View Full Version : What's the most active message board site?

07-25-2004, 10:00 PM
Just out of curiousity, are there any out there that can beat the message board set up at www.howardstern.com around a month ago?

On Friday they had over 1,000 users on-line when I checked, but right now it is a little bit less...

87,844 members with 378,466 posts in 28,029 topics

848 HowardStern.com Users Online: 719 members, 129 guests

They seem to be running around 10,000 posts a day, since they've only been up a month. The place is (supposedly) completely free-speech, and from what I've read I believe it.

It also seems to prove the rule that quantity does not equal quality. I've never seen such non-stop garbage posted, even in the hell forum at its worst. Still, the place is impressive in the way a ten car traffic accident is. I've also never seen such a huge volume of posts.

07-25-2004, 10:07 PM
A jewie site if ever there was one. :jew: :(

07-25-2004, 10:20 PM
Its like one big garbage dump. Why even bother to save all that garbage from day to day? It is totally useless.

07-26-2004, 01:53 AM
Yes, there are boards bigger than Stern's.

According to Big Boards, http://www.big-boards.com/, the biggest Internet BB out there is FaceTheJury, with 552,000 members and over 90 million posts (everyone of them along the lines of "hay guys whut u think of my bod?").

There are plenty of bulletin boards with over 100,000 members...Stern's is, in terms of activity, most likely somewhere in the top 20.


Stormfront eats PC Bulletin Boards for breakfast! They're one of the top bulletin boards on the WHOLE INTERNET! Number 338 on Big Boards! Donate now!


07-26-2004, 05:26 AM
http://forums.offtopic.com/ seems pretty busy.

07-26-2004, 11:18 AM

Threads: 87,781, Posts: 1,714,386, Members: 13,570

Most users ever online was 1028, March 2, 2003 at 06:13 PM.

Unlike the other ones mentioned, though, there is plenty of intelligent discussion here.