der kleine Doktor
07-25-2004, 01:40 AM
I oppose this capitalistic event that is being held it my actual hometown, aside from my name alias. Having this Democratic Convetion in Boston is not a good idea. Boston is a low crimed large city and they are promoting minority businesses at it which will possibly bring more minorities into the city. Now, I was watching the news and it seems to me many residents do not even want it there due to terriorist issues. This was a horrible mistake on Mayor Menino's part. New England is a dominantly Caucasioid region in America. I left New England in 96 I believe, but have traveled a few times since I have been gone from there and to me it has gotten more minorities since. I am just really concerned that when or if I want to reside there that it will be like the good old days. It does not seem that way anymore and it is a tradgedy. The people there do not seem to care either. So what I am trying to say is multiculturalism is bleeding a great deal all over the United States right now. Americans already realize that i know, but since I see this ridiculous setting, which should of been held in a very urbanized area instead.
Commericials, TV shows, etc. The blasphemy reeks from the Judaic media. If there were to be 10 commericals running at a time in the United States, 8 could easily hold an individual of another race.1 to 2 of them would have s friendship of three races. Now, in America, how common is that exactally. People do not have one Asian friend, a Negroid friend, and a Caucasioid. I do not know what the Jewish media is trying to proove because they tend to only care for oneself and not care about multiculturalism. What are they thinking "We must treat the world 3 times better than we were treated.", which is an exaggeration anyway. MTV,VH1, and dating shows love to smoosh the angst of interracialism as you past by them on the tube. This is the same with homosexuals. Homosexual behavior is immoral by nature, regardless of religious beliefs. If they want to pollute children's minds in the future they certainly do not care who they might be hurting in the long run. Lastly, what has society become. I see it as a nightmare because regional features of people will be gone enventually and nationalities will still exist, but only the fact that one live in their nation of inhabitance.
Commericials, TV shows, etc. The blasphemy reeks from the Judaic media. If there were to be 10 commericals running at a time in the United States, 8 could easily hold an individual of another race.1 to 2 of them would have s friendship of three races. Now, in America, how common is that exactally. People do not have one Asian friend, a Negroid friend, and a Caucasioid. I do not know what the Jewish media is trying to proove because they tend to only care for oneself and not care about multiculturalism. What are they thinking "We must treat the world 3 times better than we were treated.", which is an exaggeration anyway. MTV,VH1, and dating shows love to smoosh the angst of interracialism as you past by them on the tube. This is the same with homosexuals. Homosexual behavior is immoral by nature, regardless of religious beliefs. If they want to pollute children's minds in the future they certainly do not care who they might be hurting in the long run. Lastly, what has society become. I see it as a nightmare because regional features of people will be gone enventually and nationalities will still exist, but only the fact that one live in their nation of inhabitance.