- The Beautiful
- My thought on Anti-Racist ethics
- Fade the Butcher on morality and postmoralism
- FWN (Auf Deutsch)
- The Myth of Equality: its metaphysical origins
- The metaphysical influence of Christianity on modernity
- Culture vs. Civilization!
- 'False Art and False Artists'
- The Sensorum
- Power as productive
- I hereby declare a debate against Fade re Postmodernism
- Intro philosophy classes
- Eco-Fascism
- Murder
- Human Rights
- Racialist Ethics
- Beyond Morality
- Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy in America
- Culture
- Communitarianism
- natural law or just legal positivism?
- Difference between Culture and Civilisation
- Evaluations and Responsibility
- Rationality
- 'Human Beings'
- Emil Cioran
- Capitalism and Communism versus Christendom
- Favourite Philosophers
- Icons
- Nietzsche and Postmodernism
- 'Jews'
- Species-being: do you believe in it?
- Heidegger's Radicalism
- Define Racism
- Herder's Critique of the Enlightenment
- The Philosophical Foundations of the French New Right
- Jean Baudrillard: From Modernity to Postmodernity
- God or Man, suidide or rebirth - which side are YOU on?
- Archaeology and Genealogy
- Debord and the Postmodern Turn
- Deeper Dreaming--Does Someone Want To Kill Us All?
- Survival of the fittest
- Aldous Huxley on the infinite nature of perception
- Aristotle's Ethics
- The German Aesthetic Tradition
- Interview with Guillaume Faye
- Objective Rights
- Phenomenological point of depature from Modern philosophy
- Georges Bataille: A Biography
- Describe your world-outlook
- Upholders of the weak
- Interactionism - sociological phenomenology
- Hitler's peace overture - " Dunkirk "
- On Suicide (Schopenhauer)
- On-line Articles and Reviews on Nietzsche
- Unpleasant Truths, a conservativ e view of the world today
- The three protocols of white supremacy.
- The Persistence of Bigotry
- What is consciousness?
- Reality
- Our Fascist Forefathers? The Satanic Influences of Nietzsche and Heidegger
- Symposium - Nietzsche and Legal Theory (Part I)
- The Guiding Light of Destiny
- Thinking of Abandoning White Racialism for Individualism
- From Nihilism to Tradition
- What is life?
- Fade
- Man, The Measure Of Nothing....
- The Point We Keep Missing
- The Francis Parker Yockey Collection
- "West" and "East"? Nordic!
- A moral test for Phora members
- Peter Wessel Zapffe on the tragic and the overequipped man
- Now They Want to Euthanize Children
- White racialism is not a philosophy
- Marx, Darwin and the Scientific Ideology
- Bourgeois anti-heroism
- Identity in Postmodern Society
- Allegory of the Phora
- Johann Gottfried Herder's Impact upon Slavic Nationalism
- Christians who are not supernaturalists
- Nietzsche: The Polish Nobleman
- Little-known connection between Girolamo Savonarola and philosophical scepticism
- The Origins of the Second World War
- (Fade) The Jewish religion and the 'common humanity' of all peoples
- Minus one poisonous Jewish culture corrupter - Jacques Derrida dies
- Horst Mahler: "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"
- Blood and Soil
- Ethics
- Anti-Nietzsche sentiment on VNN
- the psychopathology of White peoples
- Interview with Jared Taylor
- Was Hitler a Christian?
- A White Nationalist Syllabus
- The English Fidelis
- Music
- Nationalism
- Positive Racialism vs. Negative Racialism
- Against Sociobiology
- Traditionalism Reading List, ... Julius Evola and Savitri Devi
- How did White Nationalism become entwined with National Socialism?
- Is There a true Conservatism in America?
- Thoughts on Soviet Communism...
- Why I am not a "White" Nationalist or neo-Nazi
- How your government gets away with murder
- Postmoralism
- The Arrogance Of Assuming 'Modernity'
- The Origins of Political Correctness
- On the incompatability of Multiculturalism and equality
- New American Nations by James Owens
- Ending the Race Crisis in the 21st Century
- Canyon In The Heart
- Post Modernism For Dummies
- Religion: a Dialog (Schopenhauer)
- The Wisdom of Cioran
- Getting in Touch with Your Inner Terrorist
- Warmth On A Winter Night
- Hilaire Belloc: Jacobite and Jacobin
- The Biological Basis of Morality
- Anti-racism By Jim Kalb
- "Revolutionary conservative" — what's that? (Jim Kalb)
- Why I am not a Conservative
- Marxism vs. Sociobiology (E.O. Wilson)
- Continental Philosophy
- To what extend do you think the ingelligences are inborn aptitudes?
- Ending The Race Crisis of the 21th Century
- Philosophy reading suggestions
- The Mystery of Patriotism
- Number one reason to oppose capitalism
- Whats your view of morality...
- Has anyone read this book?
- A Lesson in Mortality
- If capitalism had no boundaries?
- The idea of decision
- Does postmodernism...
- The Generalized Primary Consciousness Map