- VNN: Running Commentary
- the phora -- less than useless
- Lindstedt vs. Miller
- New Forum
- Martin Lindstedt, HoaxThis, and norcalnative1979
- Martin Lindstedt, Loser
- White Jihad
- Does VNN's Message Resonate With Normal White People?
- The Greater Enemy
- Donohue Names The Jew
- Lindstedt, Again
- J.P. Slovjanski vs FadeTheButcher
- OriginalDissent.com owned by Neo-Nazi shape shifting reptilian dinosauroids!
- What is the point of white racialism?
- Hatred Of America On V-DARE
- Goodbye Everyone
- Banned from Skadi [again]
- Most American family trees include African and American Indian Ancestors
- The Phora: White people speaking out at last
- Those in the Opposition.
- Is Martin Lindstedt a Plagiarist? Signs point to "Yes."
- Does this guy belong to you?
- White Trash Bash
- Whigger Ass-Clown Diagnosis?
- Christian Identity Churches in Missouri
- Lucky Lindy's Comics & Stories
- Was America ever really 'racialist?'
- Drano's Non-Movement Movement -or- Why Drano's Full Of Shit
- Eustace Mullins
- How many whiggers are there?
- The real opposition
- MartinLindstedt banned at NeoshoForums.com
- Linder on Anglophobia and Anti-Intellectualism
- Letters About Jews: In Search Of Conspiracy
- New recruit?
- Travis
- Alex Linder Launches His "White Freedom Party" (Will You Join?)
- What Makes Luna Tick?
- Introducing the Lindermiller Fuktard Party
- Famous Lindermiller Quotes
- Chertoff the Extremist Jew Terrorist: Article
- Martin Lindstedt
- the phora is gay
- Hell exists