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Permit me to dispense a word of counsel on the matter of criticising India.

Posted: Mar 5th, '25, 16:08
by Ixabert
Permit me to dispense a word of counsel on the matter of criticising India. If one's intention is to condemn India for its manifold defects & deficiencies, cherry-picking the few praiseworthy aspects of Indian culture, and casting these in sinister light, is counterproductive and unnecessary. India is abundant in all manner of wickedness. Why focus on decorative skulls, deities of destruction, barefootedness, and ultraviolence? These things make India look VERY GOOD INDEED. It'd be far more prudent to direct your censure towards the reprehensible elements of Indian society. The infamies. The unpleasantnesses. FOCUS ON THE NASTIER BITS, WILL YOU?

Re: Permit me to dispense a word of counsel on the matter of criticising India.

Posted: Mar 6th, '25, 11:13
by kanethenotorious
It's enough to focus on the fact that many Indian programmers are not good programmers, though some are.

Re: Permit me to dispense a word of counsel on the matter of criticising India.

Posted: Mar 6th, '25, 16:59
by admin
I've never met a people with such an inflate view of their own collective intelligence.