View Full Version : Philosophy

  1. The Beautiful
  2. My thought on Anti-Racist ethics
  3. Fade the Butcher on morality and postmoralism
  4. FWN (Auf Deutsch)
  5. The Myth of Equality: its metaphysical origins
  6. The metaphysical influence of Christianity on modernity
  7. Culture vs. Civilization!
  8. 'False Art and False Artists'
  9. The Sensorum
  10. Power as productive
  11. I hereby declare a debate against Fade re Postmodernism
  12. Intro philosophy classes
  13. Eco-Fascism
  14. Murder
  15. Human Rights
  16. Racialist Ethics
  17. Beyond Morality
  18. Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy in America
  19. Culture
  20. Communitarianism
  21. natural law or just legal positivism?
  22. Difference between Culture and Civilisation
  23. Evaluations and Responsibility
  24. Rationality
  25. 'Human Beings'
  26. Emil Cioran
  27. Capitalism and Communism versus Christendom
  28. Favourite Philosophers
  29. Icons
  30. Nietzsche and Postmodernism
  31. 'Jews'
  32. Species-being: do you believe in it?
  33. Heidegger's Radicalism
  34. Define Racism
  35. Herder's Critique of the Enlightenment
  36. The Philosophical Foundations of the French New Right
  37. Jean Baudrillard: From Modernity to Postmodernity
  38. God or Man, suidide or rebirth - which side are YOU on?
  39. Archaeology and Genealogy
  40. Debord and the Postmodern Turn
  41. Deeper Dreaming--Does Someone Want To Kill Us All?
  42. Survival of the fittest
  43. Aldous Huxley on the infinite nature of perception
  44. Aristotle's Ethics
  45. The German Aesthetic Tradition
  46. Interview with Guillaume Faye
  47. Objective Rights
  48. Phenomenological point of depature from Modern philosophy
  49. Georges Bataille: A Biography
  50. Describe your world-outlook
  51. Upholders of the weak
  52. Interactionism - sociological phenomenology
  53. Hitler's peace overture - " Dunkirk "
  54. On Suicide (Schopenhauer)
  55. On-line Articles and Reviews on Nietzsche
  56. Unpleasant Truths, a conservativ e view of the world today
  57. The three protocols of white supremacy.
  58. The Persistence of Bigotry
  59. What is consciousness?
  60. Reality
  61. Our Fascist Forefathers? The Satanic Influences of Nietzsche and Heidegger
  62. Symposium - Nietzsche and Legal Theory (Part I)
  63. The Guiding Light of Destiny
  64. Thinking of Abandoning White Racialism for Individualism
  65. From Nihilism to Tradition
  66. What is life?
  67. Fade
  68. Man, The Measure Of Nothing....
  69. The Point We Keep Missing
  70. The Francis Parker Yockey Collection
  71. "West" and "East"? Nordic!
  72. A moral test for Phora members
  73. Peter Wessel Zapffe on the tragic and the overequipped man
  74. Now They Want to Euthanize Children
  75. White racialism is not a philosophy
  76. Marx, Darwin and the Scientific Ideology
  77. Bourgeois anti-heroism
  78. Identity in Postmodern Society
  79. Allegory of the Phora
  80. Johann Gottfried Herder's Impact upon Slavic Nationalism
  81. Christians who are not supernaturalists
  82. Nietzsche: The Polish Nobleman
  83. Little-known connection between Girolamo Savonarola and philosophical scepticism
  84. The Origins of the Second World War
  85. (Fade) The Jewish religion and the 'common humanity' of all peoples
  86. Minus one poisonous Jewish culture corrupter - Jacques Derrida dies
  87. Horst Mahler: "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"
  88. Blood and Soil
  89. Ethics
  90. Anti-Nietzsche sentiment on VNN
  91. the psychopathology of White peoples
  92. Interview with Jared Taylor
  93. Was Hitler a Christian?
  94. A White Nationalist Syllabus
  95. The English Fidelis
  96. Music
  97. Nationalism
  98. Positive Racialism vs. Negative Racialism
  99. Against Sociobiology
  100. Traditionalism Reading List, ... Julius Evola and Savitri Devi
  101. How did White Nationalism become entwined with National Socialism?
  102. Is There a true Conservatism in America?
  103. Thoughts on Soviet Communism...
  104. Why I am not a "White" Nationalist or neo-Nazi
  105. How your government gets away with murder
  106. Postmoralism
  107. The Arrogance Of Assuming 'Modernity'
  108. The Origins of Political Correctness
  109. On the incompatability of Multiculturalism and equality
  110. New American Nations by James Owens
  111. Ending the Race Crisis in the 21st Century
  112. Canyon In The Heart
  113. Post Modernism For Dummies
  114. Religion: a Dialog (Schopenhauer)
  115. The Wisdom of Cioran
  116. Getting in Touch with Your Inner Terrorist
  117. Warmth On A Winter Night
  118. Hilaire Belloc: Jacobite and Jacobin
  119. The Biological Basis of Morality
  120. Anti-racism By Jim Kalb
  121. "Revolutionary conservative" — what's that? (Jim Kalb)
  122. Why I am not a Conservative
  123. Marxism vs. Sociobiology (E.O. Wilson)
  124. Continental Philosophy
  125. To what extend do you think the ingelligences are inborn aptitudes?
  126. Ending The Race Crisis of the 21th Century
  127. Philosophy reading suggestions
  128. The Mystery of Patriotism
  129. Number one reason to oppose capitalism
  130. Whats your view of morality...
  131. Has anyone read this book?
  132. A Lesson in Mortality
  133. If capitalism had no boundaries?
  134. The idea of decision
  135. Does postmodernism...
  136. The Generalized Primary Consciousness Map