- Norm Podhoretz and Irving Kristol
- David Horowitz's Autobiography, Radical Son
- Whose War?
- The Neocon Cabal
- Irving Kristol: Spitting on the Goyim
- Springtime for Trotsky
- Comrade Sandalio Speaks
- New Buchanan Book on Neo-Cons
- Neoconservatism and the Managerial Revolution by Samuel T. Francis
- Psychopathology Of Neos
- David Brooks Redefines “Conservatism.” Guess Who’s Not Included.
- Smile When You Say That, Goyishe Pig
- Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement
- Horowitz, Chomsky, And The Neoconservative Ideology
- Neocon Watch
- proposal for a topic
- The Neocons and Israel (Leon Hadar)
- Hawk Finds a Goat (Perle attacks Powell)
- Neoconservative Animus by Paul Gottfried
- The Gall of Gaul
- Bill Kristol goes after Rumsfeld. Weird.
- Rush Limbaugh Readies for Fourth Marriage
- "The Antiwar Right's Bent View of the World" (Neocon rant)
- Lethal Weapons: Neocon Groupies by Ilana Mercer
- The US Has Lost in Iraq...and That's a Good Thing
- Now They're After Rummy(Raimondo)
- Take Back The Right
- Neocons Redefine "Patriotism"
- Are freelancers running our Russia policy?
- Neoconservative Christophobia
- Vicious Anti-Europeanism Roils the US
- The Coming Wars