View Full Version : We ARE all equal!
07-23-2004, 12:51 AM
Don't you ever forget it.
07-23-2004, 02:24 AM
Be careful spreading your picture around like that.
07-23-2004, 02:27 AM
You know you want some choco-boo-tay.
07-23-2004, 05:50 PM
More equality:
07-23-2004, 06:34 PM
More equality, anyone? :p
07-23-2004, 06:52 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words. Its much easier to show others why I hold the views than I do than it is to explain my opinions to them in words.
Enjoy the scenic view:
07-23-2004, 06:59 PM
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but this picture seems to scream three:
07-23-2004, 07:15 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words. Its much easier to show others why I hold the views than I do than it is to explain my opinions to them in words.
Pictures can grip people in ways that a written argument, no matter how erudite, simply cannot. Only poetry, song and oratory can have the same visceral effect as still or motion pictures.
Edit: I could add that written erotica can indeed be gripping (no pun intended), but that relies on the reader forming mental images in his/her own head. Without these mental images, written erotica would be less exciting than counting one's own heartbeats. In fact, the same holds true not just for erotica but any other "powerful" genre of writing.
07-23-2004, 07:35 PM
LOL this website is great. Check out all these freaks:
07-23-2004, 07:43 PM
Originally from Stormfront (now displayed by OPP on their page):
07-23-2004, 07:49 PM
Did I find a picture of Freddie Haerne? :p
07-23-2004, 09:01 PM
No comment necessary.
07-23-2004, 09:07 PM
"Head like a potato, mouth like a duck"
Mr. Potato ****** ( (hilarious! :D)
Mary Poppins
07-23-2004, 09:41 PM
Pictures can grip people in ways that a written argument, no matter how erudite, simply cannot. Only poetry, song and oratory can have the same visceral effect as still or motion pictures.
It depends on which 'people' you're talking about; if you mean the gullible masses, yes. To me personally, these simple pictures mean nothing.
Pictures of rich people juxtaposed with pictures of poor people offer no explanation as to why these people are poor or rich. Though I believe that beauty is largely subjective, there is no question that some people are 'aesthetically superior' to others (in a strictly superficial way), and I don't know anyone who would deny this, but showing pictures of ugly people juxtaposed with pictures beautiful people won't do any good; the question is whether their physical beauty makes them innately superior to 'ugly' people.
Anyone unquestioning enough to deem a poor person innately inferior to a rich person on the basis of a couple of images thinks too simplistically for their opinion to be taken seriously. Sadly, the world is made up mostly of such people; thus, pictorial propaganda like the above has proven effective. I also believe that showing people images such as the above and presenting their content as truth teaches people to think in a simplistic manner.
This is not to say that propaganda can't prove useful; if I were a leader I would use it without hesitation. It is, however, a dangerous tool - beware the power of pictures to oversimplify!
07-24-2004, 06:21 AM
It depends on which 'people' you're talking about; if you mean the gullible masses, yes. To me personally, these simple pictures mean nothing.
Pictures of rich people juxtaposed with pictures of poor people offer no explanation as to why these people are poor or rich. Though I believe that beauty is largely subjective, there is no question that some people are 'aesthetically superior' to others (in a strictly superficial way), and I don't know anyone who would deny this, but showing pictures of ugly people juxtaposed with pictures beautiful people won't do any good; the question is whether their physical beauty makes them innately superior to 'ugly' people.
Anyone unquestioning enough to deem a poor person innately inferior to a rich person on the basis of a couple of images thinks too simplistically for their opinion to be taken seriously. Sadly, the world is made up mostly of such people; thus, pictorial propaganda like the above has proven effective. I also believe that showing people images such as the above and presenting their content as truth teaches people to think in a simplistic manner.
This is not to say that propaganda can't prove useful; if I were a leader I would use it without hesitation. It is, however, a dangerous tool - beware the power of pictures to oversimplify!
It's not a comparison of Individuals it's a comparison of Societies as a whole. Obviously those pictures prove the Superiority of White Society as a whole. After all the quality of a Society is determined by the Quality of it's people.
It's as simple as that.
07-24-2004, 03:44 PM
Equality! Equality I say!
07-25-2004, 02:54 AM
Inequality is just a symptom of Diversity. Homogenius Socities are the happiest and most peaceful ones.
Mary Poppins
07-25-2004, 03:21 AM
It's not a comparison of Individuals it's a comparison of Societies as a whole. Obviously those pictures prove the Superiority of White Society as a whole. After all the quality of a Society is determined by the Quality of it's people.
It's as simple as that.
Eek! Northern Paladin, hey!
You might unknowingly help my cause, as you exhibit perfectly the kind of simplistic thinking I was referring to. Even your diction proves my point - "it's as simple as that." Let me give you a little clue here: It isn't. I was speaking not only of individuals, but societies as well. Can you really expect a society located in a tropical land battered by hurricanes and droughts to be as advanced one on a fertile subtropical coastal plain, and if the former society is not as advanced as the latter, attribute the difference solely to a matter of racial inferiority? Based on the simplistic thinking you employ, yes. Based on balanced logic, no.
For those of you who haven't firgured it out, you can't argue with this guy - he's Always Right!
07-25-2004, 04:11 AM
Eek! Northern Paladin, hey!
You might unknowingly help my cause, as you exhibit perfectly the kind of simplistic thinking I was referring to. Even your diction proves my point - "it's as simple as that." Let me give you a little clue here: It isn't. I was speaking not only of individuals, but societies as well. Can you really expect a society located in a tropical land battered by hurricanes and droughts to be as advanced one on a fertile subtropical coastal plain, and if the former society is not as advanced as the latter, attribute the difference solely to a matter of racial inferiority? Based on the simplistic thinking you employ, yes. Based on balanced logic, no.
For those of you who haven't firgured it out, you can't argue with this guy - he's Always Right!
Your Argument doesn't hold water. How come the Native Americans weren't as advanced as the Europeans? They also lived in a Temperate Environment.
Why was Australia so primitive before the Arrival of the White Man?
Why can't you accept Inequality as a part of Reality? Even in the same Race their are people of Higher Quality and Ability. Hence Social and Economic Stratification.
What is your "Balanced Logic"? The fact is there is nothing to support the Premise "We are all Equal". But there is a mountain of Evidence to support the Reality of Racial Inequality.
Anyone who believes that "We are all Equal" is Naive and Ignorant of the Truth.
07-25-2004, 04:38 AM
What a stupid ****ing thread. Give me an ad hominem please paladin & I'll elaborate.
Mary Poppins
07-25-2004, 05:03 AM
Your Argument doesn't hold water. How come the Native Americans weren't as advanced as the Europeans? They also lived in a Temperate Environment.
Why was Australia so primitive before the Arrival of the White Man?
I do not believe in racial equality, per se; but it is incredibly simplistic to blame everything on race. By the same token, anyone who would look at these pictures and believe unquestioningly what they saw to be truth thinks simplistically, like a child.
Why can't you accept Inequality as a part of Reality?
LOL! You're like some whacko Christian fundamentalist asking me "Why can't you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?" Sorry, but you're gonna haveta do better than that.
Even in the same Race their are people of Higher Quality and Ability. Hence Social and Economic Stratification.
This serves as more evidence of the overly simplistic style of thinking employed by you and many others who subscribe to your ideology. Social and economic stratification often don't come from the merit of individuals but the merit of their ancestors (before you make assumptions about me being anti-aristocracy, I'm not saying this is a bad thing :p ).
What is your "Balanced Logic"? The fact is there is nothing to support the Premise "We are all Equal".
I never implied that there was any evidence of 'equality'! I merely stated that one must use 'balanced logic' (to put it bluntly, not making undue assumptions and not thinking of race as the cause of and the cure to every problem) to explain what you see in images such as the above.
But there is a mountain of Evidence to support the Reality of Racial Inequality.
What? Comparisons of living conditions? Or, are you going to go that extra mile and tell me that Arthur Kemp speaks the truth? :p
Anyone who believes that "We are all Equal" is Naive and Ignorant of the Truth.
I Never Said that We are all Equal, just that Pictorial Propaganda used to Persuade Others to think Otherwise is Deceitful & Simplistic. :p
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