View Full Version : "I'm not a racist", says princess

07-24-2004, 04:24 PM

I'm not racist, says princess, I even pretended to be 'half-caste'

Tania Branigan
Saturday July 24, 2004
The Guardian

It was a curious way to bury allegations of racism, but then there is much about Princess Michael of Kent that is curious. Ignoring the first rule for dealing with any gaffe - stop digging - she has revealed she once pretended to be "half-caste" and has declared her love for "adorable" Africans.
Dubbed Princess Pushy thanks to a reputation for demanding behaviour and an unduly privileged lifestyle, she got into difficulty two months ago when she allegedly told a group of African American diners in New York to "go back to the colonies". She said there had been a misunderstanding.

In a bizarre interview to be broadcast on ITV1 on Sunday, she has enlarged on the injustice of the accusations.

No one could consider her racist, she said, were they to know of her past.

"I even pretended years ago to be an African, a half-caste African, but because of my light eyes I did not get away with it, but I dyed my hair black," Princess Michael said.

Then she digs some more: "I travelled on African buses. I wanted to be a writer. I wanted experiences from Cape Town to right up in northern Mozambique. I had this adventure with these absolutely adorable, special people and to call me racist: it's a knife through the heart because I really love these people." Whether the sentiment is reciprocated is unclear.

But she said the British press had never accepted her because she is foreign. "I have different ways of saying things and doing things," she says in the interview for My Favourite Hymns. She was born Marie-Christine von Reibnitz, daughter of an Austrian father with connections to the Nazi party.

In the interview she tries to explain the restaurant row as the result of a misheard comment, saying she had asked to move to somewhere quieter and was told the only table was "in Siberia".

She continued: "'Siberia?' I said 'At this point I would be ready to go back to the colonies'. I was unaware, and I probably should have been aware, that 'colonies' is a pejorative term in America."'

Nicole Young, one of the diners who complained about the alleged comments, said: "We definitely didn't misunderstand ... A restaurant full of people heard what she said, so it's almost like a joke the way she tries to explain it." She told GMTV: "It's interesting that she referred to how she wished she was half-caste." Princess Michael's spokesman declined to comment yesterday.

The Commission for Racial Equality said it did not consider half-caste an "acceptable" word for a person whose parents are of different races.

07-24-2004, 04:33 PM
Why apologize and back-pedal into absurdity for a reasonable remark? As long as we are afraid of being branded 'racist' we won't get anywhere. The 'I'm not racist, I pretended to be a mongrel' line is pathetic. Stand up and say 'Yeah, I told them to go back to the colonies and I'm not ashamed or sorry.'

07-24-2004, 04:35 PM
Seeing how stupid she is/acted, lord only knows what she meant by that 'colonies' remark. :D

07-24-2004, 04:41 PM
Seeing how stupid she is/acted, lord only knows what she meant by that 'colonies' remark. :D

I imagine she was referring to African British colonies, i.e. American Blacks should go back to Nigeria, etc. Being non-British she probably doesn't realize that some Brits still refer to the United States as 'colonies.'

07-24-2004, 04:42 PM
And why is her name Princess Michael? wtf, that sounds like some Vegas drag queen's stage name.

07-24-2004, 05:09 PM
Here is her official website:


Here is the princess, with her lovely daughter Lady Gabriella:


07-24-2004, 05:25 PM

How exactly is Prince Michael related to Tzar Nicholas II?
Prince Michael's English grandfather, King George V was Tsar Nicholas II's first cousin as their mothers, both Danish princesses, were sisters. Their brother was appointed King Georgios I of Greece. Therefore, Prince Michael's Greek grandfather, Prince Nicholas, was also a first cousin of the Tsar.

The above makes Prince Michael of Kent a first cousin "twice removed" of Tsar Nicholas II on both sides of his family. The strong family likeness comes through the Danish connection and not the Romanov. ...back to top

How did Prince Michael become interested in Russian Imperial history and become fluent in Russian?
Prince Michael's grandmother, Princess Nicholas of Greece, was born Grand Duchess Helen Vladimirovna, a member of the Romanov family. Princess Nicholas (as she was known) interested her grandson in her native country. In 1966 Prince Michael attended a Russian language course in what is now the Defence School of Languages at Beaconsfield. The course included a period of study in Paris living with a White Russian family. Prince Michael qualified as a Military Interpreter in 1968.

07-24-2004, 09:06 PM
"I'll do anything to make adorable, special black people love me the way I love them." Nigga, please. :rolleyes:

07-24-2004, 09:57 PM
I do not really care much for racism nowadays. I recall when I first heard racial comments it used to bother me and made me upset, I was young back then, maybe 13. I am now apathetic to all of it, and I say thanks to thephora. I couldn't give two s*its about who is or who is not racist!!!

07-25-2004, 01:32 AM
Princess Michael (so called because she is married to Prince Michael -- it's an appropriate and typically British form of address for the wife a certain levels of royalty) HAD to grovel. Prince Michael, if I remember correctly, is Civil List -- that is, the govt pays a chunk of his bills.

07-25-2004, 02:45 AM
Of course she had to deny she was Racist. It would create a Scandal for the Royal family otherwise. Sadly being Racist is going against the Mainstream Nowadays, when just 50 years ago it was considered the Norm.