07-22-2004, 09:22 AM
here are some quotations from Hennry Makows book A Long Way To Go For A Date, from page 127.
The traditional family is the last place where the father and mother can create a little world dedicated to something other than consumption. With the decline of the nation state, the family represents the last resistance to the corporate vision of life.
Steward Ewen, in his classic study of the advertising industry "Captains of Consciousness" (1976) cites advertising trade journals which talk about increasing consumption by underminining the traditional family. This is done by undermining the authority of men by empowering women and youths.
Have you noticed ads make women look smart and men look ridiculous? How many ads encourage sex role reversal? How many ads show people gaining happiness from consumer products instead of health male-female relationships?
Take the AT&t ad for example. The career women comes home to an empty apartment. The warm glow from her computer greets her lovingly in masculine tones and says "let's order out for pizza". This women is a success in corporate terms she is a producer, a cosumer and nothing else.
Or take the Herbal Essence shampoo ad. A women is getting off by washing her hair in a service station bathroom. She sounds like she is having an orgasm. The hapless young male trying to fix her engine is portrayed as impotent when the radiator "prematurely" spills over. She clearly doesn't need him. She has the shampoo.
Politicians do the bidding of their corporate masters. In Canada the feminist movement is entirely funded by the government and would hardly exist otherwise. In 1980 the National Action Committee on the Status of Women wich claims to represent 3 million women tried to raise some money from it's membership. It raised $7,800.The same year it recieved $4.1 from the federal goverment. The President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, was recently quoted as saying half her membership was lesbian. Thus 3% of the population claim to represent the women of Canada.
The traditional family is the last place where the father and mother can create a little world dedicated to something other than consumption. With the decline of the nation state, the family represents the last resistance to the corporate vision of life.
Steward Ewen, in his classic study of the advertising industry "Captains of Consciousness" (1976) cites advertising trade journals which talk about increasing consumption by underminining the traditional family. This is done by undermining the authority of men by empowering women and youths.
Have you noticed ads make women look smart and men look ridiculous? How many ads encourage sex role reversal? How many ads show people gaining happiness from consumer products instead of health male-female relationships?
Take the AT&t ad for example. The career women comes home to an empty apartment. The warm glow from her computer greets her lovingly in masculine tones and says "let's order out for pizza". This women is a success in corporate terms she is a producer, a cosumer and nothing else.
Or take the Herbal Essence shampoo ad. A women is getting off by washing her hair in a service station bathroom. She sounds like she is having an orgasm. The hapless young male trying to fix her engine is portrayed as impotent when the radiator "prematurely" spills over. She clearly doesn't need him. She has the shampoo.
Politicians do the bidding of their corporate masters. In Canada the feminist movement is entirely funded by the government and would hardly exist otherwise. In 1980 the National Action Committee on the Status of Women wich claims to represent 3 million women tried to raise some money from it's membership. It raised $7,800.The same year it recieved $4.1 from the federal goverment. The President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, was recently quoted as saying half her membership was lesbian. Thus 3% of the population claim to represent the women of Canada.