a hematoma, his father, Jack Mesi, told Maxboxing.

"We haven't thought in a negative vein," Papa Jack said. "We're very upbeat and anxious to get going."

But what if, Papa Jack was asked, the news was bad? What if the doctor wore a somber look on his or her face, held the photo up and pointed out a spot that wasn't supposed to be there?

What then?

Would the Mesi clan seek another opinion, maybe ply their trade in another nation where a bum MRI wouldn't mean the end of an ascending career?

"The stuff that was out there about fighting in China, I think the writer got that from speaking to (Mesi) promoter Tony Holden," Jack Mesi said. "But if Nevada didn't want us, but a doctor said it was OK, you could still go on to other countries, it's a global sport."

Joe Mesi has been forbidden to engage in any boxing until the question whether a hematoma now resides in his brain, or was present following his
fight with Vassiliy Jirov on March 13, is answered. His father said no worries, the WBC's top-rated heavyweight hasn't pulled a Buster Douglas on us.

> "He's not allowed to train right now but that doesn't prevent a treadmill from being in his home,'' Jack Mesi said.

The Visit, in no less than two weeks, will be with one of the top half dozen neurologists in the nation, the fighter's dad stated.

"I can't divulge when or where because the media will be dogging us. Then we'll send all the materials to the Las Vegas Commission. It's only proper to show them the utmost respect. I don't want to disrespect the Commission."

Mesi admits to being miffed that his son's medical records were leaked to members of the press. "It's unethical," he said. "I like Teddy Atlas (who alluded to a mystery heavyweight's potential brain injury on Friday Night Fights) and Tom Hauser (who broke the story on April 22), but it's private health information."

Mesi wouldn't answer specifics regarding a timeline of what doctors his son had seen. Nor would he discuss which doctor or organization would likely have had medical records that were released to members of the press. But Jack Mesi also said that he would not rule out legal action because of the medical record leak.

"I have spoken to lawyers casually," he said. " But I don't really want to take on all that nonsense. I just want Joe to be okayed to be cleared to fight. But I don't know what (the writers) are talking about. They'd have to be asked in a court of law where they got the information."

> Management types are operating under the assumption that Joe Mesi will get a clean bill of health, Jack Mesi said. "This week Shelly Finkel called Tony Holden (to talk about a Tyson/Mesi matchup). Joe's number one in the WBC, in the world. We're the money fight now."

So the countdown to The Visit starts, and Joe Mesi passes the time on the treadmill, and doing charity work. He gave two pairs of gloves that raised $3,500 for cancer research last week, Jack Mesi reports, and thinks positively.

"Joe just gave a commencement speech at a college," Jack Mesi said. "He mentioned to the students, 'Never let anyone kill your dreams.'''
