View Full Version : Top ten forums the Phora needs (suggested subtitles included)

07-01-2004, 07:36 AM
1. MSN conversations Forum
A place to reveal other members as fakes.

2. "Someone on some forum was banned let's all discuss it" forum
Discuss the endless nonsense that goes on between internet idiots with no friends.

3. Wild thread forum
This forum is wild, bro.

4. Insights forum
Discuss the writing of posts based on a critical analysis, evaluation, and "laser-like rating".

5. cridiosynasy forum
Everyone's favourite member! A forum where you can learn about me and my job.

6. I am old - therefore my opinions are valid forum
I am in my midtwenties.

7. Pictures forum
Post your favourite pictures of Perum and Wehr in compromising positions.

8. The Nazi Question
Discuss all aspects of the Nazi question and its relevance to rational people: Closed forum, no posts allowed.

9. I think, therefore I am
...not a member who takes the Phora seriously

10. The motherland
Pornography forum

07-01-2004, 07:38 AM
Vote now or forever hold your mouse!

07-01-2004, 09:02 AM
Your ideas suck.

Hold your mouse, Cridio. Hod it so tightly that you are unable to otherwise use your computer. Being in your mid-twenties, you should be strong enough to destroy your mouse as well.

07-01-2004, 02:56 PM
All of those forums are neccessary, especially the Nazi question, why have we a Jewish Question forum and not Nazi Question forum?