View Full Version : How many of you were members of Skadi?
Antiohos Epifanis
07-23-2004, 04:40 AM
What happened to skadi forum?Is it down?
07-23-2004, 04:47 AM
The Nordish Portal uses the same server. It's down too.
Server shut down on demand of the German government. ZOG.
I did make backups for TNP 2 days ago, but unfortunately the database file was corrupted .... :(
I will see what to do this weekend. Perhaps re-install the forum before we moved server to Njord's. I have registered the domain , and might open the forum there in the meantime.
Server shut down on demand of the German government. ZOG.
Quite funny, since Njord seems to have been a great fan of von Stauffenberg. They shut down the wrong server!! :D
07-23-2004, 08:01 AM
How can German ZOG shut down an American Server?
07-23-2004, 08:10 AM
Found at
> > This site Violates our AUP & TOS, please remove it immediately and
> > respond to me within 24 hours.
> >
> >
> > Thank You,
> >
> > John Cardinale
> > Aplus.Net Postmaster
> > 10350 Barnes Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA. 92121
> > Sales: (877)275-8763 or (85410-6929 |
> > Tech. Support: (85410-6900 |
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Dear madames, dear sirs,
> > >
> > > is appointed by the federal states of Germany to deal
> > with
> > > discriminatory/racial material in the freely accessible areas of the
> > > internet.
> > >
> > > We would like to inform you that we received a complaint about the url:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The site is hostet on one of your servers.
> > >
> > > The website contains one of the most significant neo-Nazi toplist-sites
> > >
> > > (top100:
> > >
> > > in the german rightwing scene. The website provides access to many
> > > international extreme rightwing sites. It's linklist includes mainly
> > > websites with racial, holocaust denial and discriminatory content.
> > >
> > > The site hosts also a big forum with countless racial and discriminatory
> > > threads against, jews, "negroes" and all other "non aryan" races. Just
> > one
> > > example is:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > "a present for the jews
> > > [...]What a great site! a Jewish bastards get what he deserves! These
> > > shootings did actually happen, thanks Jesus! (note; they where shoot as
> > > antiterrorist measures, but i would have liked it if they shooted for
> > > everything, just because they where Jews for example)[...]"
> > >
> > >
> > > The site appears also as a hostprovider for illegal german rightwing
> > sites.
> > >
> > > is illegal under german law because of racism (§130 StGB) and
> > hate
> > > propaganda (§86a StGB).
> > >
> > >
> > > In accordance with the terms of service of
> > >
> > > "It is contrary to policy for any user of any of these
> > services
> > to
> > > effect or participate in any of the following activities through an
> > > provided service:
> > > [...]
> > > 7.4. Providing material that is offensive to the online community,
> > including
> > > but not limited to profanity, bigotry, prejudice, racism, hatred, etc.
> > > 7.6. Defaming any person or group;"
> > >
> > >
> > > we would like to ask you to check the contents of this website and it's
> > > compatiblity with your TOS.
> > > Besides that it would be nice, if you named a personal email-address we
> > > could possibly contact directly in future cases of abuse.
> > >
> > >
> > > Looking forward to your answer,
> > >
> > > yours sincerely
> > >
> > > M. Bootz
> > >
> > >
> > > Wallstraße 11
> > > 55122 Mainz
> > > Germany
> > > Tel: +49 6131 - 3285220
07-23-2004, 09:13 AM
The site hosts also a big forum with countless racial and discriminatory threads against, jews, "negroes" and all other "non aryan" races.
Yeah. :p
Just one example is:
"a present for the jews [...]What a great site! a Jewish bastards get what he deserves! These shootings did actually happen, thanks Jesus! (note; they where shoot as antiterrorist measures, but i would have liked it if they shooted for everything, just because they where Jews for example)[...]"
Hahaha, who's writing is that? :D
07-23-2004, 09:46 AM
So Skadi has been taken down for good? I guess that begins a countdown for us on the Phora till those guys at find us.
07-23-2004, 10:27 AM
Good riddance. Amusing skadi quote of the day: "That ass is way too titanic for you to be predominantly nordic." - blond beast to sigrun
07-23-2004, 10:32 AM
I don't laugh when any forum goes down (as our own board has been the victim of assholes like this in the past). Sorry to hear about all of this.
07-23-2004, 10:34 AM
The Phora is on an American server based in California. We have yet to have any problem with the content we host here.
07-23-2004, 10:51 AM
Quite funny, since Njord seems to have been a great fan of von Stauffenberg. They shut down the wrong server!! :D
Imagine the irony if Njord was charged with hate crimes.
Dr. Brandt
07-23-2004, 11:30 AM
Imagine the irony, that he was taken down for "antisemitic" remarks, allthough he made a Jewess to Moderator.
07-23-2004, 11:48 AM
11:00 AM Dec. 15, 2000 PT
BERLIN -- If this week's border-transcending ruling by Germany's highest court proves anything, it's that an enormous distance remains between advocates of a free Internet and watchdogs against racism and hate-mongering.
The court, called the Bundesgerichtshof, issued a ruling on Tuesday that overturned a lower court ruling, and found that German law applies even to foreigners who post content on the Web in other countries -- so long as that content can be accessed by people inside of Germany.
Specifically, the court found Australian Holocaust-denier Frederick Töben guilty of spreading "Auschwitz lies."
Töben, who was born in Germany, uses the website of his Australian-based Adelaide Institute to encourage people in the belief that the Holocaust has no historical basis.
International reaction to the ruling differed wildly.
Andy Mueller-Maguhn, a leader of Berlin's famed Chaos Computer Club hacker collective and a new Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) board member, was blunt in questioning the legitimacy of the ruling.
"This German court wants to judge over the whole world in effect," he said. "No one knows what it means. We could easily agree that it seems likely to be a decision made by a judge who does not understand very much."
Mueller-Maguhn, something of a celebrity in Germany as a technology visionary, plans to take immediate action. He said he will contact Germany's highest court on Monday morning and invite someone from the court for a debate before Germany's legislature on the ruling - and how it should be applied in the future.
"The court decision of the Bundesgerichtshof seems to be the worst Internet-dependent court decision so far," he said. "If other countries would take this as an orientation and start to apply their laws on the citizens of other countries acting in their countries, the worldwide free flow of information could lead very fast to an unfree situation in the real world.
"Hopefully (the Bundesgerichtshof) will take a minute to think about this."
"Germany is trying to rule the world again by saying that the people who access the Internet have no choice," he told the Associated Press.
But Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, applauded the court action.
"We commend the German authorities for sticking to their commitment -- it's their democracy, these are their laws," he said by phone from California.
"In the first months of this year they had a thousand hate crimes in Germany. We need to be sensitive to, and grateful to, to the democratic government of Germany when its says 'We have anti-Nazi laws in place and we still need those laws.'"
"Maybe for those of us who live on the other side of the Atlantic, this seems remote or abstract. If people are not outraged by the Adelaide website, how about That site is hosted by white supremacists. You can't outlaw that site. But it is an early warning to us. There's no librarian online. A kid goes to the Internet and plays Russian Roulette."
Cooper urges Internet freedom advocates in the United States and elsewhere to keep an open mind on issues that have sprung up only recently with the widespread popularity of the Internet.
"We have to commend the Germans and the French for basically saying 'in our societies, this is how we deal with the problems of hate, racism and Holocaust denial. You in America have your own laws, but at least respect our values.'"
"It was their blood that was shed. What's theoretical for us is very real over there ... the Internet community is going to have to address these issues in a less contentious way."
The German authorities arrested Töben in 1999 for distributing Holocaust-denying leaflets on a visit to Germany. The lower court found Töben, 56, guilty of offending the memory of the dead, but ruled that German law against inciting racial hatred could not be applied to content on a foreign website. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison, and served seven months of that term before returning to Australia.
Germany's Federal Court of Justice took a major interpretive step beyond the lower-court ruling this week, however. It found that sweeping German legislation passed in the wake of World War II that banned the Nazi party and any glorification of it -- including denial of the Holocaust -- can be applied to Internet content that originates outside of the country's borders.
Töben left Germany for Australia when he was 10 years old and went on to earn a Ph.D. in English and Philosophy from Melbourne University. He told the Australian press this week that he believes he could spend up to five years in jail if he returns to Germany. He said he's willing to serve more time in German jails for his beliefs, but does not relish the thought of what might happen to him in such circumstances.
"I would not be safe in a German jail," he told Australia's ABC television. "They would eliminate me and this gives me reason to think it would be foolish if I did go back."
He could face a more immediate legal challenge from within his own country. Australia's Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission issued an order in October instructing Töben to apologize to the Jewish community and remove at least some of the content from his website.
The importance of the German court ruling may be in emboldening Australian authorities to make a more aggressive approach to what it considers offensive content. Cooper of the Wiesenthal Center and others emphasize that a gradual and ongoing process of international consultation needs to occur to shape a new consensus on how to deal with such touchy issues of freedom and regulation.
"The basic approach to it, in our view, is not necessarily a whole ton of UNESCO- and UN-sponsored rules that would be more satisfactory to dictators than students," Cooper said. "It is to look for more creative leadership on the issue on the part of the collective Internet community.
"I think if we talk about the exchange of ideas, including the uncomfortable ones, we all know that at the end of the day, everyone can get up on the Internet. You can't keep them off. They have to have a coherent policy, and that doesn't exist yet."
Germany, too, is arguing for more international coordination and in fact, the Wiesenthal Center hosted a conference on the topic of the Internet and hate speech last summer in Berlin, all part of an ongoing effort to encourage creative thinking.
"The best chance to fight against right-wing material on the Internet is on an international level," Hans-Gertz Lange, a spokesman for Germany's criminal investigative agency, told the IDG News Service.
"But when I think of the U.S. or Canada, it's extremely unlikely that they'll change their laws in accordance with ours. Their concept of freedom of speech is tied up with their history; our laws against incitement to racial hatred are tied up with ours."
Michel Friedman, a leader of Germany's Jewish community, also believes in inflexibility in responding to the power of the Internet to spread hate.
"(The Net) is one of the communications basics number one in the far right scene, not only in Germany but in the whole of Europe and even America," he said. "It's communication place number one for the exchange of neo-Nazi thinking in the world.
"This is very difficult to handle. But I believe we have to be very creative next time on that issue. Worldwide, we try to work on this issue. We are just in the beginning."
07-23-2004, 11:57 AM
The German government has no possibilities to charge an American Server.
Even if the current host does not bring Skadi back online in fear of charges, the backup just has to be uploaded on another server. No big deal in my eyes.
07-23-2004, 12:05 PM
The German government has no possibilities to charge an American Server.
Even if the current host does not bring Skadi back online in fear of charges, the backup just has to be uploaded on another server. No big deal in my eyes.
I just hope Njord doesn't want his US server back....seeing as how I'm using it :|
07-23-2004, 12:20 PM
Njord is a German, correct? Even if he does host his site in the U.S., couldn't he still be prosecuted under German law? I am not sure how this would apply to us, as I am an American citizen and my website is also hosted in the U.S. Anyway, I suppose this is just another reason to hate the Jews. Virtually every single day that goes by I find yet another reason to hate the ****ing Jews. They want to outlaw (gasp, yes outlaw!) all criticism of their ****ty little tribe. I don't understand how anyone can take their lies seriously.
07-23-2004, 12:23 PM
Njord is a German, correct? Even if he does host his site in the U.S., couldn't he still be prosecuted under German law?
If he gets caught, sure.
07-23-2004, 12:25 PM
Has the government ever shut him down before in the past?
07-23-2004, 12:32 PM
The (German) government can´t directly shut down anything which is based on a US server.
Skadi recently was forced to shut down because Fox-Entertainment complained about a file-sharing issue on one of skadi´s hosted sites. It took one or two days to solve this problem.
I don´t know about other shut-downs.
07-23-2004, 01:30 PM
Like I commented to Fade on Yahoo...with the new laws comming out from Israel who knows if they are not going to end up asking for his extradition.
07-23-2004, 01:32 PM
Njord is a German, correct?
Not exactly :)
There has been problems with threatening to close him down previously, related to one of the hosted sites as opposed to Skadi itself.
How the NWO can go to war in the name of "freedom" (or their definition of "freedom") while doing everything possible to restrict free-speech and free-thought is a mystery.
07-23-2004, 01:58 PM
Yeah. :p
Hahaha, who's writing is that? :D
Some ignoramus or probably the ADL.
07-23-2004, 02:34 PM
But Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, applauded the court action.
"We commend the German authorities for sticking to their commitment -- it's their democracy, these are their laws," he said by phone from California.
Oh look, another jew who should get a present. Awful awful negationism ;).
07-23-2004, 02:52 PM
Oh look, another jew who should get a present. Awful awful negationism ;).
Well, when they put God to death in order to censor His "Anti-Semitic Hate Speech", what else do you expect? ;)
07-23-2004, 04:15 PM
"In the first months of this year they had a thousand hate crimes in Germany. We need to be sensitive to, and grateful to, to the democratic government of Germany when its says 'We have anti-Nazi laws in place and we still need those laws.'"
Every Swastika drawn with a pen somewhere onto a wall is a "hate crime". On the other side every leftist is free to say what he want. The state saw, even after there were several notifications, no reason to do anything after anti-German demonstrants disturbed this year in Munich a commemoration of the bombing and called upon mass murder with a banderol: "Bomber Harris, do it again!". Left demonstrants enjoy their privilege of fools. Nobody cares about "Germany perish!" or "Germany must die so that we can live!". To carry posters for praising of Bolshevik Untermenschen like Rosa Luxemburg, Lenin or Stalin is also no problem.
On the other side it is totally impossible to honour in public actual heroes like Hitler. One would even get quite problems if one carried as "right-wing extremist" a poster with the almost same slogan: "The BRD must die so that we can live!", not to speak of fresh sentences like "Heinrich Himmler, do it again!"
07-23-2004, 04:19 PM
Just been on
You can submit a url and a complaint for them to look at.
I've just submitted their own url explaining that it is a site devoted to politically-motivated persecution and opposed to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Conscience - thus it is an "Enemy of Freedom" (as Dubya would say ;) ) and opposed to a democratic German state.
I also asked them to detail how many Left-Wing sites they have closed down, or how many Zionist sites have recieved similar treatment (Zionists being "Anti-Semites" over their treatement of the Palestinians and Israel being in violation of countless UN directives) :D
07-23-2004, 06:55 PM
Server shut down on demand of the German government. ZOG.
I did make backups for TNP 2 days ago, but unfortunately the database file was corrupted .... :(
I will see what to do this weekend. Perhaps re-install the forum before we moved server to Njord's. I have registered the domain , and might open the forum there in the meantime.
The UN tells Israel to take down it's wall. Israel says no. The German government tells an American company to shut down a server and it obeys.
Hope to see the TNP up again soon. :)
07-23-2004, 08:23 PM
BERLIN -- If this week's border-transcending ruling by Germany's highest court proves anything, it's that an enormous distance remains between advocates of a free Internet and watchdogs against racism and hate-mongering.
Human Rights Watch writes in its report ""Germany for Germans" - Xenophobia and Racist Violence in Germany" (condensed and cited from an April 1995 Human Rights Watch/Helsinki publication, Library of Congress Catalog Number 95-76078, ISBN 1-56432-149-5, pages 69-77 and 108-109):
"Human Rights Watch/Helsinki is a non-governmental organization, established in 1978, whose function is to monitor and promote the observance of internationally recognized human rights as well as international compliance with the human rights provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Accords. Its focus is on Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East and on the signatories of said Helsinki Accords.
"Human Rights Watch is supported by private individual and foundations worldwide. It accepts no government funds & support; directly or indirectly. In other words, it is an ideologically independent agency.
"The government has begun more rigorously to enforce laws prohibiting racial incitement. It also treats any denial that the Holocaust occurred (otherwise known as the "Auschwitz Lie") as incitement under the criminal statutes. These steps were taken pursuant to laws that have been in effect since World War II.
"Human Rights Watch Helsinki acknowledges that the tragedy of the Holocaust is the historical context in which such laws were adopted. We also recognize that, by more rigorously enforcing these laws, the German government has underscored the seriousness with which it views the danger posed by right-wing extremists. Nevertheless, Human Rights Watch/Helsinki believes that such measures seriously restrict the protected right to freedom of expression, association and assembly. We are mindful of the fact that international human rights law provides different and conflicting standards in this area, and base our position on a strong commitment to freedom of expression as a core principle of human rights. We believe that freedom of speech and equal protection of the laws are not incompatible, but are, rather, mutually reinforcing rights.
". . . sweeping restrictions that affect entire parties, organizations or philosophies inevitably cast too broad a net; they can be used to suppress dissenting political movements of all sorts and often encourage gratuitous restrictions beyond those initially foreseen.
". . . Numerous right-wing organizations have been banned during the last two years. Other groups have been placed under surveillance by the minister of the interior.
". . . Once an organization is banned, the police conduct raids, confiscate right-wing propaganda and the party's property, and freeze its bank accounts. Members are arrested, and are often charged with glorifying Nazism through the use of right-wing symbols and gestures, and through inflammatory speech
". . . once an organization is banned, its leaders can be prosecuted for maintaining an illegal organization or for possession of right-wing propaganda. However, Human Rights Watch/Helsinki notes that in many of these cases, prosecutors have the option of bringing charges against right-wing leaders for conspiracy to commit acts of violence, an option that would preserve the right to free speech."
Under the subtitle "The Prosecution of Hate Speech and other Forms of Expression," Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, referring to Article 86 of the German Criminal Code, states that this article forbids:
"Dissemination of the propaganda of unconstitutional organizations
"Whoever. . . distributes, produces for distribution within this area, keeps in supply or imports into this area propaganda
"(1) of a political party which has been held unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court, or of a political party or association, concerning which an unappealable determination has been made that it is a substitute organization of such a political party, or
"(2) of an association which has been unappealably prohibited because its activities are directed against the constitutional system of government or the concept of international understanding, or concerning which an unappealable determination has been made that it is a substitute organization of such prohibited association . . .
"(4) propaganda, the extent of which is designed to further the aspirations of a former National Socialist organization
"shall be punished by up to three years imprisonment or by fine."
Human Right Watch/Helsinki states that, as of March, 1995, "nine organizations have been banned." These "were the Nationalistische Front ('NF')", "the Deutsche Alternative ('DA')", "the Nationale Offensive ('NO')", "the Deutsche Kameradschaftsbund ('DKB')", "the Nationale Block", "the Heimattreue Vereinigung Deutschlands ('HVD'), "the Freundeskreis Freiheit für Deutschland ('FFD')", "the Wiking Jugend" and "the Freiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ('FAP')".
"In addition to banning these small extreme right-wing organizations, the federal minister of the Interior placed the "Republican Party" under surveillance in August 1994 . . .
". . . in the last two years, prosecutors have increasingly brought charges for inciting ethnic hatred under article 130 of the German penal code, which states:
"Whoever, in a manner to breach the public peace, attacks the human dignity of others by (1) inciting to hatred against parts of the population, (2) provoking to violent or arbitrary acts against them, (3) insulting, maliciously making them contemptible, or defaming them shall be punished by a term of imprisonment of three months to five years."
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki then cites recent cases of government crack-downs, such as:
"Günther Deckert, sentenced by a lower court to a one-year suspended sentence ". . . ought to be given a stricter sentence for stating that the Holocaust never occurred".
An eighteen year old was sentenced to 20 months in prison for giving the stiff-arm salute.
Four young men were arrested for singing the national-socialist anthem in a private house in Neuköln.
Neo-Nazi leader Heinz Reiß was convicted to a five months suspended sentence for having exhibited the Hitler salute and for having denied that the Holocaust happened.
Ewald Althans, a German nationalist youth leader, was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment without parole ". . . for having denied that the Holocaust occurred" in propaganda videos and for having used banned Nazi symbols.
Christian Worch, the head of the banned right-wing "National List" in Hamburg, was sentenced to two years of imprisonment for having continued to carry out activities of a banned organization.
Arnulf Winfried Priem, formerly head of the now-banned "German Alternative" in Berlin, has been held in pre-trial detention because he allegedly possessed Nazi propaganda."
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki goes on to say:
"There are numerous legal consequences for those who are members of right-wing extremist parties, even if those parties have not been banned. For example, members of the Republican Party, which has not been banned but is under surveillance, can be subject to disciplinary measures if they hold public service positions. The minister of the interior for the state of Hessen, Gerhard Bökel, announced in January 1995 that he would begin an investigation of public servants who hold leadership positions in the Republican Party.
Furthermore, states Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, a new "Crime Prevention Law" went into effect on December 1, 1994, with many provisions that were aimed primarily at right-wing extremist groups. These provisions included:
"a broader "definition of incitement of violence and racial hatred to include blanket statements defaming whole groups and minorities."
a prohibition of "the use of any Nazi-like flags, badges, uniforms, slogans or gestures."
an end to the requirement that prosecutors show that a racist statement is an "assault on human dignity."
"Now anyone who denies the Nazi genocide against the Jews can be sentenced to a period of imprisonment of up to five years for incitement to racial hatred."
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki goes on to say:
". . . while viewing extremist violence with great concern, Human Rights Watch/Helsinki at the same time opposes laws that prohibit the expression of anti-foreigner or anti-Semitic sentiments, as well as laws that prohibit groups that hold such views from forming associations and holding public gatherings, so long as that speech, association or assembly does not rise to the level of incitement to or participation in violence. . . .
"We base our policy on our conviction that the protected rights of speech, association and assembly are fundamental rights and should be guaranteed.. . . It is our view that it is inherently dangerous for governments to have the power to determine which political philosophies are "threatening", power that invites abuse against political foes. . . .
"Human Rights Watch condemns all forms of discrimination on such arbitrary grounds as nationality, race, gender or religion. In many countries, anti-discrimination efforts take the form of laws penalizing the communication of group hatred on these or other grounds.
"Such laws are often justified on the grounds that they curb racial and ethnic violence. But there is little evidence they achieve their stated purpose, and they have often been subject to abuse. Many governments or other actors that encourage or exploit group tensions use "hate speech" laws as a pretext to advance a separate political agenda or to enhance their own political power. In a number of countries, the chief targets of "hate speech" laws have been minority rights activists fighting discrimination by the same majority that administers the laws. . .
"We therefore view as suspect any action by governments to criminalize any expression short of incitement to illegal action and consider any law or prosecution that is not based on a strict interpretation of incitement to be presumptively a violation of the rights of free expression.
". . . Expression should never be punished for its subject matter or content alone, no matter how offensive it may be to others.
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki"
07-23-2004, 08:31 PM
The Federal Republic of Germany is, of course, a banana republic.
While "Der Spiegel" can justifiedly call it a "banana republic" in front of an audience composed of millions of Germans, a German nationalist got sentenced for "Decrying the State and its Symbols" when he did the same in front of a small audience.
While at least two nationalists got sentenced for linking to Skadi, a German self-proclaimed "expert for right-wing extremism" can freely link to nearly all allegedly illegal racialist and nationalist sites on the Internet (including Skadi) -- using his real name.
Maybe someone wants to submit this page to and then inquire after some days what has been done. :)
07-23-2004, 08:46 PM
You can submit a url and a complaint for them to look at.
I've just submitted their own url explaining that it is a site devoted to politically-motivated persecution and opposed to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Conscience - thus it is an "Enemy of Freedom" (as Dubya would say ;) ) and opposed to a democratic German state.
Ha! Good move :D
07-24-2004, 05:58 AM
So is this the end of Skadi or just a bump in the Road?
07-24-2004, 06:27 AM
I was. Too bad Skadi has been shut down. Though, I don't think this kind of censorship will be able to silence us.
07-24-2004, 06:51 AM
Njord should let Sigrun take over Skadi or at least put it in her name to avoid such legal problems.
The Nordish Portal shall be up and running later this evening. I will notify.
07-24-2004, 07:26 AM
This sets an extremely alarming legal precedent for European and American ZOG to have carte blanche in disposing of 'thought criminals.' Especially when one considers that 'Holocaust denial' is not only illegal in most of Europe, it can now be punished by extradition to Israel for trial, a blatant disregard for 1000 years of legal precedent.
I was original Aryan Yawn member, and was also a Skadi member. ...
07-24-2004, 07:37 AM
I was - "Social-Nationalist".
07-24-2004, 07:38 AM
Wake up, Timo, it's time for your subracial classification.
07-24-2004, 07:51 AM
Njord should let Sigrun take over Skadi or at least put it in her name to avoid such legal problems.
There is concern about her relationship with Mynydd jeopardizing her objectivity and proper regulation of the board. I am paraphrasing Njord, not stating my opinion. I don't know the details of the matter.
07-24-2004, 07:52 AM
I was original Aryan Yawn member, and was also a Skadi member. ...
As was I. You forgot the interlude during which it was PantheonEuropa. ;)
07-24-2004, 07:57 AM
We were speculating about that just the other day. I don't see how it would work out, honestly, as she is an American (correct?) and he lives in Spain. At first glance, it sounds to me like a cruel joke on Nordhammer, although I don't much about all of this.
07-24-2004, 02:01 PM
Skadi is temporarily down and it was not shut down by the German government as the German government has no jurisdiction over me (an American in America) and my American hosted and operated server.
A complaint was made to the provider of services by M. Bootz from Germany (if anyone has this person's email, please send it to me) and the provider determined that Skadi was violating their TOS/AUP. The provider also told me that they received communication from the FBI regarding Skadi. :D Now we have to go to the trouble of finding a new provider and making a FOIA request. :p
Alas, Skadi will return. Like it or not. ;)
-Sigrun Christianson
07-24-2004, 02:05 PM
What is
07-24-2004, 02:13 PM
Can we drop the lame internet gossip, please?
07-24-2004, 02:13 PM
the FBI too...Jesus Christ..:)
07-24-2004, 02:19 PM
Well, lookie here, being the Libertarian that I am, I believe in free speech and free association in business as well as personal matters. If a particular provider in business to make money does not want to host Skadi, then so be it. Not much anyone can do it and it's their right to refuse service to anyone. This is a common problem with all sites like Skadi, SF, etc. Par for the course. I hate golf.
07-24-2004, 02:33 PM
I still don´t believe this all is more than a joke. :cool:
07-24-2004, 02:36 PM
Why does anyone care about my personal life? I don't give a rat's ass who any of you date. :cool:
07-24-2004, 02:37 PM
Who really cares and has the right to interfere?. Those witch hunting behind these two are repugnant people in my books.
07-24-2004, 02:40 PM
LOL I just noticed this:
Race: Australoid
You hiding something from us, Ebus? :p
07-24-2004, 02:42 PM
I´m a proud Australoid-Brün-Dinaric-Alpine-Congolese Atlanto Med :D
Btw...I do not see your race..where has one to go for that?
07-24-2004, 02:46 PM
What is
Jugendschutz = protection of minors
A governmental institution consisting of people who rack their brains all day long to prevent Germans of involuntary viewing evil websites.
According to antifascist Burkhard Schröder, who is registerd at skadi under the nickname Erlkönig, the official telephone number of is a fake as well as the "who is" information of the site. E-Mail requests by the press usually get rejected.
Burkhard Schröder´s article:
07-24-2004, 03:18 PM
Dear Fellows!
150 Countries voted a g a i n s t Israel!
6 Countries voted f o r Israel!
"Der ewige jude" is under pursuit because his crimes! The vast majority of World is against the international gangster, the entire Humanity is turning to accept that jews are against Civilization and Freedom of Peoples! W e are the vast majority! The question is very practical: what to do in order to react against jewish-violence against Humanity, against primary Human Rights ? What to do in order to react and s t o p jewish racism against other Nations?
I'm a Greek born in a free society, so, I refuge to ...obey jews in order to permit them their amoralistic expansion over World! And I think that the best action is to show that the vast majority of World is against criminality and racism!
Jews are racists! We oppose them! And we are doing it openly without any fear before their "legalized" (like marijuana and other drugs...) violence.
"Dear" racists, I'm against you, I'll fight your racism and national criminality!
If you dare call me in my private number (++6977764737) in order to arrest me.
I'm ready!
07-24-2004, 03:35 PM
I used to post a bit on skadi and honestly, i don't give a **** if it is shot down, same if the kikes hackers shot down the forum of combat18...
stormfront and the phora are the better forum for the discussion about our struggle...
I consider the combat18 forum for example as a shame for us and our politic, i encourage you to read some thread in there and you will unterstand what i say...
07-24-2004, 03:48 PM
Can we drop the lame internet gossip, please?
I wasn't trying to gossip. You'll notice I haven't been part of the group of fanatics prying into your life. I was just attempting to explain why Njord claimed he wouldn't give the site entirely to you. As I said, I don't know the details and it's not my business.
07-24-2004, 03:50 PM
Check out the Legacy style set.
07-24-2004, 03:54 PM
Ah ok...I dont really like that style and while we are at it I disaprove that tripple racial subclassification there...not my cup of tea at all. Keep playing in your subracial sanbox boys & girls.
So now you are Nordid too?..LMAO
So now you are Nordid too?..LMAO
Fade is clearly Northern European.
07-24-2004, 04:03 PM
Fade is clearly Northern European.
Of course, and if not he is an "honorary Nord"...have heard that tune before.
07-24-2004, 04:08 PM
>>>Of course, and if not he is an "honorary Nord"...have heard that tune before.
Ebus, I don't have a problem with those who want identify with or preserve any subrace, much less any ethnicity. That's their business. I am of Northern European ancestry and I am proud of that. I also consider myself a Westerner. This does not mean I have to go campaign against the Meds or the Slavs. My efforts, as you know, are focused upon the Jewish problem and the immigrant menace to Europe.
07-24-2004, 04:15 PM
This is turning silly...over & out
07-24-2004, 08:09 PM
There is concern about her relationship with Mynydd jeopardizing her objectivity and proper regulation of the board. I am paraphrasing Njord, not stating my opinion. I don't know the details of the matter.
I don't think Sigrun controlling Skadi would make it any worse. Skadi lost it's way and became degenerate. That happened right around the time I was banned the first time. Coincidence? I think not. Good riddance to Skadi.
07-24-2004, 08:17 PM
I don't think Sigrun controlling Skadi would make it any worse. Skadi lost it's way and became degenerate. That happened right around the time I was banned the first time. Coincidence? I think not. Good riddance to Skadi.If by degenerate, you mean fantastic, then you are correct.
Being an Admin at Skadi gave you so much pleasure and you felt so good about yourself. I'm sorry that it was taken from you, but you now have TNP to replace that false sense of importance so isn't it time for you to drop the whole "Skadi sux 'cuz I'm not there" routine?
Ah, Cosmo, you're such a bitter, pitiful husk of a man. I want to hate you, but I can't. I feel too sorry for you. I almost want to give you a hug. Almost. Take your defeats with your head high and move on with dignity.
Yeah right! :p
07-24-2004, 08:58 PM
All is lost without cosmocreator.
07-24-2004, 09:06 PM
Good riddance. Amusing skadi quote of the day: "That ass is way too titanic for you to be predominantly nordic." - blond beast to sigrunFirst, screw you. Second, just for the record, my ass is not titanic!
07-24-2004, 09:07 PM
Dear northern Paladin, I was too!
Kindest Regards!I was. Too bad Skadi has been shut down. Though I don't think this kind of censoring will be able to silence us.
07-24-2004, 09:18 PM
If by degenerate, you mean fantastic, then you are correct.
Being an Admin at Skadi gave you so much pleasure and you felt so good about yourself. I'm sorry that it was taken from you, but you now have TNP to replace that false sense of importance so isn't it time for you to drop the whole "Skadi sux 'cuz I'm not there" routine?
Ah, Cosmo, you're such a bitter, pitiful husk of a man. I want to hate you, but I can't. I feel too sorry for you. I almost want to give you a hug. Almost. Take your defeats with your head high and move on with dignity.
Yeah right! :p
My opinion of Skadi remains what it is. It is a degenerate board. Loki, Nordhammer and Soil resigned themselves from the staff there. That speaks for itself. Shouldn't even be called Skadi because there is nothing Scandinanvian about it. Bunch of mixed breeds and Meds.
07-24-2004, 11:01 PM
First, screw you. Second, just for the record, my ass is not titanic!
I didn't think it was all that large, either.
The Psychonaut
07-25-2004, 12:57 AM
Of course, and if not he is an "honorary Nord"...have heard that tune before.
Wehr is 'periphery Nordish' according to Loki.
The Psychonaut
07-25-2004, 01:01 AM
[b] This does not mean I have to go campaign against the Meds or the Slavs.
Whence the origin of the bifurication, Fade? Are "Slavs" and "Northern Europeans" or "Meds" and "Westerners" mutually exclusive? Are Mediterranean Frenchmen not Westerners? Are Kashubian Poles not Northern Europeans?
07-25-2004, 02:14 AM
The Nordish Portal shall be up and running later this evening. I will notify.
Last time I checked it was still down. You should make a thread in the Lounge when you've got it back and running again.
07-25-2004, 02:17 AM
First, screw you. Second, just for the record, my ass is not titanic!
Prove it? :p
Antiohos Epifanis
07-25-2004, 02:42 AM
First, screw you. Second, just for the record, my ass is not titanic!Maybe not Titanic,but Yamato it is... :D :p :D
Antiohos Epifanis
07-25-2004, 02:53 AM
I still am! ;)
Antiohos Epifanis
07-25-2004, 02:58 AM
Loki, Nordhammer and Soil resigned themselves from the staff there. That speaks for itself. What a loss! :p
Mary Poppins
07-25-2004, 04:10 AM
Oh, my. I’d been going there a bit lately to torment the membership and introduce them to my radical ideas on race and gender. The FBI is probably tracking me down for posting there, though I was about the only one there who was against ‘Nordicism’ and whatever other bull**** ‘theories’ the Skadi’ites subscribed to!
I've never had a run-in with the law. I guess every rebel has to sooner or later, but false charges of anti-Semitism? This isn't what I had in mind at all! I’m going to e-mail the CIA and inform them that Skadi is a threat to national security and that one of the members made a death-threat to Dubya, and that I only implanted myself there as a spy (well, I was a bona-fide ‘troll’, and that’s close enough!) ;)
Ix, I don’t remember you being there, but I only came back from time to time, in spells. I mostly posted in the “Women” section, where I always got into interesting debates with Perun regarding feminism, and in the “Free Speech” section, where I got to insult retards with Phlegethon. Other than that, Skadi is of no use to me. Perun is here, so I guess he and I should revive our great gender debate. :)
Though I completely disagree with Njord’s worldview (‘Libertarian racialist’, haha), he is a very nice man and always treated me kindly - except for that time he banned me. Then again, I was a ‘troll’ and I was asking for it! Hmm, I’d like to contact Phlegethon somehow.
First, screw you. Second, just for the record, my ass is not titanic!
Uh... I think Johnson wasn't mocking you, but the person who said that. From what I've heard, he's not one to talk about titanic proportions. ;) :cool: (Jus' kiddin', J).
07-25-2004, 04:29 AM
Oh, my. I’d been going there a bit lately to torment the membership and introduce them to my radical ideas on race and gender. The FBI is probably tracking me down for posting there, though I was about the only one there who was against ‘Nordicism’ and whatever other bull**** ‘theories’ the Skadi’ites subscribed to!
I've never had a run-in with the law. I guess every rebel has to sooner or later, but false charges of anti-Semitism? This isn't what I had in mind at all! I’m going to e-mail the CIA and inform them that Skadi is a threat to national security and that one of the members made a death-threat to Dubya, and that I only implanted myself there as a spy (well, I was a bona-fide ‘troll’, and that’s close enough!) ;)
Ix, I don’t remember you being there, but I only came back from time to time, in spells. I mostly posted in the “Women” section, where I always got into interesting debates with Perun regarding feminism, and in the “Free Speech” section, where I got to insult retards with Phlegethon. Other than that, Skadi is of no use to me. Perun is here, so I guess Perun and I should
Though I completely disagree with Njord’s worldview (‘Libertarian racialist’, haha), he is a very nice man and always treated me kindly - except for that time he banned me. Then again, I was a ‘troll’ and I was asking for it! Hmm, I’d like to contact Phlegethon somehow.
Uh... I think Johnson wasn't mocking you, but the person who said that. From what I've heard, he's not one to talk about titanic proportions. ;) :cool: (Jus' kiddin', J).
So you were that Radical Feminist/Racial Nihilist Troll known on Skadi as Abby Normal. What brings the likes of you here? More Trolling?
Mary Poppins
07-25-2004, 05:12 AM
So you were that Radical Feminist/Racial Nihilist Troll known on Skadi as Abby Normal. What brings the likes of you here? More Trolling?
There you go; labeling me again!
I am neither a Radical Feminist (I described my views as 'radical' only in the most sarcastic manner) nor a 'Racial Nihilist' (a term coined by a pontificating Nordic supremacist whose claims cannot be backed by science or 'common sense', by the way - but please, don't turn this into another argument about that).
As for why I'm here, a bit of trolling is always nice ;), but I'll try to keep that in 'the lounge'; it'll be fun to have more 'debates' with the likes of you. This forum is good for a bit of serious discussion, as well.
07-25-2004, 08:41 AM
>>>Whence the origin of the bifurication, Fade? Are "Slavs" and "Northern Europeans" or "Meds" and "Westerners" mutually exclusive? Are Mediterranean Frenchmen not Westerners? Are Kashubian Poles not Northern Europeans?
LOL you people are such nitpickers! See Sigrun, I told you so. No, I was trying to say that I am proud of being of Northern European descent and of a Celto-Germanic cultural background, but this does not imply that I have to break a lance fighting the Slavs or the Mediterraneans. That is not to suggest that many Slavs are not Northern Europeans or many Mediterraneans are not Westerners et al.
Last time I checked it was still down. You should make a thread in the Lounge when you've got it back and running again.
It is already up and resolving for people in Europe, America, Britain, etc. Where are you based? We are already posting there again....
07-25-2004, 01:15 PM
See Sigrun, I told you so.Since when does Prodigal Son count as a person?
What a loss! :p
A loss for Nordicists, but not for your average Skadi multiculturalist and/or anti-Nordicist, like AWAR, etc etc
As was I. You forgot the interlude during which it was PantheonEuropa. ;)
I wasn't a member. I think I was still banned during that interlude. :D
You're just jelaous 'cause I'm lighter pigmented than you :p
You're just jelaous 'cause I'm lighter pigmented than you :p
Impossible. I am pastier than paste.
07-25-2004, 03:56 PM
A loss for Nordicists, but not for your average Skadi multiculturalist and/or anti-Nordicist, like AWAR, etc etc
Or for those us who believe in freedom of expression and association. :rolleyes:
Or for those us who believe in freedom of expression and association. :rolleyes:
I don't care about not associating with non-Nords, or in hearing their expressions and opinions. :)
Impossible. I am pastier than paste.
The Nordish Portal is the place for you to be.
07-25-2004, 06:50 PM
There is concern about her relationship with Mynydd jeopardizing her objectivity and proper regulation of the board. I am paraphrasing Njord, not stating my opinion. I don't know the details of the matter.
Argh, my master plan to kidnap her and take over skadi unveiled. :mad:
07-25-2004, 07:33 PM
We were speculating about that just the other day. I don't see how it would work out, honestly, as she is an American (correct?) and he lives in Spain. At first glance, it sounds to me like a cruel joke on Nordhammer, although I don't much about all of this.
That depends on who you ask.
Northern Paladin asked on skadi if the Maghreb was in Central Europe. So you wouldn't be surprised if he also believed that Spain is an island off the coast of California or a small village near Tijuana. :confused:
And Nordhammer has been accusing me of miscegenation all these months, knowing that we have only chatted online and talked on the phone. I still wonder if anyone has explained to him how sexual relations actually occur. :rolleyes:
That depends on who you ask.
Northern Paladin asked on skadi if the Maghreb was in Central Europe. So you wouldn't be surprised if he also believed that Spain is an island off the coast of California or a small village near Tijuana. :confused:
And Nordhammer has been accusing me of miscegenation all these months, knowing that we have only chatted online and talked on the phone. I still wonder if anyone has explained to him how sexual relations actually occur. :rolleyes:
It is a disgrace that you even talk to Nordic women. If I had any power, I would let your penis be cut off for that offense.
It is a disgrace that you even talk to Nordic women. If I had any power, I would let your penis be cut off for that offense.
You're just thinking up excuses to touch his penis.
07-25-2004, 08:41 PM
It is a disgrace that you even talk to Nordic women. If I had any power, I would let your penis be cut off for that offense.
Well, guess what. I'm setting sails to the island of Ibiza next week, and we will be raiding its coasts looking for the easier fish to catch. And you already know which one it is. :D
I'm considedring to rename the boat as Mynydd. It has a special flair and attraction for fishing purposes. Sail ho! :cool:
Note: If you want some pictures for The Hordish Portal, please tell me in advance. Nothing too explicit, just light, promised. ;)
07-25-2004, 08:43 PM
You're just thinking up excuses to touch his penis.
Loki is now known as LOCA
My mistake, actually:
If I had any power, I would let your penis
He wishes he had power to let go of it.
baba yaga
07-25-2004, 08:55 PM
It is a disgrace that you even talk to Nordic women. If I had any power, I would let your penis be cut off for that offense.
Still the barbarians. :p
And as a reply to the original discussion; I was. Rusalka was taken when I first signed up so why not another *****y mythological character? ;)
07-25-2004, 09:20 PM
This thread highlights just how petty you people can be, in fact you often point out how the left is so fragmented, well from now I'll just direct people to this thread.
This thread highlights just how petty you people can be, in fact you often point out how the left is so fragmented, well from now I'll just direct people to this thread.
Not really. These guys are more of Subracial Fetish Leftists.
They believe that depigmented people are superior to anyone else.
that they try to establish an egalitarian society. A place where even the dumbest, most ignorant person is equal to every other 'ubermensch'.
That's why rednecks love this ideology so much. The only pre-requisite being
that you get classified as 'nordish', and the doors to this communist haven are wide open. :D You don't actually have to be a real nord, you just need to hate whoever they hate + be Celto-Germanic.
The fact that they display outbursts of hatred towards other groups, ranging from certain religious, subracial or ethnic/linguistic groups is just window-dressing. The most nordic of the nords will be expelled from that group if he shows any dissidency from the opinion of the admins.
Being dysfunctional isn't a crime, being critical of their ( weak and contradicting ) foundations is a crime.
So, there, you see it's not right-wing, it's closer to stalinism. :p
They're lefties who think they're righties :D
Mary Poppins
07-26-2004, 02:59 AM
Not really. These guys are more of Subracial Fetish Leftists.
They believe that depigmented people are superior to anyone else.
that they try to establish an egalitarian society. A place where even the dumbest, most ignorant person is equal to every other 'ubermensch'.
That's why rednecks love this ideology so much. The only pre-requisite being
that you get classified as 'nordish', and the doors to this communist haven are wide open. :D You don't actually have to be a real nord, you just need to hate whoever they hate + be Celto-Germanic.
The fact that they display outbursts of hatred towards other groups, ranging from certain religious, subracial or ethnic/linguistic groups is just window-dressing. The most nordic of the nords will be expelled from that group if he shows any dissidency from the opinion of the admins.
Being dysfunctional isn't a crime, being critical of their ( weak and contradicting ) foundations is a crime.
So, there, you see it's not right-wing, it's closer to stalinism.* :p
They're lefties who think they're righties :D
Basically agreed - and my posts on VNN as Monica Lewinsky reflect these views, such as this one ( and this one (
*How dare you! Slander not the name of Stalin in this reckless manner by associating it with that of the petty racialist/ subracialist slime!
Antiohos Epifanis
07-26-2004, 03:08 AM
A loss for Nordicists, but not for your average Skadi multiculturalist and/or anti-Nordicist, like AWAR, etc etc
Less American moderators for a channel which fights for European preservation.I think this is good ;)
07-26-2004, 06:45 AM
I was a member of Skadi.
07-26-2004, 08:33 AM
Where is Njord? Isn't he a member of the Phora also? It would be good to hear from Him Concerning Skadi.
07-26-2004, 08:44 AM
It is already up and resolving for people in Europe, America, Britain, etc. Where are you based? We are already posting there again....
I am based in America. I went to but it's impossible to get a connection when I Click the Enter The Portal Link. So it seems that access is still blocked for American Users.
07-26-2004, 09:57 AM
Use the old URL
07-26-2004, 09:16 PM
Where is Njord? Isn't he a member of the Phora also? It would be good to hear from Him Concerning Skadi.
He's posting at The Nordish Portal under the name Tiwaz.
07-26-2004, 10:22 PM
I am based in America. I went to but it's impossible to get a connection when I Click the Enter The Portal Link. So it seems that access is still blocked for American Users.
Nonsense. It has been working for me since he stated it was back up.
07-26-2004, 10:30 PM
The Nordish Portal is working for me now. It didn't work for me until this morning. By the way, I notice Skadi is back up, yet there is a message there that says the board is closed.
Why even put it back up? Nordish Portal looks like a better place, imho.
07-27-2004, 01:37 AM
Why even put it back up? Nordish Portal looks like a better place, imho.
Why put it back up, eh?
Because Njörd Eriksson and myself have worked our arses off for more than 4 years creating Because some people, obviously not you, prefer to discuss things openly and not hide behind their Nordish cliques? Because it's just a cool-ass place where you assured freedom of expression? How about because I will not let some arseholes in Germany tell ME what I can and cannot express as an American on American soil?
I'm glad you find comfort at TNP, but you can thank Njörd Eriksson for that, too, since it was Njörd who was instrumental in helping Loki create it. Without NE, there wouldn't be a TNP.
Antiohos Epifanis
07-27-2004, 02:41 AM
The official announcement:
""Skadi Forum is temporarily closed.
As you might have heard, Skadi has been shut down on request of the enemies of freedom of expression, freedom of information, justice, and a State under the rule of law, i. e. the government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
They apparently believe that you are too stupid to critically analyze the opinions of others and to form an opinion on your own.
We are currently busy doing the backups of all hosted sites. Thereafter, expect some more downtime, until we have finished moving Skadi to a server provider factually dedicated to the First Amendment.
Expect Skadi to be up again mid or end of this week.
"All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently, the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships."
~ George Bernard Shaw ""
A good one! :)
07-27-2004, 07:02 AM
Why put it back up, eh?
Because Njörd Eriksson and myself have worked our arses off for more than 4 years creating Because some people, obviously not you, prefer to discuss things openly and not hide behind their Nordish cliques? Because it's just a cool-ass place where you assured freedom of expression? How about because I will not let some arseholes in Germany tell ME what I can and cannot express as an American on American soil?
I'm glad you find comfort at TNP, but you can thank Njörd Eriksson for that, too, since it was Njörd who was instrumental in helping Loki create it. Without NE, there wouldn't be a TNP.
You know what is ironic? You, Soil, Milesian and maybe others have said how important Skadi was to me. That my life was meaningless without it. That you had pity for me because of it. I think all of you were projecting. All of you own boards because it important to YOUR lives. I've explicited said I have no interest in owning any board. From your very post above we can see how important it is to you.
07-27-2004, 09:54 AM
You know what is ironic? You, Soil, Milesian and maybe others have said how important Skadi was to me. That my life was meaningless without it. That you had pity for me because of it. I think all of you were projecting. All of you own boards because it important to YOUR lives. I've explicited said I have no interest in owning any board. From your very post above we can see how important it is to you.
My site is important to me because it allows Irish Nationalists a place to discuss, to be informed, to collate information, and maybe more.
The site on it's own is only a means to an end. For you, it was the rank and percieved status that was important.
I was an Admin on Skadi, now I'm a Senior Mod.I wasn't given an explicit reason and I didn't need nor ask for one. I'm quite content with the judgement of the site owner.
I was a Moderator on TNP. After a change I declined to be a Mod again as I was too busy with my own projects. Again, this didn't eat me up inside.
At neither time did I cry, throw the rattle out of the pram or spam other boards about the injustice of it all or how those sites are completely crap now and have fell to pieces without me and how I simply didn't care about it although I couldn't stop posting about it.
The projecting is all your's, Cosmo. That's why you were drawn to posting in this thread like a fly to sh*t.
Kindly leave me out of it.
Because it's just a cool-ass place where you assured freedom of expression?
Yea, express yourselves freely, then get banned.
Dr. Brandt
07-27-2004, 01:28 PM
Why even put it back up?
So that narcist, fat lipped monteNEGROEn balkan fags have a place to post their pictures and insult Germans and spout their vile hate on Nationalsocialism.
Drug addicts and Jews also need a place to post and become Moderators.
You realy should show more understanding for such minoretys. :rolleyes:
07-27-2004, 01:32 PM
It is one thing to want to preserve a subrace, quite another to base all human value on hair & eye color differences. I seriously think some of the Nordicists and Medicists would rather see a Nord or a Med marry & procreate with a pedophile of the same subrace rather than see them subracially mix with a normal, healthy person of another. And funny how Nordicists are often Nazis or use Nazi symbolism..
Looks like a subracially mixed marriage to me. :p
baba yaga
07-27-2004, 01:53 PM
So that narcist, fat lipped monteNEGROEn balkan fags
Must be hard to be everyone's favorite guy, and he's not even here. :D
07-27-2004, 01:58 PM
Fat lipped monteNEGROEn balkan fags, drug addicts, Jews, minoretys, and even Poles are welcome at Skadi if they want to discuss our topics and obey the very liberal rules. ;)
The Minoretys?
Is that some sort of spin-off from the Sopranos?
07-27-2004, 02:00 PM
The Minoretys?
Is that some sort of spin-off from the Sopranos?I have no idea. Ask Dr Brandt, they are his creation. :p
I'm afraid to ask him, he's in one of his bad mood-swings.
If I don't lay low, he might shoot or gas me.
07-27-2004, 02:04 PM
Not a member (are there any?) but a registered user.
07-27-2004, 02:05 PM
I'm afraid to ask him, he's in one of his bad mood-swings.
If I don't lay low, he might shoot or gas me.Birkenau for you. :jew:
07-27-2004, 02:07 PM
Not a member (are there any?) but a registered user.You are a member, and I don't mean of the forum. :eek:
Birkenau for you. :jew:
Nowadays people pay good money to go there. Why not :D
07-27-2004, 02:19 PM
Begging for a spanking again? ;)
07-27-2004, 02:39 PM
Begging for a spanking again? ;)You wanna spank my non-Nordic, titanic ass, eh? I knew it. You're the King of the World.
07-27-2004, 03:07 PM
So that narcist, fat lipped monteNEGROEn balkan fags have a place to post their pictures and insult Germans and spout their vile hate on Nationalsocialism.
I will bet you anything that AWAR is lurking somewhere on the board.
Rodrigo Díaz
07-27-2004, 03:26 PM
So that narcist, fat lipped monteNEGROEn balkan fags have a place to post their pictures and insult Germans and spout their vile hate on Nationalsocialism. What, now we must be NationalSocialist to post on message boards, or to be pro-Europe?
I will bet you anything that AWAR is lurking somewhere on the board.
He's closer than you think ;)
07-27-2004, 03:30 PM
He's closer than you think ;)
I knew it... :eek: :cool:
Well, I think my innuendos were quite clear :D
07-27-2004, 03:36 PM
So how are things on the Balkan? Still the same happy and successful Panslavism like the last hundred years? :D ;)
baba yaga
07-27-2004, 03:40 PM
Well, I think my innuendos were quite clear :D
You wicked Montenegrin!
El magnifico, innuendo.. there's a pattern there, I should have known. :cool: Shame on you to have not said a friendly hello my way, ha!
baba yaga
07-27-2004, 03:42 PM
Begging for a spanking again? ;)
Oh so, round up the usual suspects again, huh? Just who you spanking Krautzilla? ;)
So how are things on the Balkan? Still the same happy and successful Panslavism like the last hundred years? :D ;)
Well, if you consider what happened with Germany after it's period of warring petty states, then there's a bright future ahead of us. :p
07-27-2004, 03:44 PM
I admit it, Zyklop. I´m only envious because rusalka loves you more than me.
Ah, thanks for clearing this. :cool: :D
Ah, thanks for hooking me up with an Egyptian belly dancer
Don't mention it :D
07-27-2004, 03:56 PM
This blue woolhat suits you well, Awar :D
Again, you make a big mistake.
Neanderthal is in GERMANY, you are a product of Neanderthaler DNA,
so, please past a Nazi uniform on that Hans. :D
07-27-2004, 04:06 PM
Nice transformers signature. Wouldn´t it be your dream to be as smart as a truck? :D :p
07-27-2004, 04:14 PM
Well, he already has the truck tire lips. ;)
baba yaga
07-27-2004, 04:16 PM
Well, he already has the truck tire lips. ;)
Don't be jealous, you have the chainmail to compensate. ;)
07-27-2004, 04:26 PM
And the spam mail to boot.
Dr. Brandt
07-27-2004, 04:43 PM
Did you lose your lil Skadi cave, you fat lipped monkey? Are you going to poloute the phora with endless threads filled with your picture? We have an extra forum for that: It's called "Trash Pile".
07-27-2004, 04:50 PM
Skadi will be up soon. That should be clear by now. This looks like a good point to cut off this discussion before it turns into a slugfest.
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